I think one seat in every state should be reserved for a woman.
Water I see a lot of sex in your future. lol
No, I wouldn't go that far. But it's a pretty simple idea. We have, I believe at this time, 1 black senator left. You simply do not APPOINT (we are not talking about electing) a white person to take a senate seat that one of the two black senators in existence, were elected to.
The same holds true in NY, and with a woman-held seat.
It's funny that liberal men have nooo problem grasping this. I ran this by my bf, very subtly, not taking any position. He was like, nah, I'd appoint a woman for that seat, and he completely balked at the idea that you would give one of two black-held senate seats to a white person!
DH obviously has no problem. Yet certain chimp-type brains, cannot grasp this very simple concept. No, they need it simpler.
Me = MAN
You = woman
Man good. Why man can't have seat?
Fucking duh!