Nude Africa

No, I understand it quite well.

And if you wish to defend Biden's plagiarism kerfluffle be aware that Biden himself admitted to plagiarism in 1987 (HERE)

But that's not really the overall larger point.

Biden Admits Plagiarism in School But Says It Was Not 'Malevolent'​

In school he was not a politician huh
Another thing to think about is that, especially when things get hyper-polarized, it is seen that people who's worldview is threatened will be resistant to information that calls that into question. And we've now entered the phase in our society that we are literally just screaming at each other and NO ONE will ever change their position based on new information if it goes against their world view.

Just look at JPP. There's no actual political "discussion" going on here. Everyone just comes on here to scream insults at each other and nurse grudges forever without end. JPP is a symptom of the disease but the disease has metastasized throughout our whole body politic.
There are a handful of ppl here who have changed their POV about the party (GOP) they've supported all or most of their lives. I have yet to see a (D) voter switch, though. Trump is the reason for the former. There are still some (R)s with principles, ethics, honor.
I know about this poster.
I'm the one that got Cawacko to come over to this board and to its predecessor fullpolitics, because went back to our old Netscape message board and asked him to ditch the Netscape boards and come over here.
I seem to recall that board myself, back in the 90s. Maybe we even met long ago!
All people have lied at some point in their lives
All people have spoken or written the lines of others without proper quotation
Why limit that statement to only politicians?
It’s designed to TAINT government as EVIL
I think compared to the overwhelming majority of human beings, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, John Conyer, maybe even John McCain can be counted on to be basically trustworthy and straightforward.
I seem to recall that board myself, back in the 90s. Maybe we even met long ago!
I think those political message boards we were on were affiliated with Netscape. Phantasmal and Zappa were on them. It was early 2000s, right before the Iraq war. It's a small world, we might have crossed paths!

Biden Admits Plagiarism in School But Says It Was Not 'Malevolent'​

In school he was not a politician huh
When somebody has to jump in their time machine and time travel all the way back to the 1970s to track down a fib you told, then you've basically been living a fairly honest life on the whole.
I have to give a shout out to christiefan. Can't remember exactly what time frame she joined but she's an OG.

And Taichiliberal has been around a long time as well (interesting dude in that he doesn't necessarily post a lot, but he's posted for a long time)
I know nothing about local North Carolina politics but this guy was already elected Lt. Gov, the second highest office in the state. So it’s hardly surprising he’d be a candidate for Governor in that respect.

I can’t speak to his opponents in the primary and how he won the nomination if he has a bad history.
You don't think that they would have neglected to vet a Lt. Gov. candidate who he fit the demographic they wanted to appeal to? $arah Palin was a governor herself, but McCain's campaign failed to vet her thoroughly. She was chosen to attract women and Evangelical voters, and turned out to be an anchor around McCain's electoral neck.
You don't think that they would have neglected to vet a Lt. Gov. candidate who he fit the demographic they wanted to appeal to? $arah Palin was a governor herself, but McCain's campaign failed to vet her thoroughly. She was chosen to attract women and Evangelical voters, and turned out to be an anchor around McCain's electoral neck.

I would add that George Santos was elected to Congress. Republicans don’t appear to do much oppo research.
You don't think that they would have neglected to vet a Lt. Gov. candidate who he fit the demographic they wanted to appeal to? $arah Palin was a governor herself, but McCain's campaign failed to vet her thoroughly. She was chosen to attract women and Evangelical voters, and turned out to be an anchor around McCain's electoral neck.
I live on the opposite side of the country and have no idea what is going on in North Carolina so I cannot speak to what voters knew when he was elected. I responded to your comment that this guy was running for Gov. simply because he was black, as if he had no prior political experience or something. Lt. Gov is the second highest position in the state. It's a natural progression to go from Lt. Gov to run for Governor.

Biden Admits Plagiarism in School But Says It Was Not 'Malevolent'​

In school he was not a politician huh

I'm sorry. I guess you were never really interested in a conversation. I'm guessing you are just looking for some excuse that will trigger you to scream "Russian Bot" at me.

You're like Hume. You are so volatile and touchy and resort to screaming insults even when someone is actually being quite pleasant to you.

So go ahead, scream "Russian Bot" at me as is your usual activity. I am no longer needed here.
When somebody has to jump in their time machine and time travel all the way back to the 1970s to track down a fib you told, then you've basically been living a fairly honest life on the whole.

The point was that all politicians lie. Even the good ones.
I think those political message boards we were on were affiliated with Netscape. Phantasmal and Zappa were on them. It was early 2000s, right before the Iraq war. It's a small world, we might have crossed paths!
Probably so. I had a Netscape account and even a web page on the site. I also liked the political chat rooms that Yahoo had.
I would add that George Santos was elected to Congress. Republicans don’t appear to do much oppo research.
Like none! He was definitely an outlier as an example of how shitty (R)s vet their candidates, but still it's a valid observation.

If you look at Biden's alleged plagiarism versus "I'm a black Nazi who loves tranny porn and wants slavery back," you are comparing apples with 500-lb state fair-winning pumpkins.
Identical user name. Identical actual name. Same birthdate. Same location. Same biographical information.
according to CNN?.......or is it the CIA?.....FBI? his laptop Russian collusion?.......,lets make this clear....I'm not from North Carolina......I don't really give a fuck.......tell me something about Gretch the Wretch of Dana Nessel......
All your going to need is Concart's personal email, location and biographical information, real name, and corroborating information from Concart's associates, if you want to replicate what CNN did.
fine......we'll use HarmUs instead........some address where people care about their lawns......
You don't think that they would have neglected to vet a Lt. Gov. candidate
Former Republican NC governor Pat McGrory is saying Mark Robinson was a ticking time bomb and the Republican party ignored warnings about him.

That highlights the point that the GOP no longer has any gatekeepers to vett kooks and sleazebags from being nominated for statewide or national office.
I live on the opposite side of the country and have no idea what is going on in North Carolina so I cannot speak to what voters knew when he was elected. I responded to your comment that this guy was running for Gov. simply because he was black, as if he had no prior political experience or something. Lt. Gov is the second highest position in the state. It's a natural progression to go from Lt. Gov to run for Governor.
My original comment was unclear. I apologize.