Again ... no one is saying that you can't go out and look for a qualified woman. If you would actually learn to read, you would see that the author of the article brought up two such women. I fully understand that there are a lot of women qualified to be Senator.
That said, it does not change the fact that when you say... "I will only hire a woman, all men need not apply" That cannot be anything other than SEXIST. It is a decision based on GENDER.
How many times do you have to have this explained to you before you finally comprehend?
Likewise, if you say...' I will only hire someone who is black/white/asian' etc... it is racist. Period.
To eliminate someone based on gender is always sexist. To eliminate someone based on race, its racist.... always.
If you have two or more candidates who have relatively the same qualifications and then you give the edge to a minority or a woman, then in that case it is not racist or sexist.