Obama and dem congress cause resurgance of Republican core values.

1. "[C]onforming to a standard". That standard is the Bible.
2. Started by homosexuality, exacerbated by promiscuous sex and sodomy.
3. So it must be a birth defect then. Is that your position?

1. That may be your standard. But it is not the standard of the nation.

2. Again you want to connect the disease with homosexuality. That is a generalization that does not wash. Don't you understand your own logical fallacies?

Sodomy can be as healthy as anything. Oral sex between two healthy people is not an unhealthy act. If one of the people has an STD, then it is having unprotected sex with someone with an STD that is unhealthy, not the sex act itself. Standard missionary position, for procreation, sex with someone with an STD is just as unhealthy. You are attempting to make a connection that does not exist.

3. No, I am not saying it is a birth defect. I am saying that people are born gay. You are the one calling it a defect. I am calling it just another variation of humans.
2. Started by homosexuality, exacerbated by promiscuous sex and sodomy.

From: http://www.avert.org/origins.htm

"Much was made in the early years of the epidemic of a so-called 'Patient Zero' who was the basis of a complex "transmission scenario" compiled by Dr. William Darrow and colleagues at the Centre for Disease Control in the US. This epidemiological study showed how 'Patient O' (mistakenly identified in the press as 'Patient Zero') had given HIV to multiple partners, who then in turn transmitted it to others and rapidly spread the virus to locations all over the world. A journalist, Randy Shilts, subsequently wrote a book21 based on Darrow's findings, which named Patient Zero as a gay Canadian flight attendant called Gaetan Dugas. For several years, Dugas was vilified as a 'mass spreader' of HIV and the original source of the HIV epidemic among gay men. However, four years after the publication of Shilts' article, Dr. Darrow repudiated his study, admitting its methods were flawed and that Shilts' had misrepresented its conclusions.

While Gaetan Dugas was a real person who did eventually die of AIDS, the Patient Zero story was not much more than myth and scaremongering. HIV in the US was to a large degree initially spread by gay men, but this occurred on a huge scale over many years, probably a long time before Dugas even began to travel."

So your statement that homosexuality started the AIDs epidemic is just a myth.

Good facts make for a better debate.
1. That may be your standard. But it is not the standard of the nation.

2. Again you want to connect the disease with homosexuality. That is a generalization that does not wash. Don't you understand your own logical fallacies?

Sodomy can be as healthy as anything. Oral sex between two healthy people is not an unhealthy act. If one of the people has an STD, then it is having unprotected sex with someone with an STD that is unhealthy, not the sex act itself. Standard missionary position, for procreation, sex with someone with an STD is just as unhealthy. You are attempting to make a connection that does not exist.

3. No, I am not saying it is a birth defect. I am saying that people are born gay. You are the one calling it a defect. I am calling it just another variation of humans.

1. Its the standard of the nation, since our laws are based on Judaeo-Christian tradition.
2. Disease is transmitted much more readily though the anus than the vagina since it isn't designed for intercourse. The urethra also transmits urine, not exactly a health drink, but if you want that in your mouth then knock yourself out.
3. If its not a defect yet they are born that way then where is the gay gene?
....HIV in the US was to a large degree initially spread by gay men....

So your statement that homosexuality started the AIDs epidemic is just a myth.

Good facts make for a better debate.

Wow do you read the stuff that you post before you come to a conclusion? Obviously not.

Your last sentence is deliciously ironic.
1. Its the standard of the nation, since our laws are based on Judaeo-Christian tradition.
2. Disease is transmitted much more readily though the anus than the vagina since it isn't designed for intercourse. The urethra also transmits urine, not exactly a health drink, but if you want that in your mouth then knock yourself out.
3. If its not a defect yet they are born that way then where is the gay gene?

1) And yet, th US Constitution forbids this being an strictly christian nation. Something you seem to conveniently forget. Laws based solely on any one religion are unconstitutional. Its that simple.

2) You have some real hangups about sex, don't you? Oral sex is not unhealthy. Unless you have evidence to the contrary, you are wasting your time.

Also, your generalization that all gay men have anal sex is inaccurate. Plus, there are a large number of straight people that have anal and oral sex. (as far as oral, I would say most couple under the age of 65 do) So your "unhealthy" remarks are as fitting for your sexual group as they are for homosexuals as a group.

3) Is there a "gay gene"? I have not heard of one. I read that they recently found a gene that may play a part in whether one is left-handed or not. They didn't label the gene as the sole reason someone would be born lefthanded, but it could effect it. I wouldn't call being left-handed a defect, but its something you are born with.
Wow do you read the stuff that you post before you come to a conclusion? Obviously not.

Your last sentence is deliciously ironic.


That is the link to the site with the data.

There was a story about a gay flight attendant that was called "Patient Zero".

But, as the article said, this was debunked. The most accepted theory currently being researched is one of hunters either ingesting the virus or getting the blood of a chimpanzee in open wounds.

Not homosexuality.
1) And yet, th US Constitution forbids this being an strictly christian nation. Something you seem to conveniently forget. Laws based solely on any one religion are unconstitutional. Its that simple.

2) You have some real hangups about sex, don't you? Oral sex is not unhealthy. Unless you have evidence to the contrary, you are wasting your time.

Also, your generalization that all gay men have anal sex is inaccurate. Plus, there are a large number of straight people that have anal and oral sex. (as far as oral, I would say most couple under the age of 65 do) So your "unhealthy" remarks are as fitting for your sexual group as they are for homosexuals as a group.

3) Is there a "gay gene"? I have not heard of one. I read that they recently found a gene that may play a part in whether one is left-handed or not. They didn't label the gene as the sole reason someone would be born lefthanded, but it could effect it. I wouldn't call being left-handed a defect, but its something you are born with.

1. US laws are based on Judaeo-Christian tradition. Nothing you said that was accurate contradicts that. *shrug*
2. Anal sex, oral sex, regardless of gay or not, unhealthy as shown earlier. Its all sodomy.
3. Lefties inherit the recessive trait through a known gene; its not a genetic dead end. Homosexuality is a genetic dead end and no genetic link has been found despite millions in research.

That is the link to the site with the data.

There was a story about a gay flight attendant that was called "Patient Zero".

But, as the article said, this was debunked. The most accepted theory currently being researched is one of hunters either ingesting the virus or getting the blood of a chimpanzee in open wounds.

Not homosexuality.
The article said that it was spread "by a large degree" through homosexuality. Your article.
The article said that it was spread "by a large degree" through homosexuality. Your article.

Indeed it did. But that still contradicts your statement. You stated that it was "started by homosexuality". Which is incorrect. And in Africa, heterosexual sex has had a far greater effect on the aids epidemic than homosexuality has.
Indeed it did. But that still contradicts your statement. You stated that it was "started by homosexuality". Which is incorrect. And in Africa, heterosexual sex has had a far greater effect on the aids epidemic than homosexuality has.
The "epidemic" was started by homosexuality. Regardless of how some guy got it from a monkey, only a few people got until it got to the homosexual population, then it quickly became an epidemic.
1. US laws are based on Judaeo-Christian tradition. Nothing you said that was accurate contradicts that. *shrug*
2. Anal sex, oral sex, regardless of gay or not, unhealthy as shown earlier. Its all sodomy.
3. Lefties inherit the recessive trait through a known gene; its not a genetic dead end. Homosexuality is a genetic dead end and no genetic link has been found despite millions in research.

1) There are a few laws that are based on Christianity. Most of the laws are based on common protective ideals that have been in many sets of laws, even without judeo-christian influence.

2) As shown earlier? Where did you show anything of the kind? You showed that they may spread disease. But you did nothing to show that the acts, in and of themselves, are unhealthy at all. Simple protective measures make them just fine. Far healthier than suppressing sexuality, which is what you advocate.

3) Homosexuality is not a genetic deadend. Are homosexuals incapable of reproducing? Many do have kids. But the fact that they are physically capable of sex with the opposite gender proves nothing at all.

The gene for being lefthanded was discovered in 2007, if I am not mistaken. The mechanics of why are born gay has not yet been discovered. But the idea that people would choose something that would get them shunned, ostrasized, physically attacked and executed is ridiculous. And for most of the last 5,000 years, that is exactly what would happen in many cultures. It is still a death sentence under Sharia Law. And yet they have roughly the same % of gays that we do.
The "epidemic" was started by homosexuality. Regardless of how some guy got it from a monkey, only a few people got until it got to the homosexual population, then it quickly became an epidemic.

That is complete bullshit. The epidemic in Africa (the worst place for AIDs has been caused by heterosexual contact far more than homosexual or IV drug use.
1) There are a few laws that are based on Christianity. Most of the laws are based on common protective ideals that have been in many sets of laws, even without judeo-christian influence.

2) As shown earlier? Where did you show anything of the kind? You showed that they may spread disease. But you did nothing to show that the acts, in and of themselves, are unhealthy at all. Simple protective measures make them just fine. Far healthier than suppressing sexuality, which is what you advocate.

3) Homosexuality is not a genetic deadend. Are homosexuals incapable of reproducing? Many do have kids. But the fact that they are physically capable of sex with the opposite gender proves nothing at all.

The gene for being lefthanded was discovered in 2007, if I am not mistaken. The mechanics of why are born gay has not yet been discovered. But the idea that people would choose something that would get them shunned, ostrasized, physically attacked and executed is ridiculous. And for most of the last 5,000 years, that is exactly what would happen in many cultures. It is still a death sentence under Sharia Law. And yet they have roughly the same % of gays that we do.

1. Common law is based on Judaeo-Christin traditions. It didn't grow out of some secular society.
2. Actually, I advocate suppressing sodomy. You seem to equate that with sexuality in some perverted way.
3. The fact that they are physically capable of having sex with the opposite gender shows that they are simply perverts, not "homo" sexual. "Homo" means "the same".
4. A small minority of people do all kinds of odd things that get them ostracized from society, or are harmful to them. Some commit crimes when they know they will be caught. Some commit suicide. Others turn gay. *shrug*
2) As shown earlier? Where did you show anything of the kind? You showed that they may spread disease. But you did nothing to show that the acts, in and of themselves, are unhealthy at all. Simple protective measures make them just fine. Far healthier than suppressing sexuality, which is what you advocate.

It's almost universally agreed upon that anal sex is not a healthy practice. The rectum simply isn't designed for intercourse. The lining of the rectal wall is too thin, the angle is wrong, risk of infection / spread of disease is extreme, amongst other problems.

Whether it is "normal" or not is a matter of opinion, but with all due respect, I don't see how you can argue that it is healthy.
1. Common law is based on Judaeo-Christin traditions. It didn't grow out of some secular society.
2. Actually, I advocate suppressing sodomy. You seem to equate that with sexuality in some perverted way.
3. The fact that they are physically capable of having sex with the opposite gender shows that they are simply perverts, not "homo" sexual. "Homo" means "the same".
4. A small minority of people do all kinds of odd things that get them ostracized from society, or are harmful to them. Some commit crimes when they know they will be caught. Some commit suicide. Others turn gay. *shrug*

1) There were plenty of cultures in Asia that did not have contact with Christianity until the 13th or 14th century. They had laws against murder, theft, assault ect. This idea that without christian laws we would be a bunch of wild heathens is ridiculous. And since we are living in modern times, this nation has gotten better and better at removing the laws based solely on religious beliefs.

Thats what the 10 Commandments were removed from the courthouse in Mongtomery AL.

More to come.

2) Good luck suppressing sodomy. Not gonna happen, and if you think otherwise you are in denial. Do you really think the world is going to give up oral sex? lmao If we could get THAT to be a platform in the social conservative's campaign it would assure a massive defeat.

3) It does not such thing. You are ignoring all the facts about homosexuality in favor of some dream world of black & white. No medical research has ever claimed that homosexuals are only capable of sex with their own gender.

4) And there is some gain to be had for all of those other elements, except for homosexuals (if it were a choice). In order to claim it is a choice you would have to ignore the results of virtually all the relevant research, and call almost all homosexuals liars.

But I am sure you will claim they are liars, and that the research is controlled by some political monopoly by gay supporters.
It's almost universally agreed upon that anal sex is not a healthy practice. The rectum simply isn't designed for intercourse. The lining of the rectal wall is too thin, the angle is wrong, risk of infection / spread of disease is extreme, amongst other problems.

Whether it is "normal" or not is a matter of opinion, but with all due respect, I don't see how you can argue that it is healthy.

I admitted that anal sex held health risks. That has never been what I argued.

Since he first brought it up and used the term "sodomy", I pointed out that sodomy includes both oral and anal sex.

SM is proposing that both oral and anal sex are unhealthy. That is the point I have mainly argued.
1) There were plenty of cultures in Asia that did not have contact with Christianity until the 13th or 14th century. They had laws against murder, theft, assault ect. This idea that without christian laws we would be a bunch of wild heathens is ridiculous. And since we are living in modern times, this nation has gotten better and better at removing the laws based solely on religious beliefs.

Thats what the 10 Commandments were removed from the courthouse in Mongtomery AL.

More to come.

2) Good luck suppressing sodomy. Not gonna happen, and if you think otherwise you are in denial. Do you really think the world is going to give up oral sex? lmao If we could get THAT to be a platform in the social conservative's campaign it would assure a massive defeat.

3) It does not such thing. You are ignoring all the facts about homosexuality in favor of some dream world of black & white. No medical research has ever claimed that homosexuals are only capable of sex with their own gender.

4) And there is some gain to be had for all of those other elements, except for homosexuals (if it were a choice). In order to claim it is a choice you would have to ignore the results of virtually all the relevant research, and call almost all homosexuals liars.

But I am sure you will claim they are liars, and that the research is controlled by some political monopoly by gay supporters.

1. Are there not religions in Asia? *shrug*
2. I advocate suppressing theft as well, and that's not going to stop. No reason to stop suppressing.
3. Again, if a gay man can get physically excited by a woman to have sex with her, he can't be gay. He's just a pervert.
4. What gain for the guy who commits suicide? You seem to be arguing that it is a choice when it suits you and not when it doesn't.
I admitted that anal sex held health risks. That has never been what I argued.

Since he first brought it up and used the term "sodomy", I pointed out that sodomy includes both oral and anal sex.

SM is proposing that both oral and anal sex are unhealthy. That is the point I have mainly argued.
Actually, my core argument is that homosexuality is unhealthy, along with being immoral and abnormal. Oh, and unnatural.