Obama and dem congress cause resurgance of Republican core values.

Yes, all. Anyone with a lick of objectivity can see that. :)

I can see that you ave stopped offering actual arguments based on facts and have gone to sarcasm and personal attacks instead.

Is that listed in your Debate Fallacies? lmao
Show me those three. And if it some procedural thing, I am unconcerned.

If you can show me what I posted that was inaccurate, then by all means do so. Otherwise, you are simply avoiding the topic at hand.

Its evidence from above that you don't have a clue what a logical fallacy is. If you don't know that, pointing out a specific fallacy isn't going to move this little "debate", and I use the term loosely, farther along.

Wow. What a dim bulb.
Religion CAN be taught in public schools and IS in the good ones. As Damo said, often in middle school social studies-ancient history. I've said before within that we cover polytheism, mythology, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism.

While I happen to teach in parochial school, my son went to public middle school, same text and same approach by the teacher. Catholicism is not a literal bible based religion, so we have few problems with our science curriculum, (though the science teacher is a 'born again' evangelical and tried to put ID into program a few years back, the kids told me, I told the principal, and the pastor 'advised him about inappropriateness.') ID/creationism is addressed in religion classes, along with the Churches position on evolution/science and the purposed of Bible study.


Its evidence from above that you don't have a clue what a logical fallacy is. If you don't know that, pointing out a specific fallacy isn't going to move this little "debate", and I use the term loosely, farther along.

Wow. What a dim bulb.

As I said, you are avoiding the topic again. You did this in one of our previous debates. And, as I recall, I found several cases where the logical fallacies listed on your link were one you were guilty of yourself.

Keep being vague and dancing around. So far you have stated so many things that make you look ridiculous that I am beating a dead horse to do so any longer.

(see? two can play the game)
Religion CAN be taught in public schools and IS in the good ones. As Damo said, often in middle school social studies-ancient history. I've said before within that we cover polytheism, mythology, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism.

While I happen to teach in parochial school, my son went to public middle school, same text and same approach by the teacher. Catholicism is not a literal bible based religion, so we have few problems with our science curriculum, (though the science teacher is a 'born again' evangelical and tried to put ID into program a few years back, the kids told me, I told the principal, and the pastor 'advised him about inappropriateness.') ID/creationism is addressed in religion classes, along with the Churches position on evolution/science and the purposed of Bible study.



I think that religion should be taught in public schools. I have only objected to teaching one religion and excluding others.
Take it up with your pal, Sol. Read my new signature for why. :)

That you think homosexuality is abnormal, immoral, and unhealthy is no news. That the AMA and APA say its normal and healthy holds much more sway with me. And I cannot see mistreating people as being moral.

But you hold tight to those social conservative values. If you and your brethren manage to keep a tight grip on the republican party we can depend on more democrat victories.
That you think homosexuality is abnormal, immoral, and unhealthy is no news. That the AMA and APA say its normal and healthy holds much more sway with me. And I cannot see mistreating people as being moral.
I like your quote in my new signature line so much that I'm using it on other boards, with a link right to your quote. I'm going to make you famous, dude. :cof1:
SM. Why should it be important to me?

I mean. Even if it is immoral and unhealthy. Why should I care? So long as there are two consenting adults why should I give one hoot what is happening?
SM. Why should it be important to me?

I mean. Even if it is immoral and unhealthy. Why should I care? So long as there are two consenting adults why should I give one hoot what is happening?
The truth on these issues may or may not be important to you. If the lies are spread to children, however, it could affect life decisions that they make.
The truth on these issues may or may not be important to you. If the lies are spread to children, however, it could affect life decisions that they make.

Yes, it would be a shame for a child to think that what he is feeling is healthy, normal or moral. We should fight to make sure that those who are born this way should hide how they feel and never, ever think that they are anything but an abomination.
Yes, it would be a shame for a child to think that what he is feeling is healthy, normal or moral. We should fight to make sure that those who are born this way should hide how they feel and never, ever think that they are anything but an abomination.

Aww give Southernman a break Sol. Gay's are the last minority that it's ok for a bigot to hate.
Yes, it would be a shame for a child to think that what he is feeling is healthy, normal or moral. We should fight to make sure that those who are born this way should hide how they feel and never, ever think that they are anything but an abomination.
If someone's born with a defect then they should work on correcting the defect, unless they want to be abnormal, immoral and unhealthy.
If someone's born with a defect then they should work on correcting the defect, unless they want to be abnormal, immoral and unhealthy.

A defect? You talk like its an overbite or clubfoot.

This is about who they are. You, like so many others, see this as about sex. That is why you think the Dems are the party of sex with anyone, at any age and at any time.

This is about who they are and who they love.

I love my kids. I love my Mom & Dad. I love my brothers and my sister. But the love I feel for my wife is a very different sort of love. And if I were unable to have sex at all, I would still feel the same way. It would be impossible for me to feel that kind of love for a man. I cannot even imagine feeling it.

That is the way a gay man or a lesbian is. They cannot love the opposite gender in the way I love my wife. It just isn't in them to do so.

What you want them to do is to not have sex. That is the easy part. But what you expect is for them to never know true love. And you want them to do so because their love makes you uncomfortable? And because of some ancient taboo from a book?

And you expect them to never teach, work with children, or do any of the things that you or I could be called to do. And you do so with no evidence that they would harm anyone. You do so out of your own discomfort.

And you call them unhealthy and immoral? You expectations and your demands are far more immoral and unhealthy than theirs.
What you want them to do is to not have sex. .....
Again, I don't, nor does any social conservative that I know, care about what consenting adults do in private. And again, if someone chooses be abnormal, immoral and unhealthy, then so be it, but don't expect society to give them special rights or accept lies.
Again, I don't, nor does any social conservative that I know, care about what consenting adults do in private. And again, if someone chooses be abnormal, immoral and unhealthy, then so be it, but don't expect society to give them special rights or accept lies.

They are not asking for special rights. What they want is the same benefits that the government gives straights when they marry.

And you have said that you think gays should not be able to teach school, so you do want them restricted.

Also, its not all about the bedroom. Its about their life.