Obama Booed at All-Star Game In St. Louis

and down about 25 points since he took office

But I am sorry to bring facts into the discussion. My bad.


the poll of polls, Real Clear Politics, the poll you USED to swear by, had Obama at 63 his very first week in office, and has him at 56 today. that is not 25 points, moron...it is SEVEN.

Remember how you used to ALWAYS go to RCP because you claimed it took the bias out of all the polls? Remember that? Now... for some strange reason, you don't cite RCP anymore but almost always use just Rasmussen. Why IS that?:cof1:
President Obama is the most popular American who ever lived, any racists who disrespect him should face jail.

the poll of polls, Real Clear Politics, the poll you USED to swear by, had Obama at 63 his very first week in office, and has him at 56 today. that is not 25 points, moron...it is SEVEN.

Remember how you used to ALWAYS go to RCP because you claimed it took the bias out of all the polls? Remember that? Now... for some strange reason, you don't cite RCP anymore but almost always use just Rasmussen. Why IS that?:cof1:

crickets chirping
Now... for some strange reason, you don't cite RCP anymore but almost always use just Rasmussen. Why IS that?:cof1:

it isn't that complicated, md....the Rasmussen poll makes Obama look really, really bad....and we don't like Obama.....did you notice that his approval index has dropped by 37 points from it's high in January?.....there are now more people who strongly disapprove of him than strongly approve.....

even RCP shows that the gap between those who like him and those who don't has been cut in half........

the only good news he has is, he's still more popular than Pelosi and Reid.....
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it isn't that complicated, md....the Rasmussen poll makes Obama look really, really bad....and we don't like Obama.....did you notice that his approval index has dropped by 37 points from it's high in January?.....there are now more people who strongly disapprove of him than strongly approve.....

even RCP shows that the gap between those who like him and those who don't has been cut in half........

the only good news he has is, he's still more popular than Pelosi and Reid.....

And MUCH more popular than the Republican party!
Where was he booed?

When I listened on the radio, you could tell that he was booed when they were playing the video addresses from Obama, Dubya, Bubba, Bush, and Peanut Man. They played from Obama to Carter, and then back to Obama again. When Obama started off, he got booed, and then they cheered for Bush twice, when his name was announced, and then again because he kept it short. The audience seemed to show zero reaction to Clinton, Bush, and Carter...

the poll of polls, Real Clear Politics, the poll you USED to swear by, had Obama at 63 his very first week in office, and has him at 56 today. that is not 25 points, moron...it is SEVEN.

Remember how you used to ALWAYS go to RCP because you claimed it took the bias out of all the polls? Remember that? Now... for some strange reason, you don't cite RCP anymore but almost always use just Rasmussen. Why IS that?:cof1:

Tsk, tsk, tsk. You make this way to easy son


Obama's Favorable Rating

Obama also has earned an extraordinarily high 78% favorable rating in Gallup's most recent poll, conducted Jan. 9-11 -- his highest to date, and one of the higher favorable ratings for a political figure in Gallup's recent polling history. Obama's favorable rating is well above Bush's favorable rating of 62% in January 2001 just as he was taking office, and Bill Clinton's rating of 66% at the time of his first inauguration in mid-January 1993. Obama's rating was 68% just after the election last November.

I haven't seen any polls on that lately....

Maybe he means this one - and flips the numbers

Generic Congressional Ballot
Republicans Remain Ahead on Generic Ballot for Third Straight Week

Republican candidates continue to lead on the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot as Democrats fall to their lowest level of support among voters in recent years.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 40% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 37% would choose the Democratic candidate.

No cherrypicking allowed. The poll of polls still has him at just under 60.
Oh - that's twice what Bush was for the past few years. If you wanna hear boos, youtube some of the few times Bush dared to go out in public during that time...

and down about 25 points since he took office

clearly, your statement in reply to onceler was referring to the poll of polls...

clearly RCP (the poll of polls) shows only a SEVEN percent drop from the week of the inauguration to this week.

clearly, therefore, you are a liar.

no surprise that you would try to spin your way out of it by naming yet another poll and trying to claim that you were not replying to onceler's poll data.

clearly, your statement in reply to onceler was referring to the poll of polls...

clearly RCP (the poll of polls) shows only a SEVEN percent drop from the week of the inauguration to this week.

clearly, therefore, you are a liar.

no surprise that you would try to spin your way out of it by naming yet another poll and trying to claim that you were not replying to onceler's poll data.


As usual you are a fucking idiot, and can't bring yourself to admit your boy Obama is tanking as he drags the US economy into the toilet. His approval numbers have dropped about 25 points - but in your world he is still the messiah and is just as popular - if not more popular - then he was on Jan 20


Obama's Favorable Rating

Obama also has earned an extraordinarily high 78% favorable rating in Gallup's most recent poll, conducted Jan. 9-11 -- his highest to date, and one of the higher favorable ratings for a political figure in Gallup's recent polling history. Obama's favorable rating is well above Bush's favorable rating of 62% in January 2001 just as he was taking office, and Bill Clinton's rating of 66% at the time of his first inauguration in mid-January 1993. Obama's rating was 68% just after the election last November.


His approval numbers are dropping, and the voters are back to a 20 point shift in the right track/wrong track numbers

At least on that thread your yellow streak, and previous gloating posts have kept you off that thread

Even the Dems Congres now has approval numbers that match Pres Bush when he left office

How is that hope and change doing again? :)
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can't just admit that you lied, eh?

the poll of polls, which you referred to in your use of the word "and" in your reply to onceler, has NOT gone down by 25% but only by SEVEN.

That's a fact... that is why you clearly can be called a liar for your false statement.

thanks for playing.:cof1:

you can stop spinning now.
can't just admit that you lied, eh?

the poll of polls, which you referred to in your use of the word "and" in your reply to onceler, has NOT gone down by 25% but only by SEVEN.

That's a fact... that is why you clearly can be called a liar for your false statement.

thanks for playing.:cof1:

you can stop spinning now.

Desperate MFM? OK, ignore where your boy was in polls on Jan 20, as voters were caught up in the hype the liberal media heaped on them - thinking Obama would lead the world to the promise land

He is tanking in the polls as he destroys the economy.

Congress and the right track/wrong track continue to drop - but you ignore it since your ONLY concern is your party and how much power they can grab

I see you are not talking about the right track/wrong track anymore. Is there an anchor tied to your ass and you can't make it over to that thread? :)
Then we have this

July 07, 2009
Categories: Ohio

Obama’s approval tanks in Ohio

A new Quinnipiac poll shows President Obama’s approval rating has dropped 13 points over the last two months in Ohio, a key battleground state with plenty of critical Congressional contests in 2010.

Obama now only holds a 49 percent approval rating, with 44 percent of voters disapproving. It’s his lowest approval rating in any Quinnipiac statewide poll taken since Obama’s inauguration. In May, Obama held a 62 percent approval rating in the Buckeye state.

Meanwhile, a 48 percent plurality of Ohio voters disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy, with 46 percent approving. Two-thirds of Ohio voters are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the state.
