Obama-Care Is Originally A Neo-Con Republican Idea


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Some truth about Republicans, ("Neo-Con Republicans) and Obama-Care.

Actually the particulars of Obama-Care were originally a brain storm that came out of the Heritage Foundation a neo-con think tank. A very close copy of it was instituted by then Governor Mitt Romney in Massachusetts.

It is accurate for Democrats to claim that Obama-Care is a Republican Idea. So, if the Obama-Care law turns to pure shit as it appears to be doing, it can be accurately claimed by Democrats that it’s the Republicans fault. If Obama-Care turns out to be a wonderful God Send, Republicans can correctly take credit for it but they won’t get it Obama will.

I wonder how the neo-con Republican’s prayers are going these days?
they don't look like much of a point to me.

they came up with the idea when single payer was on the table.

they NEVER expected to the idea to see the light of day.
So you right wingers were for it in the 90's before you were against it now?

So who are you speaking at? I’m not a right-winger whatever the fuck that is and I’m never for anything that the federal government does that violates the Constitution and Obama-Care violates amendment 10.
Some truth about Republicans, ("Neo-Con Republicans) and Obama-Care.

Actually the particulars of Obama-Care were originally a brain storm that came out of the Heritage Foundation a neo-con think tank. A very close copy of it was instituted by then Governor Mitt Romney in Massachusetts.

It is accurate for Democrats to claim that Obama-Care is a Republican Idea. So, if the Obama-Care law turns to pure shit as it appears to be doing, it can be accurately claimed by Democrats that it’s the Republicans fault. If Obama-Care turns out to be a wonderful God Send, Republicans can correctly take credit for it but they won’t get it Obama will.

I wonder how the neo-con Republican’s prayers are going these days?

Are you sure it was the Heritage Foundation? Did it have a mandate for health insurance?
So who are you speaking at? I’m not a right-winger whatever the fuck that is and I’m never for anything that the federal government does that violates the Constitution and Obama-Care violates amendment 10.

From United States vs. Darcy Lumber, the Supreme Court:
The [10th] Amendment states but a truism that all is retained which has not been surrendered. There is nothing in the history of its adoption to suggest that it was more than declaratory of the relationship between the national and state governments as it had been established by the Constitution before the amendment or that its purpose was other than to allay fears that the new national government might seek to exercise powers not granted, and that the states might not be able to exercise fully their reserved powers.

In other words 'the 10th amendment is a statement of fact -- of course any authority not granted the Feds is granted to the states. Duh! There's not actually any law here.'
Some truth about Republicans, ("Neo-Con Republicans) and Obama-Care.

Actually the particulars of Obama-Care were originally a brain storm that came out of the Heritage Foundation a neo-con think tank. A very close copy of it was instituted by then Governor Mitt Romney in Massachusetts.

It is accurate for Democrats to claim that Obama-Care is a Republican Idea. So, if the Obama-Care law turns to pure shit as it appears to be doing, it can be accurately claimed by Democrats that it’s the Republicans fault. If Obama-Care turns out to be a wonderful God Send, Republicans can correctly take credit for it but they won’t get it Obama will.

I wonder how the neo-con Republican’s prayers are going these days?

Evolution.........They learn at speeds much less than the general Human.
So who are you speaking at? I’m not a right-winger whatever the fuck that is and I’m never for anything that the federal government does that violates the Constitution and Obama-Care violates amendment 10.

So you are stating you aren't Republican or even Tea-Party. You aren't Democrat. You are Libertarian which means you believe in "Survival of the fittest" on human scale. Most HUMANS remember "United We Stand" and want to help those TRUELY in need. In fact, most Americans are Christians and it's written into their very foundations.

But no one needs "health" (R)ight?

Look, I don't agree with this angle of Health insurance but the uneducated traffic stating that some shouldn't have it is absolute ignorance. Even more ignorant is that the biggest Employers and the most successful Corporations aren't giving their team Health Insurance.

The Left, the Government, NEVER has to be a part of this as long as the Free Market does the right thing. When it doesn't, stop being on the losing side kid. Most of us learned from the last Depression, others are parrot minions driving us closer to it all over again.
From United States vs. Darcy Lumber, the Supreme Court:

From United States vs. Darcy Lumber, the Supreme Court:
The [10th] Amendment states but a truism that all is retained which has not been surrendered. There is nothing in the history of its adoption to suggest that it was more than declaratory of the relationship between the national and state governments as it had been established by the Constitution before the amendment or that its purpose was other than to allay fears that the new national government might seek to exercise powers not granted, and that the states might not be able to exercise fully their reserved powers.

In other words 'the 10th amendment is a statement of fact -- of course any authority not granted the Feds is granted to the states. Duh! There's not actually any law here.'

Oh! So we can pick and choose what is law and what is simply a “truism” in the Constitution?

Well then Goober I have to wonder why the authors called it a ”Constitution” since my dictionary says a Constitution is,

CONSTITUTION:politics a written statement outlining the basic laws or principles by which a country or organization is governed

So what part of Obama-Care fulfills the Constitutional ”truism” that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people?” Is Obama-Care being ”UNTRUE” to our Constitution?

For your information Goober the Constitution was established as the fundamental foundation for all United States LAW. Truism or principle it is THE LAW if it’s in the Constitution.
So you are stating you aren't Republican or even Tea-Party. You aren't Democrat. You are Libertarian which means you believe in "Survival of the fittest" on human scale. Most HUMANS remember "United We Stand" and want to help those TRUELY in need. In fact, most Americans are Christians and it's written into their very foundations.

But no one needs "health" (R)ight?

Look, I don't agree with this angle of Health insurance but the uneducated traffic stating that some shouldn't have it is absolute ignorance. Even more ignorant is that the biggest Employers and the most successful Corporations aren't giving their team Health Insurance.

The Left, the Government, NEVER has to be a part of this as long as the Free Market does the right thing. When it doesn't, stop being on the losing side kid. Most of us learned from the last Depression, others are parrot minions driving us closer to it all over again.

all single payer does is make the payments.

the rest of healthcare is left to simply be the science it is supposed to be.

A science of the delivery of healthcare with the best interests as possible.

No needing to advertise or spend money on galas to get donors.

All the money goes to care, equipment and paying the people who deliver the health care.

It works everywhere else in the world just fine.

It will here too
So you are stating you aren't Republican or even Tea-Party. You aren't Democrat. You are Libertarian which means you believe in "Survival of the fittest" on human scale.

It means I’m first a constitutionalist who believes in limited national government and State’s Rights and that makes me a “libertarian,” (small l)

Most HUMANS remember "United We Stand" and want to help those TRUELY in need. In fact, most Americans are Christians and it's written into their very foundations.

The Constitution allows THE STATES the power to create safety-net socialist programs. The federal government is forbidden from such by amendment 10 of our Constitution.

I have never noticed anywhere in the dictates of Christianity a law or even a recommendation that the State extort the fruits of the labors of productive people to use the proceeds thereof to bribe the votes of the lesser productive with socialist programs. To my recollection Christianity is all about Individual, personal private charity. Correct me if I’m wrong, OK?

But no one needs "health" (R)ight?

Health and charity begins at home!

Look, I don't agree with this angle of Health insurance but the uneducated traffic stating that some shouldn't have it is absolute ignorance. Even more ignorant is that the biggest Employers and the most successful Corporations aren't giving their team Health Insurance.

The Left, the Government, NEVER has to be a part of this as long as the Free Market does the right thing. When it doesn't, stop being on the losing side kid. Most of us learned from the last Depression, others are parrot minions driving us closer to it all over again.

Oh! But America in total is “on the losing side” Goober when we ignore the Constitution. And the chickens are coming home to roost.

Once Upon A Time the market place provided the best health insurance in the world before government put it’s incompetent bureaucratic paws into the system. Health insurance was affordable to most Americans. Most all businesses shared the cost of healthcare with their employees. Doctors were much more free from lawyers and law suits and government’s mountains of paperwork and thereby they collectively established free and low-cost clinics for the poor and uninsured. Along came government and fucked the system up, created case work for lawyers and mountains of paperwork for Doctors so much so local free and low-cost clinics had to close down and doctors had to hire more paper pushers than there are doctors.

Social safety nets are the authority first of the family, then private charity, then State government and never the authority of the federal government unless authorized and enumerated by our Constitution.

Our founders established a “Several States” laboratory system whereby States could learn from the successes and failures of other States and thereby establish the best of ideas as determined by the people who could do as Reagan noted, “vote with their feet” if they disagreed with State mandates and move to another State.

How many times do I need to teach you this Child?????