Obama Booed at All-Star Game In St. Louis

Desperate MFM? OK, ignore where your boy was in polls on Jan 20, as voters were caught up in the hype the liberal media heaped on them - thinking Obama would lead the world to the promise land

He is tanking in the polls as he destroys the economy.

Congress and the right track/wrong track continue to drop - but you ignore it since your ONLY concern is your party and how much power they can grab

I see you are not talking about the right track/wrong track anymore. Is there an anchor tied to your ass and you can't make it over to that thread? :)

you lied. admit it. you got caught tossing out a bullshit number that was inaccurate when describing the poll being discussed.

be a man and own up to your mistakes.

regarding right thrack wrong track... I have never suggested that there would be constant dramatic and unwavering IMPROVEMENT in the nation's mood. I have said all along that changing the direction of a nation as large and complex as ours is a arduous and time consuming process. Much like turning an aircraft carrier, and not at all like turning a frigate. There is no doubt that there has been some downward movement in the trend short term over the past month or so... and there is no doubt that you have jumped on that downward movement as proof that the nation does not approve of President Obama. What is also true is that you REFUSED to acknowledge that same trend line when it was going up... and you still refuse to acknowledge that the people are significantly more positive about the direction of the country NOW than they were before Obama was elected.
Similarly, the approval of congress is low, but it still is TWICE as high as it was when it was being stymied by Bush and the republicans. Similarly, the generic congressional ballot STILL gives democrats the advantage.

Are things changing as fast as I wish they COULD? no.

Am I please with the direction that President Obama is trying to steer the ship of state? yes
you lied. admit it. you got caught tossing out a bullshit number that was inaccurate when describing the poll being discussed.

be a man and own up to your mistakes.

regarding right thrack wrong track... I have never suggested that there would be constant dramatic and unwavering IMPROVEMENT in the nation's mood. I have said all along that changing the direction of a nation as large and complex as ours is a arduous and time consuming process. Much like turning an aircraft carrier, and not at all like turning a frigate. There is no doubt that there has been some downward movement in the trend short term over the past month or so... and there is no doubt that you have jumped on that downward movement as proof that the nation does not approve of President Obama. What is also true is that you REFUSED to acknowledge that same trend line when it was going up... and you still refuse to acknowledge that the people are significantly more positive about the direction of the country NOW than they were before Obama was elected.
Similarly, the approval of congress is low, but it still is TWICE as high as it was when it was being stymied by Bush and the republicans. Similarly, the generic congressional ballot STILL gives democrats the advantage.

Are things changing as fast as I wish they COULD? no.

Am I please with the direction that President Obama is trying to steer the ship of state? yes

Once again you show you have enough mold on your brain to make a gallon of Penicillin

Obama is taking the country down the drain - just as Jimmy Carter did - and he is paying in the polls

As far as you gloating in the right track/wrong track this is what you said a couple months ago

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
In some polls, a majority of Americans are thinking that the country is now finally moving in the right direction. As YOUR link shows, however, the average of many polls shows that a majority of Americans still are leery about the direction of the country.

The analogy of turning a big aircraft carrier around is germane to your question and to the polling data which you so carefully avoid discussing. As recently as six months ago, when REPUBLICANS were in charge of the executive branch of government, people in America were SO dismayed as to the direction we had been heading on for the past eight years, that, when polled, only 8%.... less than one person in TEN thought that the country was headed in the right direction. That number was FRIGHTENINGLY low. The mere election of Barack Obama caused that number to more than TRIPLE to nearly 30%, even though Bush was still in charge, people were heartened because they knew that the time was short before this eight year nightmare was about to end. It held nearly steady until the economy totally fell off the cliff in January and it dropped down to 22% in the final days of the Bush administration. On inauguration day, it began climbing. 22% on inauguration day, 30% a mere ten days later...38% now. In 100 days in office, Barack Obama's administration has succeeded in turning the aircraft carrier a good part of the way around. From the dark days before the election, the number of Americans who think we are headed in the right direction has improved by 400%...and the trend line is clear. Does he have a ways to go? Of course he does... it took eight years of republican ineptitude to sour the country to the point where less than one in ten Americans thought we were headed in the right direction.... it will take more than a hundred days to restore their faith. The trend line certainly shows that more and more people are regaining their faith in America under Barack Obama....but, coming from 8%, he had a large course correction to make... he had to change the minds of a whole lot of Americans who had grown deeply skeptical about their government. I realize that you hate the trend of that blue line you are so afraid to discuss, but its implications are clear.

Your turn.... show some balls for ONCE and try to string a couple of paragraphs together of your OWN thoughts and try to make them something more than insults ...try to actually answer the questions that I put to you, like I have tried here to answer the question that YOU put to me.

As always, I certainly won't hold my breath. We both know how you will play this one.
Then we have this

July 07, 2009
Categories: Ohio

Obama’s approval tanks in Ohio

A new Quinnipiac poll shows President Obama’s approval rating has dropped 13 points over the last two months in Ohio, a key battleground state with plenty of critical Congressional contests in 2010.

Obama now only holds a 49 percent approval rating, with 44 percent of voters disapproving. It’s his lowest approval rating in any Quinnipiac statewide poll taken since Obama’s inauguration. In May, Obama held a 62 percent approval rating in the Buckeye state.

Meanwhile, a 48 percent plurality of Ohio voters disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy, with 46 percent approving. Two-thirds of Ohio voters are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the state.

YOu're a moron, dishonest (or incredibly inept) and you obviously don't know squat about Ohio do you? The Quinappac poll shows only a minor 2% drop in support for Obama in Ohio vs the November election results in which Obama beat McCain by a measly 2% (51% to 49%). You've also failed to point of that with the exception of southwest Ohio, support for Republicans in this state has declined significantly in the last 4 years. The Nov 2008 election results are well within the margin of error for this poll which really just indicates that support for Obama within the state has remained relatively unchanged since the election.

You really need to do your homework and try some critical thinking instead of being some partisan hack wingnut boob who doesn't have either the intelligence or is to lazy to make an honest effort to determine what the facts are. It took me only 2 mnutes to find enough facts to disprove your point and derermine you don't know what you're talking about.
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Ohio seems to be turning into another state run by the communist..er I mean the progressives.

like New York, California and a few others..
I personally think it is a mistake for posters to link up Rasmussen, because his polls have a history of sucking. I'm a Gallup and Pew man, myself, although I only just discovered RCP during the election, and haven't been back since then...
I personally think it is a mistake for posters to link up Rasmussen, because his polls have a history of sucking. I'm a Gallup and Pew man, myself, although I only just discovered RCP during the election, and haven't been back since then...
Zogby has a good reputaton for reliability too.
Zogby has a good reputaton for reliability too.
The past few Presidential elections Zogby sucked. Rasmussen hit in nail on.

I don't know what "reputation" you people have conjured up. Zogby long ago came out of the closet in favor of Ds.
those polls suck....this pole is more reliable....

The past few Presidential elections Zogby sucked. Rasmussen hit in nail on.

I don't know what "reputation" you people have conjured up. Zogby long ago came out of the closet in favor of Ds.
True dat. Zogby started out, to my recollection, in the late 1980's, and brought a new level of sophistication and accuracy to political polling. In more recent years however he appears to be just another Kool-Aide drinker.
True dat. Zogby started out, to my recollection, in the late 1980's, and brought a new level of sophistication and accuracy to political polling. In more recent years however he appears to be just another Kool-Aide drinker.

Bottom line is, the Obamabots wil never accept the fact their messiah is tanking in the polls, as his polices destroy the US economy
again...YOU were the one who suggested that RCP showed a drop of 25 points for Obama when it only shows seven. YOu are the liar.... no big surprise.

Oh, and why did you IGNORE thre rest of my post? Can't grow a pair and talk about what you said a couple months ago????

In case you missed the rest of the post and it was mearly an oversight - here it is

Obama is taking the country down the drain - just as Jimmy Carter did - and he is paying in the polls

As far as you gloating in the right track/wrong track this is what you said a couple months ago

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
In some polls, a majority of Americans are thinking that the country is now finally moving in the right direction. As YOUR link shows, however, the average of many polls shows that a majority of Americans still are leery about the direction of the country.

The analogy of turning a big aircraft carrier around is germane to your question and to the polling data which you so carefully avoid discussing. As recently as six months ago, when REPUBLICANS were in charge of the executive branch of government, people in America were SO dismayed as to the direction we had been heading on for the past eight years, that, when polled, only 8%.... less than one person in TEN thought that the country was headed in the right direction. That number was FRIGHTENINGLY low. The mere election of Barack Obama caused that number to more than TRIPLE to nearly 30%, even though Bush was still in charge, people were heartened because they knew that the time was short before this eight year nightmare was about to end. It held nearly steady until the economy totally fell off the cliff in January and it dropped down to 22% in the final days of the Bush administration. On inauguration day, it began climbing. 22% on inauguration day, 30% a mere ten days later...38% now. In 100 days in office, Barack Obama's administration has succeeded in turning the aircraft carrier a good part of the way around. From the dark days before the election, the number of Americans who think we are headed in the right direction has improved by 400%...and the trend line is clear. Does he have a ways to go? Of course he does... it took eight years of republican ineptitude to sour the country to the point where less than one in ten Americans thought we were headed in the right direction.... it will take more than a hundred days to restore their faith. The trend line certainly shows that more and more people are regaining their faith in America under Barack Obama....but, coming from 8%, he had a large course correction to make... he had to change the minds of a whole lot of Americans who had grown deeply skeptical about their government. I realize that you hate the trend of that blue line you are so afraid to discuss, but its implications are clear.

Your turn.... show some balls for ONCE and try to string a couple of paragraphs together of your OWN thoughts and try to make them something more than insults ...try to actually answer the questions that I put to you, like I have tried here to answer the question that YOU put to me.

As always, I certainly won't hold my breath. We both know how you will play this one.
Oh, and why did you IGNORE thre rest of my post? Can't grow a pair and talk about what you said a couple months ago????

In case you missed the rest of the post and it was mearly an oversight - here it is

Obama is taking the country down the drain - just as Jimmy Carter did - and he is paying in the polls

As far as you gloating in the right track/wrong track this is what you said a couple months ago

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
In some polls, a majority of Americans are thinking that the country is now finally moving in the right direction. As YOUR link shows, however, the average of many polls shows that a majority of Americans still are leery about the direction of the country.

The analogy of turning a big aircraft carrier around is germane to your question and to the polling data which you so carefully avoid discussing. As recently as six months ago, when REPUBLICANS were in charge of the executive branch of government, people in America were SO dismayed as to the direction we had been heading on for the past eight years, that, when polled, only 8%.... less than one person in TEN thought that the country was headed in the right direction. That number was FRIGHTENINGLY low. The mere election of Barack Obama caused that number to more than TRIPLE to nearly 30%, even though Bush was still in charge, people were heartened because they knew that the time was short before this eight year nightmare was about to end. It held nearly steady until the economy totally fell off the cliff in January and it dropped down to 22% in the final days of the Bush administration. On inauguration day, it began climbing. 22% on inauguration day, 30% a mere ten days later...38% now. In 100 days in office, Barack Obama's administration has succeeded in turning the aircraft carrier a good part of the way around. From the dark days before the election, the number of Americans who think we are headed in the right direction has improved by 400%...and the trend line is clear. Does he have a ways to go? Of course he does... it took eight years of republican ineptitude to sour the country to the point where less than one in ten Americans thought we were headed in the right direction.... it will take more than a hundred days to restore their faith. The trend line certainly shows that more and more people are regaining their faith in America under Barack Obama....but, coming from 8%, he had a large course correction to make... he had to change the minds of a whole lot of Americans who had grown deeply skeptical about their government. I realize that you hate the trend of that blue line you are so afraid to discuss, but its implications are clear.

Your turn.... show some balls for ONCE and try to string a couple of paragraphs together of your OWN thoughts and try to make them something more than insults ...try to actually answer the questions that I put to you, like I have tried here to answer the question that YOU put to me.

As always, I certainly won't hold my breath. We both know how you will play this one.

in case you missed my reply, which you obviously did:

regarding right track wrong track... I have never suggested that there would be constant dramatic and unwavering IMPROVEMENT in the nation's mood. I have said all along that changing the direction of a nation as large and complex as ours is a arduous and time consuming process. Much like turning an aircraft carrier, and not at all like turning a frigate. There is no doubt that there has been some downward movement in the trend short term over the past month or so... and there is no doubt that you have jumped on that downward movement as proof that the nation does not approve of President Obama. What is also true is that you REFUSED to acknowledge that same trend line when it was going up... and you still refuse to acknowledge that the people are significantly more positive about the direction of the country NOW than they were before Obama was elected.
Similarly, the approval of congress is low, but it still is TWICE as high as it was when it was being stymied by Bush and the republicans. Similarly, the generic congressional ballot STILL gives democrats the advantage.

Are things changing as fast as I wish they COULD? no.

Am I please with the direction that President Obama is trying to steer the ship of state? yes

and you STILL have not admitted that you LIED about the poll of polls showing a 25 % drop.

That is because you are nothing but a hack who NEVER admits when he gets caught blowing smoke. No big surprise there.
in case you missed my reply, which you obviously did:

regarding right track wrong track... I have never suggested that there would be constant dramatic and unwavering IMPROVEMENT in the nation's mood. I have said all along that changing the direction of a nation as large and complex as ours is a arduous and time consuming process. Much like turning an aircraft carrier, and not at all like turning a frigate. There is no doubt that there has been some downward movement in the trend short term over the past month or so... and there is no doubt that you have jumped on that downward movement as proof that the nation does not approve of President Obama. What is also true is that you REFUSED to acknowledge that same trend line when it was going up... and you still refuse to acknowledge that the people are significantly more positive about the direction of the country NOW than they were before Obama was elected.
Similarly, the approval of congress is low, but it still is TWICE as high as it was when it was being stymied by Bush and the republicans. Similarly, the generic congressional ballot STILL gives democrats the advantage.

Are things changing as fast as I wish they COULD? no.

Am I please with the direction that President Obama is trying to steer the ship of state? yes

and you STILL have not admitted that you LIED about the poll of polls showing a 25 % drop.

That is because you are nothing but a hack who NEVER admits when he gets caught blowing smoke. No big surprise there.

No lies from me son. I posted the link that shows Obama has dropped about 25 points since he took office

I am glad you are happy with the way Obama and the Dems are taking this nation. Much like in 1980 with Carter - you voted party despite the Dems miserable failures - and were in the minority

Looks like you are once again going with party over country - and in the minoirty

Right Direction or Wrong Track
Number Who Says U.S. Heading in Right Direction Slips to Lowest Level Since February

Thirty-two percent (32%) of likely voters believe the United States is heading in the right direction, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

While that’s only down two points over the past week, it’s the lowest level found on the question since mid-February.

Sixty-two percent (62%) of voters say the country is moving down the wrong track, up a point from last week and also the highest level since February.

The percentage of voters who believe the country is moving in the right direction spiked at 40% in early May but hovered around 37% through June before slipping to 34% last week.

Glad you like the hope and change son - many people are seing obama for what he is

A fraud and a boy trying to do a mans job
actually, Barney Frank recently suggested repeating the most evil policy.....loaning money to people incapable of paying it back....

Incapable in what way?

You do love you some Barney, you try to bring him into every conversation.
Incapable in what way?

You do love you some Barney, you try to bring him into every conversation.

Eh, Barney wants to do the same thing Clinton did in 1999 that started the mess we are now in

Barney Frank Says Fannie And Freddie's Lending Standards Are Too High (FNM, FRE)
Joe Weisenthal*Jun. 24, 2009, 9:48 PM*16

Of all the things you could say about Fannie Mae (FNM) and Freddie Mac (FRE), too-strict lending standards probably wouldn't come to mind.

Afterall, the companies have been backstopped to the tune of $400 billion, which has to mean their standards were too loose.

But powerful Congressman Barney Frank, in a desperate attempt to reflate the old bubble, says the two GSEs are being too stingy, particularly with respect to condos.

WSJ: Fannie and Freddie have restricted loans to condo buyers in these situations because they represent a red flag that the developments -- many of which were planned and built at the height of the housing bubble -- may face financial trouble down the road. But never mind all that. Messrs. Frank and [Congressman Anthony] Weiner think, in all their wisdom and years of experience underwriting mortgages, that the new rules "may be too onerous."

Dude, not that there's anything wrong with being a liberal, but I"m a moderate/centrist. Why is it that extremist like you have to marginlize those who dont' share in your extremism?

The sad truth is, is that your own ineptitude has marginilized your selves to irrelevence. Ironic when you consider that marginalizing others is the only political tool you extremist have instead of facts, truth and ideas that actually work.

Brilliantly stated...