Obama and dem congress cause resurgance of Republican core values.


Your interest in my sexual practices is a bit strange, wouldn't you say?

But the two choices I gave are still accurate. Unless you have lied, one of them fits.

I will say that oral sex is not taboo in my relationship with my wife. And it has not been taboo with any of the women I have been romantically involved with. None of us thought it was unhealthy.

First you accuse me of being interested in your sexual practices (obviously I'm not), then you go on to tell me your wife engages in oral sex. Next you tell me that you've had multiple oral sex partners. That's way too much information little man. Keep it to yourself next time.

Perhaps you didn't think it was unhealthy, now you know otherwise.
Yea...personally I'm not keeping score. SM is one twisted individual. I wonder what happened in his life to warp him so badly?
You call me twisted and Sol is telling us about his wife having oral sex and having oral sex with multiple partners. Man you need to get some perspective. This hatred of yours of anyone who's different than you has blinded you to reality.
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Once again you've taken an argument into the realm of misunderstanding that only the uneducated could develop.

Read the link again little man, its HPV, not HIV. *shrug*

I saw my mistake after I posted it, but realized it didn't matter. The name of the disease is irrelevant.

You found a report that showed that oral sex is a method of transfering HPV. And you extrapolated that this means that all oral sex is unhealthy.

Again, the act of oral sex, between two disease free people is not unhealthy. So the act itself is not unhealthy.

But this all has been a perfect example of why social conservatism will sink the republican party.

Look back over what you have said over this thread, and tell us that you honestly believe that the majority of americans will follow that?

If nothing else, your "oral sex is unhealthy" nonsense is gonna cost you an awful lot of voters.
First you accuse me of being interested in your sexual practices (obviously I'm not), then you go on to tell me your wife engages in oral sex. Next you tell me that you've had multiple oral sex partners. That's way too much information little man. Keep it to yourself next time.

Perhaps you didn't think it was unhealthy, now you know otherwise.

You asked me to detail my sex life. If you didn't want to know it, why ask?

The fact that you think its scandalous that I have admitted my wife and I (you missed that it was both of us) engage in oral sex, and that I have had multiple sex partners, shows how out of touch you really are.

I know its not unhealthy. All you did was post a like showing a study that proves that oral sex with someone with an STD is a way to spread the STD.

You extrapolated that it meant something about all oral sex. Remember the logical fallacy of Cum hoc ergo propter hoc ?

Also, your rants in the recent pages have shown more about "social conservatives" than I could have hoped for. I think you have proved my point quite well.
First you accuse me of being interested in your sexual practices (obviously I'm not), then you go on to tell me your wife engages in oral sex. Next you tell me that you've had multiple oral sex partners. That's way too much information little man. Keep it to yourself next time.

Perhaps you didn't think it was unhealthy, now you know otherwise.

SouthernMan, you never cease to amaze me. You claim you are obviously not interested in my sex life.

And yet, when I said I was an open book, you replied right away with "Then by all means, feel free to detail your personal sexual practices here."

Your own obsessions, guilt-trips, bizarre beliefs about sex, and constant warring between natural desires and your strict definitions of what you think are acceptable have sent you over the edge.

You have wobbled back and forth, danced round what you have said and tried to dodge the topic cosntantly.

This is what the social conservatives have to offer? And you think this is where the republican party is going? lmao
I saw my mistake after I posted it, but realized it didn't matter. The name of the disease is irrelevant.

You found a report that showed that oral sex is a method of transfering HPV. And you extrapolated that this means that all oral sex is unhealthy.

Again, the act of oral sex, between two disease free people is not unhealthy. So the act itself is not unhealthy.

But this all has been a perfect example of why social conservatism will sink the republican party.

Look back over what you have said over this thread, and tell us that you honestly believe that the majority of americans will follow that?

If nothing else, your "oral sex is unhealthy" nonsense is gonna cost you an awful lot of voters.

You may have a point. I had oral sex for the first time last night. Right afterwards I went to the bar and ordered 5 shots of whiskey. I slammed then down one right after the other, 1,2,3,4,5. The bartender asked me what I was celebrating. I said "I just had my first blow job". He said, "We'll hell, have a shot on me!"

I said "No thanks, If 5 shots wont get that taste out of my mouth one more is not gonna help."
SouthernMan, you never cease to amaze me. You claim you are obviously not interested in my sex life.

And yet, when I said I was an open book, you replied right away with "Then by all means, feel free to detail your personal sexual practices here."

Your own obsessions, guilt-trips, bizarre beliefs about sex, and constant warring between natural desires and your strict definitions of what you think are acceptable have sent you over the edge.

You have wobbled back and forth, danced round what you have said and tried to dodge the topic cosntantly.

This is what the social conservatives have to offer? And you think this is where the republican party is going? lmao

As for me, I think the most profound philosophy on sex is the George Carlin philosophy. That is, sex is like pizza.

When it's good, it's very good and when it's bad...... it's still pretty damned good! :clink:
SouthernMan, you never cease to amaze me. You claim you are obviously not interested in my sex life.

And yet, when I said I was an open book, you replied right away with "Then by all means, feel free to detail your personal sexual practices here." ....
I showed you the cliff little man and you jumped. I have no interest at seeing what's at the bottom.
I showed you the cliff little man and you jumped. I have no interest at seeing what's at the bottom.

I jumped? You have madea complete and utter fool of yourself in this thread. I didn't jump, I was the one laughing as you tried to dance.

Also, the fact that you tried to use the logical fallacy nonsense as a defense, and then were guilty of more logical fallacies than anyone.

You showed the true colors of your "social conservatives".
I jumped? You have madea complete and utter fool of yourself in this thread. I didn't jump, I was the one laughing as you tried to dance.

Also, the fact that you tried to use the logical fallacy nonsense as a defense, and then were guilty of more logical fallacies than anyone.

You showed the true colors of your "social conservatives".
Once again, little man, you've taken an argument into the realm of misunderstanding that only the uneducated could develop.

Perhaps you could explain now how homosexuality is moral.
Once again, little man, you've taken an argument into the realm of misunderstanding that only the uneducated could develop.

Perhaps you could explain now how homosexuality is moral.

The only way you can claim it is immoral is by using your religious beliefs.

Homosexuality does not harm anyone. It does not threaten or demean anyone. And it allows people to love someone.

I cannot see how it is immoral.

So we have shot down your unhealthy. I disagree with your claim that it is immoral. And if people are born that way, it is perfectly normal for them.
The only way you can claim it is immoral is by using your religious beliefs.

Homosexuality does not harm anyone. It does not threaten or demean anyone. And it allows people to love someone.

I cannot see how it is immoral.

So we have shot down your unhealthy. I disagree with your claim that it is immoral. And if people are born that way, it is perfectly normal for them.
You haven't shot down anything. Homosexuality has caused the deaths of millions. Most of the continent of Africa is threatened by AIDS. Sodomy caused that.

Morality is defined by the Bible. Most Americans still read it and are believers. You can claim atheism but it won't change the definition of morality.

If people are born with a defect it doesn't make their defect normal. Good luck trying to prove they are born that way.
You haven't shot down anything. Homosexuality has caused the deaths of millions. Most of the continent of Africa is threatened by AIDS. Sodomy caused that.

Morality is defined by the Bible. Most Americans still read it and are believers. You can claim atheism but it won't change the definition of morality.

If people are born with a defect it doesn't make their defect normal. Good luck trying to prove they are born that way.

Lets see.....Argumentum ad numerum , Post hoc ergo propter hoc, & Dicto simpliciter in your post.
From http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/moral

"Main Entry: 1mor·al
Pronunciation: \ˈmȯr-əl, ˈmär-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin moralis, from mor-, mos custom
Date: 14th century
1 a: of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ethical <moral judgments> b: expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior <a moral poem> c: conforming to a standard of right behavior d: sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment <a moral obligation> e: capable of right and wrong action <a moral agent>
2: probable though not proved : virtual <a moral certainty>
3: perceptual or psychological rather than tangible or practical in nature or effect <a moral victory> <moral support>
— mor·al·ly \-ə-lē\ adverb"

No where in that definition of "moral" does it refer to religious beliefs.

The AIDs epidemic in Africa is not related to homosexuality. The majority of AIDs cases are heterosexuals passing the virus on.

The AMA and the APA have both accepted the concept that people are born gay. The AMA has accepted the evidence showing a slight difference in brain structure in homosexuals. So there is plenty of evidence showing it is something people are born to.

And the only reason it is seen as a negative is the bigotry of people who insist its immoral, unnatural, and unhealthy, despite the fact that is wrong.

No where in that definition of "moral" does it refer to religious beliefs.

The AIDs epidemic in Africa is not related to homosexuality. The majority of AIDs cases are heterosexuals passing the virus on.

The AMA and the APA have both accepted the concept that people are born gay. The AMA has accepted the evidence showing a slight difference in brain structure in homosexuals. So there is plenty of evidence showing it is something people are born to.

1. "[C]onforming to a standard". That standard is the Bible.
2. Started by homosexuality, exacerbated by promiscuous sex and sodomy.
3. So it must be a birth defect then. Is that your position?