Fucking nazi commuterQuite the credible source; a leftist Jew who lived in Beverly Hills and works for MSNBC.
Irony abounds. You rant about neocon Republicans and Liberals then source your false hysterical claims on a leftist journalist.
Fucking nazi commuterQuite the credible source; a leftist Jew who lived in Beverly Hills and works for MSNBC.
Irony abounds. You rant about neocon Republicans and Liberals then source your false hysterical claims on a leftist journalist.
Quite the credible source; a leftist Jew who lived in Beverly Hills and works for MSNBC.
Irony abounds. You rant about neocon Republicans and Liberals then source your false hysterical claims on a leftist journalist.
What does his ”Jewishness” have to do with the issue at hand?
If you’re implying that MSNBC reports nothing but lies, can you prove it and what about Neil Cavuto and Lou Dobbs both of Fox News having repeated the charge that the fundamental idea of Obama-Care originated with Heritage? Are you calling Cavuto and Dobbs “leftist?”
Actually my claims are sourced on several sources including what has become general knowledge it seems to everybody except fucking neo-cons in terrified denial.
If you care to know, I find little to no difference between fucking neo-cons and neo-liberal sons-of-bitches. They’re all BIG government Constitution violating bastards in my opinion.
Disprove The following quote from the Jew’s piece.
“When Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was putting together a state-level health reform plan that was another model for Obamacare, Heritage “helped us construct an exchange,” according to Romney’s 2010 book, No Apology…”
Where did it originate? Which came first the author’s book or Romney-Care or Obama-Care?
Did they manage to separate themselves from their neo-con ideology? They sure as hell haven’t managed to separate themselves from Obama-Care. The world seems to have awarded them with originating mandates” to buy healthcare insurance and setting up exchanges where those mandated to do so can buy healthcare insurance. Are you denying those to be the foundation of their plan, Romney-Care & Obama-Care?
Only inasmuch as he identifies as a Democrat as do most Jewish voters.
No, I am saying they are as uninformed as you appear to be on the topic.
Yes, they are sources that merely parrot those inane talking points but never revert back to the original source which I have.
I know you don’t; and sometimes I am in 100% agreement with you. But on this issue, you are dead wrong.
I assume you should blame it in the French since the word "mandate" originated there in the 1500s.
But them again all that seems to matter to you, regardless of the facts, is to associate it with anything with an "R" next to their name.
You haven't read the book, but want to argue with whatever opinion you can find about the book if it suits your needs. Basically, you want to argue using a proxy.
Neil Cavuto and Lou Dobbs
scroad garglers
On the contrary! That would be more like a corrupt deceitful tactic you would use to distance, (as far as you can), Heritage-Care from Obama-Care.
That would be “R”INO or Neo-Con next to their name. FACT is the healthcare insurance plan hatched by the highly connected at Heritage and published by Heritage has a government mandate and government exchanges exactly like Obama-Care and is considered by virtually everyone except RINO Neo-Cons in denial to have been the blueprint for Romney-Care & Obama-Care. Now friend those are the actual facts.
I don’t need to read any stinking book to be aware of the fact that the healthcare insurance plan hatched by the highly connected at Heritage and published by Heritage has a government mandate and government exchanges exactly like Obama-Care and is considered by virtually everyone except RINO Neo-Cons in denial to have been the blueprint for Romney-Care & Obama-Care. That’s been reported by right and left media and now considered by all truthful, rational folks to be truthful information.
BTW, I don’t read right-wing or left-wing propaganda. The national airwaves are full enough of that shit nobody needs to bother reading it.
I don’t need to read any stinking book to be aware of the fact that the healthcare insurance plan hatched by the highly connected at Heritage and published by Heritage has a government mandate and government exchanges exactly like Obama-Care and is considered by virtually everyone except RINO Neo-Cons in denial to have been the blueprint for Romney-Care & Obama-Care.
This pretty much sums up your argument:
You seem to be comfortable making an argument armed with other's opinions about a book you have not read: the plan in the book has nothing in common with Obamacare and was not published or written by Heritage.
Since when was Nixon a Neo Con?Some truth about Republicans, ("Neo-Con Republicans) and Obama-Care.
Actually the particulars of Obama-Care were originally a brain storm that came out of the Heritage Foundation a neo-con think tank. A very close copy of it was instituted by then Governor Mitt Romney in Massachusetts.
It is accurate for Democrats to claim that Obama-Care is a Republican Idea. So, if the Obama-Care law turns to pure shit as it appears to be doing, it can be accurately claimed by Democrats that it’s the Republicans fault. If Obama-Care turns out to be a wonderful God Send, Republicans can correctly take credit for it but they won’t get it Obama will.
I wonder how the neo-con Republican’s prayers are going these days?
Yes...one of the more spectacularly flawed analysis posted on the topic. One that shows not only a misunderstanding of the history which lead up to the PPACA but one that draws an incorrect conclusion based of a false premise. The ACA and it's market driven emphasis has only begun to be implemented. How could anyone possibly know if it is a success or failure unless they are blinded by bias and ideology?No moron! I made some points about the outcome of Obama-Care. Of course they were all over your pea-brain head.
Well unfortunately for you SCOTUS does not agree with your claim. By the way, where did you obtain your Juris Doctorate in constitutional law?So who are you speaking at? I’m not a right-winger whatever the fuck that is and I’m never for anything that the federal government does that violates the Constitution and Obama-Care violates amendment 10.
Yeah and the heritage foundation also planned out a lot of the decades of CHEATING in elections the republican party is guilty of.
court documented PROOF of decades of cheating in elections
Ah yes...the "States Rights" argument. A thoroughly discredited notion of nullification that if a State doesn't agree with federal law they can disregard it. A notion that was discredited and put to bed back in 1865.It means I’m first a constitutionalist who believes in limited national government and State’s Rights and that makes me a “libertarian,” (small l)
The Constitution allows THE STATES the power to create safety-net socialist programs. The federal government is forbidden from such by amendment 10 of our Constitution.
I have never noticed anywhere in the dictates of Christianity a law or even a recommendation that the State extort the fruits of the labors of productive people to use the proceeds thereof to bribe the votes of the lesser productive with socialist programs. To my recollection Christianity is all about Individual, personal private charity. Correct me if I’m wrong, OK?
Health and charity begins at home!
Oh! But America in total is “on the losing side” Goober when we ignore the Constitution. And the chickens are coming home to roost.
Once Upon A Time the market place provided the best health insurance in the world before government put it’s incompetent bureaucratic paws into the system. Health insurance was affordable to most Americans. Most all businesses shared the cost of healthcare with their employees. Doctors were much more free from lawyers and law suits and government’s mountains of paperwork and thereby they collectively established free and low-cost clinics for the poor and uninsured. Along came government and fucked the system up, created case work for lawyers and mountains of paperwork for Doctors so much so local free and low-cost clinics had to close down and doctors had to hire more paper pushers than there are doctors.
Social safety nets are the authority first of the family, then private charity, then State government and never the authority of the federal government unless authorized and enumerated by our Constitution.
Our founders established a “Several States” laboratory system whereby States could learn from the successes and failures of other States and thereby establish the best of ideas as determined by the people who could do as Reagan noted, “vote with their feet” if they disagreed with State mandates and move to another State.
How many times do I need to teach you this Child?????
You can always count on Damo for a good strawman. No one has ever claimed that the ACA isn't a Democratic legislative accomplishment. They have stated, and factually correctly too, that the ideas being implemented were originally proposed and endorsed by Republicans as a market driven alternative to a single payer system. That's a fact Damo. Look it up.You can tell it was republican by the way they voted for it while the democrats didn't... Right?