Nude Africa

this is totally based on the assumption that a poster on this porn site uses the identical user name as this guy did........excuse me a minute.....I need to go find this site and create an account under the name Kafka and post some stupid shit.......I'll get right back to about the perving things you said today......

Fair enough. I rather assumed that it was done on the basis of IP address.
I'm serious. When Trump says he's impressed english professors with his "weave" (rambling incoherent speeches) you surely have to admit it is a lie.

When he says the "crowd" at the debate were shocked when the moderators corrected him, again, a lie. There was no crowd. There was no audience.

When he says physicists at MIT are always impressed by how smart he is, c'mon, man, you HAVE to admit that is 100% made up bullshit.

When he has to alter a NOAA hurricane map with a sharpie because he couldn't remember where Alabama was on a map you HAVE to admit it is a form of lying.

I'm not saying Kamala's shit don't stink. ALL Politicians LIE. But your guy lies EVEN WHEN A RATIONAL PERSON WOULD SEE IT AS A LIE IMMEDIATELY.

Can we at least agree on some semblance of reality?
So if all politicians lie

Government is useless
So if all politicians lie

This is just common sense. It's been said pretty much since the beginning of time. It's kind of how we DEFINE politicians. If this is upsetting to you, it should be, but it's a fact of human life that seems to never change.

Government is useless

It's not that dire. We've obviously had a great run for these last couple centuries with politicians doing their usual stuff just fine.

NOW, that being said: I honestly think the current politicians have a LOT more lying going on from the Right than the Left. But I was merely noting that politicians lie because even the folks on the Left occassionally lie. It's how politics works.
Because you call all politicians liars

They are not

You are fomenting hate for government

I fear you may be overly dramatizing this point. It is a truth universally recognized that politicians lie. This is nothing new. If it is new to you then welcome to adulthood. It kinda sucks in many ways. One of those ways is that politicians lie.

Mark Robinson and the Republican Whackjob Problem:​

This is what happens when your Party stops trying to keep out the kooks.​

Thursday afternoon, CNN reported that North Carolina Republican Governor candidate Mark Robinson frequented the porn site “NudeAfrica,” where he called himself a “Black Nazi,” said he wished slavery was still legal, heaped abuse on Martin Luther King, and discussed his affinity for transgender pornography.

Many of Robinson’s comments on Nude Africa stand in contrast to his public stances on issues such as abortion and transgender rights. Despite a recent history of anti-transgender rhetoric, Robinson said he enjoyed watching transgender pornography.

“I like watching tranny on girl porn! That’s f*cking hot! It takes the man out while leaving the man in!” Robinson wrote. “And yeah I’m a ‘perv’ too!”

Of course, any political party’s vetting is bound to slip up from time to time. But understanding how Robinson won the gubernatorial nomination in a swing state requires a bit of context for how the Republican Party’s gatekeeping functions have deteriorated to their sorry state.

It's worse because the Party of Trump is being led by a kook with Vance supporting him. My guess is that the October Surprise will be a Party of Trump implosion.

All the conspiracy theorist idiots will, of course, blame the "Deep State". LOL
This is just common sense. It's been said pretty much since the beginning of time. It's kind of how we DEFINE politicians. If this is upsetting to you, it should be, but it's a fact of human life that seems to never change.

It's not that dire. We've obviously had a great run for these last couple centuries with politicians doing their usual stuff just fine.

NOW, that being said: I honestly think the current politicians have a LOT more lying going on from the Right than the Left. But I was merely noting that politicians lie because even the folks on the Left occassionally lie. It's how politics works.
Your feeding the idiot fire with this trash
I fear you may be overly dramatizing this point. It is a truth universally recognized that politicians lie. This is nothing new. If it is new to you then welcome to adulthood. It kinda sucks in many ways. One of those ways is that politicians lie.
Evince is a very passionate woman. Just because you don't agree with her doesnt mean she's wrong.

FWIW, evince is too far left for me, but I like and understand why women lean that way more than men.
I fear you may be overly dramatizing this point. It is a truth universally recognized that politicians lie. This is nothing new. If it is new to you then welcome to adulthood. It kinda sucks in many ways. One of those ways is that politicians lie.
People told me the same thing when I reported and proved to people here that Bush lied us to war

People here told me the same shit when I reported and proved Republicans have cheated in elections since Nixon

People here told me the same thing when I stomped the lies of the right here claiming we are not a democracy

I have so frequently turned out to be correct here that others now trust my reading of the FACTS

I spotted the Russian influence before the Government announced it

My record stands dude
People told me the same thing when I reported and proved to people here that Bush lied us to war

People here told me the same shit when I reported and proved Republicans have cheated in elections since Nixon

People here told me the same thing when I stomped the lies of the right here claiming we are not a democracy

I have so frequently turned out to be correct here that others now trust my reading of the FACTS

I spotted the Russian influence before the Government announced it

My record stands dude

I am not entirely certain why you are getting worked up. Apologies if I said something bad.

Just saying that politicians lie. It's nothing new.

I think it helps to recognize the flaws on our own side when discussing the flaws of the other side. And since all politicians lie it becomes a matter of how MUCH, how CONSEQUENTIAL and how BIG the lie is.

As you correctly noted: W lied us into the war in Iraq. And even good people like Colin Powell got pulled into the lie.
Saying all politicians lie


Sigh. No, it is an "aphorism". Obviously I'm certain there is, somewhere, an honest politician but they tend to be very hard to find.

It is the recognition that our side does some less-than-perfect stuff as well as their side. The goal is to ensure that we don't turn it into some moral equivalence because CLEARLY in the current case one side is lying FAR more than the other. And in more damaging ways.

I find Trump's lies to be repulsive not just because of the horrible things he kicks off with his language, but also because he lies about literally EVERYTHING, even stuff that really doesn't matter. Crowd size? Hurricane path? Biggest brain? All of it just flows like water for him.

But in order to take on Trump's systemic dishonesty we also have to be cognizant that our side is not pure as the driven snow.

Look at our previous candidate, Joe Biden. Turned out to be a pretty good president and generally a nice guy. But back in the 80's he lost his chance to run for president when it was revealed he had plagiarized some speeches in his career. To be quite honest at that time I was in university where plagiarism was a HUGE no-no so I came to really have a jaundiced eye toward Biden. He ultimately redeemed himself in my eyes with his tenure as VP and Pres, but the minute we think our shit don't stink is the minute we lose any leverage to get the OTHER side to seriously consider how smelly theirs is.
Sigh. No, it is an "aphorism". Obviously I'm certain there is, somewhere, an honest politician but they tend to be very hard to find.

It is the recognition that our side does some less-than-perfect stuff as well as their side. The goal is to ensure that we don't turn it into some moral equivalence because CLEARLY in the current case one side is lying FAR more than the other. And in more damaging ways.

I find Trump's lies to be repulsive not just because of the horrible things he kicks off with his language, but also because he lies about literally EVERYTHING, even stuff that really doesn't matter. Crowd size? Hurricane path? Biggest brain? All of it just flows like water for him.

But in order to take on Trump's systemic dishonesty we also have to be cognizant that our side is not pure as the driven snow.

Look at our previous candidate, Joe Biden. Turned out to be a pretty good president and generally a nice guy. But back in the 80's he lost his chance to run for president when it was revealed he had plagiarized some speeches in his career. To be quite honest at that time I was in university where plagiarism was a HUGE no-no so I came to really have a jaundiced eye toward Biden. He ultimately redeemed himself in my eyes with his tenure as VP and Pres, but the minute we think our shit don't stink is the minute we lose any leverage to get the OTHER side to seriously consider how smelly theirs is.
You dont understand plagiarism

It’s most often a complete mistake of too similar words and phrasing on a subject and not a theft or lie
All people have lied at some point in their lives

All people have spoken or written the lines of others without proper quotation

Why limit that statement to only politicians?

It’s designed to TAINT government as EVIL