Nude Africa

Former Republican NC governor Pat McGrory is saying Mark Robinson was a ticking time bomb and the Republican party ignored warnings about him.

That highlights the point that the GOP no longer has any gatekeepers to vett kooks and sleazebags from being nominated for statewide or national office.
Sure sounds like it. Once again, I'm sure he was courted by the GOP to enter politics as a "conservative Black man," w/o much, if any, vetting. He fit a demographic that they were trying to attract -- Black voters.
The point was that all politicians lie. Even the good ones.
Evince's point was that you were making lying seem like an odious attribute particularly associated with politicians. When the fact is, politicians are no more or no less honest than any other human beings. And the fact is, many politicians work at being reliable, straightforward, and trustworthy.

The fact that you had to time travel back deep into the 20th century to track down a fib Joe Biden told just illustrates that as a human being he has, on the whole, been more straightforward and forthcoming than most humans.
Evince's point was that you were making lying seem like an odious attribute particularly associated with politicians.

Not at all. You should read what I actually said. I merely noted that in order for us on the Left to effectively fight against the lies on the Right we have to first remember that we are not perfect. My point about lying was merely that "all politicians lie" which is simply an aphorism about real life.

We have folks on the Left who have lied as well. Politicians do it.

I think the key is that it is CLEAR that there is NO moral equivalent between the lies we see on the Left (pretty mild) and the avalanche of lies from the Trump camp. But in order to talk rationally to the opposing side we have to grant that we are not perfected beings of pure light.

The fact that you had to time travel back deep into the 20th century to track down a fib Joe Biden told just illustrates that as a human being he has, on the whole, been more straightforward and forthcoming than most humans.

That really had nothing to do with the point other than to note that even the BEST politicians have done some bad shit sometimes.

Nothing more.

I'd suggest you go back and read what I actually originally wrote.