Obama and dem congress cause resurgance of Republican core values.

Can't you read, or is your memory as vacant as your morals? As I stated earlier, it usually doesn't matter what the school board's policy is. Liberal teachers will sneak their agenda in, and can't be fired due to tenure and the union. *shrug*

A teacher who refuses to teach the curriculum can indeed be fired. If you are going to make up facts, at least get close to the real ones or lie to someone who has no experience in the field you are discussing.

If the school board requires a certain item be part of the curriculum, then it will be taught. Your imaginary boogiemen can't change that.
Wow I've seen you've once again gone over the deep end here with your ignorance of past positions that you have been unable to defend.

Please point out what I said that was ignorant or that I am unable to defend?

Otherwise, this is just your attempt to avoid debate.
....Its the bible classes that are the issue, because you certainly cannot claim that a christian school will teach that all religions are equal.......
Have you ever taken a comparative religious class at a religious school? I went to a Jesuit college, asshole, and took a required religion class, and I assure you it did not tout Christianity as any different thn other religions.

Have you ever taken a comparative religious class at a religious school? I went to a Jesuit college, asshole, and took a required religion class, and I assure you it did not tout Christianity as any different thn other religions.


Ok, more points for me. Insults show you are losing the debate.

And asshole, what they taught in your college class would be very different than what was taught in a baptist middle school.

You are making a claim based on a single college, and since colleges aren't what we are discussing, that is ridiculous.
"God has become THE four-letter word in most public schools in the United States," says Whitehead, founder of The Rutherford Institute. And he explains in a commentary why that has come to pass: "An elite segment of society that views God as irrelevant has come to predominate."

Whitehead gained his legal insights into the phenomenon through the many cases of religious discrimination that have crossed his desk.

"What's happened is [that] the elitists -- the people who run American society, from the public education system to certain governmental institutions and figures -- have basically decided that God is irrelevant to public discussion," says Whitehead during an interview with OneNewsNow.

"...This ignores the 120 million-plus people in America who take their religion seriously, [who] practice it, and who pay taxes to support institutions like the public schools."

And what that does, adds Whitehead, is force those people -- along with their religious rights and their free-speech rights -- into "utter subservience" to all other beliefs.

The issue, according to the attorney, is not separation of church and state -- an argument frequently cited by those who assume the secular viewpoint. "The issue in such instances is the religious believer versus the secular state," he writes. "It is also a denial of everything this country stands for in terms of the freedoms of speech, religion, and a respect for moral tradition."

Whitehead believes that what exists now in America is akin to the old Soviet Union and China, where it is religious believers fending off the state.
Sure Sol, you've used more logical fallacies here than I can count, and you don't even know when you commit them. "Debate" with you is like playing tennis with a football.

Please let me know what logical fallacies you are talking about?

Or is this just more avoidance?

And asshole, what they taught in your college class would be very different than what was taught in a baptist middle school.

You are making a claim based on a single college, and since colleges aren't what we are discussing, that is ridiculous.

Funny how you claim that public school teachers dutifully teach the board required curriculum but a Jesuit or Baptist school will pound Christianity into their thick heads no matter what the tax payer financed program requires. :)

Thats a cute little article from a right-wing religious nut.

But the reason that so much has gone against the christian activists in our public lives is because for decades the christians held the schools and other gov't entities in an iron grip.

I went thru the first years of my education with the Lord's Prayer being said before the Pledge of Allegience. I can remember the 10 Commandments being in a framed display in classrooms. The christians owned it all and now they are mad because they do not.

Whether the majority of the people is the USA are Judeo/Christian has no relevance. The US Constitution protects everyone's right to worship as they please and forbids their being a state religion.

Its only in my lifetime that christianity has been removed as the state religion.
Funny how you claim that public school teachers dutifully teach the board required curriculum but a Jesuit or Baptist school will pound Christianity into their thick heads no matter what the tax payer financed program requires. :)

First of all, I know that a teacher who refuses to teach the required curriculum will be fired. I have seen it happen.

Second of all, the fact that you claim that a christian school will present all faiths as equal is ridiculous. Many of these schools are run by churches that want to cancel halloween because its devil-worship, that have protested businesses that cater to pagans because they are satanists, and insist that anyone who does not follow their strict interpretation of the bible will burn in hell.
Funny, you felt perfectly fine attacking Damo's link by calling it a "far-leftist group".
That group attacked a group supporting my position, yet the group supporting mine did not attack theirs. It doesn't surprise me that you didn't catch that.
If you claim that I have made a logical fallacy, then please show what I did. Posting a link to a list of logical fallacies is not answering the question.

But then, by attacking the style or method of my debate does keep you from having to argue with facts or showing where my facts are wrong. So I can see why you would want to do it this way.
You've used at least three listed there. Maybe you'll learn something by figuring out which ones.
Classic hypocrisy:

Not at all. That you are somehow claiming (without evidence) that a teacher with tenure can teach whatever they want, is ridiculous.

College classes and college professors are very different from public school classes and public school teachers. That you claim they are the same is a fallacy you are ignoring.
You've used at least three listed there. Maybe you'll learn something by figuring out which ones.

Show me those three. And if it some procedural thing, I am unconcerned.

If you can show me what I posted that was inaccurate, then by all means do so. Otherwise, you are simply avoiding the topic at hand.