BB - there are two possibilities
#1) He intentionally lied
#2) He made a gaffe in quoting the numbers or a speech writer mixed up numbers.
I believe its #2). Mainly because, he could have no personal gain for lying about it, and because he acknowledged it within the same speech. Unlike you're drunken chimp man who has fcked up the English language to a point where his gaffes have a name (Bushisms).
If you believe he lied, please tell us exactly what he has to gain and why he appeared to acknowledge his mistake in the same darn speech?
"As the Illinois senator concluded his remarks a few minutes later, he appeared to realize his gaffe.
"There are going to be times when I get tired," he said. "There are going to be times when I get weary. There are going to be times when I make mistakes."
Obama spokesman Bill Burton said later that the senator meant to say "at least 10," instead of 10,000."