Numerous dead at the Navy Shipyard

I'm not familiar with how the Navy Shipyard works. Are there numerous people walking around strapped there?
...and all the concealed carry permits and concealed carry guns in the area did one bit of good stopping it.

In DC? There isn't any.

Did you know that every mass murder event with more than 3 deaths occurred in places like DC, or on a base, or in a school, etc. where guns are not allowed except for law enforcement? (That includes this one.)
In DC? There isn't any.

Did you know that every mass murder event with more than 3 deaths occurred in places like DC, or on a base, or in a school, etc. where guns are not allowed except for law enforcement? (That includes this one.)

There are armed guards at the gates of this place Damo.
I wasn't aware that any military facility allows the practice of just anyone carrying open or concealed. :palm:

They don't. If you own a weapon it is, per regulation, locked in an armory very far from any place you live, eat, work, etc. You do not have open access to any of your firearms on a base. And often guards that are "armed" have no ammunition. (Not kidding).
There were not, however, any "concealed carry permits" and other nonsense Zappa was trying to denigrate.
We all need to follow Arizona's lead by allowing honest people to carry conceiled weapons. I do agree that they should have to take a class on gun safety and make shooting "straight" a part of that training. Those poor shipyard souls never had a chance, at least let's give them a chance next time, and we all know that there will be a next time, so let's start now for a National Right To Carry Law, and save lives. Way back, my Cop friends could carry their off duty guns onboard a passenger plane by showing their Police Badge to the pilot. The gun grabbers stopped that practice by citing that bullet holes in the plane's fusilage might cause the plane to implode/explode if a gun was fired while the plane was at high altitude. My point is that there would have been some law enforcement person aboard those 911 flights, SS, IRS, School Police, Game Wardens, etc, someone out of a 150 people aboard those 911 planes would have been on vacation, etc. There would have been a legal gun aboard, so I blame the gun grabbers for 911 in a roundabout way. All my Cop friends carried their off duty guns whenever they traveled by plane, all true, we used to talk about how safe that plane would be, if it was highjacked. Now, they have armed Air Marshals and armed pilots, what a pity.
There were not, however, any "concealed carry permits" and other nonsense Zappa was trying to denigrate.

The only "armed guards" that are on most Military Bases, are those at the entry gates and maybe at areas of high security; ie: specific buildings or offices.
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They don't. If you own a weapon it is, per regulation, locked in an armory very far from any place you live, eat, work, etc. You do not have open access to any of your firearms on a base. And often guards that are "armed" have no ammunition. (Not kidding).

You're preaching to the choir.
The ones that need to understand this, are those who have no clue what they're complaining about.
In DC? There isn't any.

Did you know that every mass murder event with more than 3 deaths occurred in places like DC, or on a base, or in a school, etc. where guns are not allowed except for law enforcement? (That includes this one.)

Right...and all the military police with all their guns couldn't do a thing to stop this guy...guns REALLY are the answer.
They don't. If you own a weapon it is, per regulation, locked in an armory very far from any place you live, eat, work, etc. You do not have open access to any of your firearms on a base. And often guards that are "armed" have no ammunition. (Not kidding).

All those weapons and not a one of them did any good in stopping the nutbar.
All those weapons and not a one of them did any good in stopping the nutbar.

Because they weren't allowed to carry them. Weapons you are forced to lock away regardless of any right you have to bear them are useless when you need them.

Are you really that incapable of understanding English?

Read this one slowly so you can actually comprehend and act like a part of a conversation rather than an accidental bystander.

This shooting is yet another example that shooters choose places where laws disarm the good guys.
Because they weren't allowed to carry them. Weapons you are forced to lock away regardless of any right you have to bear them are useless when you need them.

Are you really that incapable of understanding English?

Read this one slowly so you can actually comprehend and act like a part of a conversation rather than an accidental bystander.

This shooting is yet another example that shooters choose places where laws disarm the good guys.

Oh well of course I bet it must take HOURS-maybe even DAYS-to unlock all those storage lockers so everyone could get to their guns.

Do you ever listen to yourself? Do you realize how stupid you sound?
Oh well of course I bet it must take HOURS-maybe even DAYS-to unlock all those storage lockers so everyone could get to their guns.

Do you ever listen to yourself? Do you realize how stupid you sound?

When ignorance is deliberate at your level of supreme expertise it becomes a superpower. Do you ever stop and actually think before typing, DeliberateIgnoranceman?

When a guy walks into the hall of some building, how many of them could cross the base and get the weapon that they aren't allowed to carry on the base at all before the guy pulls the gun and starts shooting? When they get back will the guy be there or will he only find unarmed victims?

The reality is, the people on the base are disarmed by law, and those in the military by regulation. They do not have access to their guns.

Even on a military base, when the cops are needed now, they are still minutes away, Zappa.

I'll try to get you to read it again.

They aren't allowed to have guns on the base, because of this, like a school, a base is a great place for a shooter to find victims who cannot fight back. While ignorant people think that they're all running around with rifles ready to shoot everybody the reality is quite different.
Was the shooting over in seconds?

8:15 AM-initial reports of shots fired

11:30AM-gunman dead...

3 hours and 15 minutes = a whoooooooooole lotta seconds.

11,700 to be exact.

For the people in the halls, yes. Did you bother reading the interviews? "He walked in, raised his gun and began shooting."

Nor do you bother paying attention. The cops seem to have been ineffective in finding him. Apparently your solution sucked so bad it collapsed and became a black hole.

More reality for the deliberately ignorant. Even with this guy on the base they still aren't allowed to carry their guns on the base. Exactly none of them could go to the armory and get any personal weapon, and if they weren't assigned one for duty not one of them could get one that belonged to the government.