Obama-Care Is Originally A Neo-Con Republican Idea

Ah yes...the "States Rights" argument. A thoroughly discredited notion of nullification that if a State doesn't agree with federal law they can disregard it. A notion that was discredited and put to bed back in 1865.

The "States Right" argument is an argument used primarily by bigots to justify the restrictions and attacks of the rights, liberties and properties of individuals and minorities within a particular State. That's all the "States Rights" argument is.
So Moot, you support an all encompassing centralized government just like in all totalitarian regimes?
The ACA and it's market driven emphasis has only begun to be implemented. How could anyone possibly know if it is a success or failure unless they are blinded by bias and ideology?

Well Goober I didn’t make a prediction about the success or failure of Obama-Care, I simply made observations about the eventual blame and or the credit for Obama-Care. Sorry you can’t comprehend what you read!!!
Well unfortunately for you SCOTUS does not agree with your claim. By the way, where did you obtain your Juris Doctorate in constitutional law?

How many times do I have to teach y’all fucking duopoly idiots the facts Goober?

The Supreme Court Of The United States is made up of a fucking gang of partisan ideologues who were appointed by another gang of fucking partisan ideologues and confirmed by another gang of fucking partisan ideologues. They have no loyalty to their oath of office, no more than the sons-of-bitches that appointed and confirmed them. Their only loyalty is to their particular right/left ideologies and the crooked bastards of like mind who aided their quest to occupy and corrupt the seats of the third branch of government.

I shall inform you Goober that my documented degrees in constitutional law follow me wherever I go. I achieved them simply reading the Constitution with an open unbiased and honest mind and accepting the fundamental simplicity of its principles and interpreting its strict construction with logic, a feat that most 10 year olds of average intelligence can also do.

I shall further inform you that constitutional lawyers are only necessary NOT to interpret the Constitution, (most anybody can do that), but they’re necessary to interpret the linguistic gymnastics that come out of the Congress with Presidential signatures we call laws to assure that they conform to the principles and foundational law of the Constitution. Sadly none of that seems to matter in today's corrupt government world.
Ah yes...the "States Rights" argument. A thoroughly discredited notion of nullification that if a State doesn't agree with federal law they can disregard it. A notion that was discredited and put to bed back in 1865.

Except for the fact that the 10th amendment was never repealed and as long as it remains in my Constitution I will promote the pure sanity and logic of it as absolute constitutional law.

The "States Right" argument is an argument used primarily by bigots to justify the restrictions and attacks of the rights, liberties and properties of individuals and minorities within a particular State. That's all the "States Rights" argument is.

Actually Goober the State’s Rights affirmed by the 10th amendment contains the beauty of sanity and ingenious design whereby America becomes a “Several State Laboratory” whereby laws and programs not in violation of the National Constitution can be experiments whereby each State can learn from other states and thereby establish only the best of the best ideas and abilities of government and it also provides an option for those who disagree with State programs and laws whereby folks can do as Reagan once suggested, exercise their freedom to “vote with their feet” and simply move to another State who’s laws and programs they do agree with.

Of course that would leave y’all BIG fucking central government morons holding the severely diminished bag of only those powers actually authorized for the federal government by the Constitution. The federal government would be small enough that we wouldn’t even need the income tax or the IRS, or the fucking corruption and extortion thereof. There would be no need ever to shut down the government because there wouldn’t be arguments over unconstitutional shit like Obama-Care. There would be no need for a National Debt of 17 trillion $ and no need for a fucking insane federal Drug War. We could actually call ourselves ”FREE” and there would be some truth to the word.