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‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum​

I suspect that the GOP is running him strictly due to his race, like they ran $arah Palin due to her gender. They think that Black people and women people will vote for a candidate of their own race or gender because that's how simple-minded and ignorant THEY are.
I know you're being facetious. We obviously do have somebody like that on JPP.

The parties MEAN something.
Today especially, when there is virtually no overlap of values, they mean more than ever.

The Republican Party believes in absolute minimalist government, allowing the corporate oligarchy to essentially run the country.
The Party also leans toward theocracy over secular government.

The Democratic Party believes in a more comprehensive public sector, especially the social safety net,
and a much more regulated private sector.

They're essentially nothing alike, so usually, splitting tickets is the irrational thing to do.

This year is a little different.
The Republican Party has nominated a certifiable maniac.

Some responsible Republicans see this as a very rare time to worry about political issues later
and for this one time, vote person over policy, just to save the republic.
You lay out why some people, regardless of what an individual candidate may say or do, will never vote for a member of the other party.
I suspect that the GOP is running him strictly due to his race, like they ran $arah Palin due to her gender. They think that Black people and women people will vote for a candidate of their own race or gender because that's how simple-minded and ignorant THEY are.

The morally reprehensible Mark Robinson and Hershel Walker were the two "best" black men the Republicans could find to nominate, and it's obvious they did not care how reprehensible they were, as long as they were perceived as being able to bleed black support from Democrats, which is an especially huge deal in the South.
I'm the only person on here who voted for both Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama, so I have a track record of changing my opinion based on new information.

I don't know why you claim you are not MAGA. You leap out of your chair to run cover for MAGA as enthusiastically as any Trump dick sucker.

I have never watched tranny porn, I have never supported slavery, I have never supported Nazis, and I have never posted on sleazy porn website message boards - all things your boy Mark Robinson did.

I fully reject your claim that the squad hates Jews. Being opposed to policies of the State of Israel is not the same thing as hating Jews. Are you aware that tens of thousands of Israeli Jews have been in the street protesting the War in Gaza?

Kamala Harris has never accepted the support of the student sit in protests at Columbia, and when they show up at her rallies to yell at her, she tells them to shut up. These jerks also protested against the Biden-Harris adminstration

Your boy, the sleazebag Nazi Mark Robinson is running for statewide office. Anyone running for statewide office should be much more thoroughly vetted by the party, than a city councilman or congressional district nominee. Somehow, your sleazy Nazi boy Mark Robinson was fully vetted and approved by your party.

I am going to defend cawacko here. I've had a number of exchanges with him over the years, and while his views don't align with mine, he has always been a thoughtful and intelligent conservative poster. I think he is struggling a bit with cognitive dissonance, he does not want to believe what's happened to his party, but he has always been a very respectful poster who is on the opposite side of the fence. I can say with a very high level of certainty that he will not vote for Donald Trump. We just need to get him the rest of the way, although that isn't necessary in California for the most part.

That said, I understand where you're coming from, probably because you have less history than I do.

cawacko is a good guy on the other side. Hopefully you can cut him a little slack. Not too much, but a little :)
You lay out why some people, regardless of what an individual candidate may say or do, will never vote for a member of the other party.
I do. The parties STAND for things. Different things.

If you actually stand for things as well, it's easy to choose one or the other.

If you split tickets, then you're probably voting for personalities over issues
and that's a very unsophisticated way to vote. Not good for the republic, either.
I suspect that the GOP is running him strictly due to his race, like they ran $arah Palin due to her gender. They think that Black people and women people will vote for a candidate of their own race or gender because that's how simple-minded and ignorant THEY are.
I know nothing about local North Carolina politics but this guy was already elected Lt. Gov, the second highest office in the state. So it’s hardly surprising he’d be a candidate for Governor in that respect.

I can’t speak to his opponents in the primary and how he won the nomination if he has a bad history.
I do. The parties STAND for things. Different things.

If you actually stand for things as well, it's easy to choose one or the other.

If you split tickets, then you're probably voting for personalities over issues
and that's a very unsophisticated way to vote. Not good for the republic, either.

This may sound like a contradiction, but at times I have voted principles over issues. There have been certain candidates who I believed had more integrity than their opponent, even if the opponent was of my party. Integrity is a hill I've chosen to die on. I did so in my professional life, and I try to my best to in my personal life. I don't disagree with what you're saying, and in this year's election, I simply will not vote for any Republican candidate on principle. I probably wouldn't have anyway, but the current climate has removed the individual decisions I might have had to make.
You lay out why some people, regardless of what an individual candidate may say or do, will never vote for a member of the other party.

Another thing to think about is that, especially when things get hyper-polarized, it is seen that people who's worldview is threatened will be resistant to information that calls that into question. And we've now entered the phase in our society that we are literally just screaming at each other and NO ONE will ever change their position based on new information if it goes against their world view.

Just look at JPP. There's no actual political "discussion" going on here. Everyone just comes on here to scream insults at each other and nurse grudges forever without end. JPP is a symptom of the disease but the disease has metastasized throughout our whole body politic.
Another thing to think about is that, especially when things get hyper-polarized, it is seen that people who's worldview is threatened will be resistant to information that calls that into question. And we've now entered the phase in our society that we are literally just screaming at each other and NO ONE will ever change their position based on new information if it goes against their world view.

Just look at JPP. There's no actual political "discussion" going on here. Everyone just comes on here to scream insults at each other and nurse grudges forever without end. JPP is a symptom of the disease but the disease has metastasized throughout our whole body politic.

Pretty tough to get a policy discussion going here. I try on occasion, but it always devolved into the same old partisan bickering. Facts used to be non-partisan, but they no longer are. I'm here to get a good idea of what I'll encounter in the real world, especially because I tend to wear my views, whether it's rainbow gear during june of my Harris/Walz shirts now.
I'm the only person on here who voted for both Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama, so I have a track record of changing my opinion based on new information.

I don't know why you claim you are not MAGA. You leap out of your chair to run cover for MAGA as enthusiastically as any Trump dick sucker.

I have never watched tranny porn, I have never supported slavery, I have never supported Nazis, and I have never posted on sleazy porn website message boards - all things your boy Mark Robinson did.

I fully reject your claim that the squad hates Jews. Being opposed to policies of the State of Israel is not the same thing as hating Jews. Are you aware that tens of thousands of Israeli Jews have been in the street protesting the War in Gaza?

Kamala Harris has never accepted the support of the student sit in protests at Columbia, and when they show up at her rallies to yell at her, she tells them to shut up. These jerks also protested against the Biden-Harris adminstration

Your boy, the sleazebag Nazi Mark Robinson is running for statewide office. Anyone running for statewide office should be much more thoroughly vetted by the party, than a city councilman or congressional district nominee. Somehow, your sleazy Nazi boy Mark Robinson was fully vetted and approved by your party.
This makes me laugh out loud. I actually found an old post yesterday from ILA/Teflon Don calling me a Trans Righty. He said I was a really liberal but just liked low taxes. He hated that I didn't support Trump. In his mind I was/am the epitome of everything that is wrong with the Republican Party. I'm the Bush/McCain/Romney type of p*ssy Republican (for lack of a better term) according to him. He said I'm the type of Republican that craves liberal attention and praise for being a "good" Republican. Elle Oh F'ing Elle. Owl called me a Trump supporter yesterday and here you are calling me one today. I'll really getting that liberal praise huh ILA?

Rant all you want my man, I said nothing about supporting Robinson. I simply spoke to the truth that NN laid out ITT, large numbers of people vote based on the letter next to the name - not the person.
This may sound like a contradiction, but at times I have voted principles over issues. There have been certain candidates who I believed had more integrity than their opponent, even if the opponent was of my party. Integrity is a hill I've chosen to die on. I did so in my professional life, and I try to my best to in my personal life. I don't disagree with what you're saying, and in this year's election, I simply will not vote for any Republican candidate on principle. I probably wouldn't have anyway, but the current climate has removed the individual decisions I might have had to make.
I suppose voting for character over issues
is a legitimate thing for some people to do
if they're not highly ideological,
and if the perceived difference in character is extreme.

I 've always gone on this principle.
The candidates are politicians.
If they had pristine character,
they would not have succeeded as politicians, even to the point of my having heard of them.

If I'm going to vote for character,
I would have to vote for a dog, not a person,
but while almost any dog would be more capable than Trump,
few really have the educational credentials for public office.

My opinion of people being what it is, then,
I'll vote issues over character every time.

This has never been really tested to the extreme, however.
My party has never nominated anybody, at least in my lifetime, as deplorable as Trump.
Pretty tough to get a policy discussion going here. I try on occasion, but it always devolved into the same old partisan bickering. Facts used to be non-partisan, but they no longer are. I'm here to get a good idea of what I'll encounter in the real world, especially because I tend to wear my views, whether it's rainbow gear during june of my Harris/Walz shirts now.

I think the real difference in our current political situation is best compared to the Nixon Watergate era. As you say facts used to be non-partisan and, indeed, it was after members of the GOP finally relented and agreed that Nixon was wrong that it moved the country through and past a bad scandal.

Now we see much of the GOP not only standing beside Trump but actively joining in. We are still seeing the GOP voices that disagree and more of those are coming to the fore, but unlike Tricky Dick, Trump has zero skin in the game of keeping the Republican Party viable. So as such he will never be swayed by the GOP who turn away from him but he will be supported by the GOP who stick with him and we won't move beyond this mess, apparently, before we wind up getting into some really dark shit. Our disagreements are now so toxic that we can't even agree on reality.
This makes me laugh out loud. I actually found an old post yesterday from ILA/Teflon Don calling me a Trans Righty. He said I was a really liberal but just liked low taxes. He hated that I didn't support Trump. In his mind I was/am the epitome of everything that is wrong with the Republican Party. I'm the Bush/McCain/Romney type of p*ssy Republican (for lack of a better term) according to him. He said I'm the type of Republican that craves liberal attention and praise for being a "good" Republican. Elle Oh F'ing Elle. Owl called me a Trump supporter yesterday and here you are calling me one today. I'll really getting that liberal praise huh ILA?

Rant all you want my man, I said nothing about supporting Robinson. I simply spoke to the truth that NN laid out ITT, large numbers of people vote based on the letter next to the name - not the person.
You are leaping out of your chair to run cover for your boy Mark Robinson, and trying to claim that Democrats running for statewide office are just as morally reprehensible as this sleazy, slavery-supporting Nazi.

That is really no different than what Trump dick suckers do.
Another thing to think about is that, especially when things get hyper-polarized, it is seen that people who's worldview is threatened will be resistant to information that calls that into question. And we've now entered the phase in our society that we are literally just screaming at each other and NO ONE will ever change their position based on new information if it goes against their world view.

Just look at JPP. There's no actual political "discussion" going on here. Everyone just comes on here to scream insults at each other and nurse grudges forever without end. JPP is a symptom of the disease but the disease has metastasized throughout our whole body politic.
I'm embarrassed to say how Iong I've posted on this board but if you go back 20 years it was different. We were obviously on the internet but it was pre-social media and it's not that people were less partisan per se but there actually were some pretty decent discussions. One reason was trolling (at least to the extent it is today) wasn't quite a thing yet.

Your analysis is spot on.
You are leaping out of your chair to run cover for your boy Mark Robinson, and trying to claim that Democrats running for statewide office are just as morally reprehensible as this sleazy, slavery-supporting Nazi.

That is really no different than what Trump dick suckers do.
Nope. I will say this over and over. We live in a highly polarized country and as NN stated, many people will vote for their party regardless. I am not saying that's a good thing. I am saying that's reality.

Just look at the tribalism and polarization on this board. People on opposing "sides" can barely be civil with each other and hold a regular conversation. It's not all that different from real life. That's why people will vote for their side regardless.

If you don't think that's reality, and think that's somehow supporting this Robinson guy, then I don't know what to tell you.
I am going to defend cawacko here. I've had a number of exchanges with him over the years, and while his views don't align with mine, he has always been a thoughtful and intelligent conservative poster. I think he is struggling a bit with cognitive dissonance, he does not want to believe what's happened to his party, but he has always been a very respectful poster who is on the opposite side of the fence. I can say with a very high level of certainty that he will not vote for Donald Trump. We just need to get him the rest of the way, although that isn't necessary in California for the most part.

That said, I understand where you're coming from, probably because you have less history than I do.

cawacko is a good guy on the other side. Hopefully you can cut him a little slack. Not too much, but a little :)
I know about this poster.
I'm the one that got Cawacko to come over to this board and to its predecessor fullpolitics, because went back to our old Netscape message board and asked him to ditch the Netscape boards and come over here.