Obama care, lets fix it / lets improve it!

Less mandatory crap we have to pay for that we dont use. Like maternity care. Esp something that shouldnt even be enabled. If people cant afford maternity coverage, they cant afford a kid.
A free market plan, like it's supposed to be.

What would do with say a guy who was not very intelligent, his parents did not teach him about the importance of getting insurance who worked very hard at a low paying job installing carpet for Home Depot who got brain cancer and would die without brain surgery but would almost certainly survive with brain surgery?
Less mandatory crap we have to pay for that we dont use. Like maternity care. Esp something that shouldnt even be enabled. If people cant afford maternity coverage, they cant afford a kid.
If people can't afford a kid, they can't afford an abortion, either. They can't afford anything that takes from other people's wallets.
Actually, yes I do. I don't want big daddy government stealing 85% of my hard earned to fund some deadbeat who REFUSES to get a job. And, I had total choice as to my doctor. Not going to happen with Obongocare.

Except "Big Daddy Government" isn't stealing 85% of your hard earned money.

Maybe once you stop LYING we can have an actual discussion about this.
What would do with say a guy who was not very intelligent, his parents did not teach him about the importance of getting insurance who worked very hard at a low paying job installing carpet for Home Depot who got brain cancer and would die without brain surgery but would almost certainly survive with brain surgery?
You provide the surgery and negotiate charges with the patient after he recovers.
You provide the surgery and negotiate charges with the patient after he recovers.

Negotiate for what, he does not have two cents to rub together, he simply says "fuck you" when the bill arrives and the cost gets shifted to those who pay their bills and the guy who pays his insurance premium.
You provide the surgery and negotiate charges with the patient after he recovers.

maybe the patient can give the hospital a couple of chickens or offer to paint the doctors house or maybe move into the shack behind the Big House and we can go back to the 'good ole' days' before the Civil War like the Rebuplican party wants.

If it's such a trainwreck why don't you rightwing radicals just sit back and watch it fail?
Negotiate for what, he does not have two cents to rub together, he simply says "fuck you" when the bill arrives and the cost gets shifted to those who pay their bills and the guy who pays his insurance premium.
Oh, I didn't realize you were crafting the story to fit the flow of the argument. Let's try my version, now: Let's say he does have "two cents" to rub together and simply says "I can't afford to pay the full amount right now, but I would be happy to pay what I can rather than say "fuck you" like Jarod would probably do".
Oh, I didn't realize you were crafting the story to fit the flow of the argument. Let's try my version, now: Let's say he does have "two cents" to rub together and simply says I can't afford to pay the full amount right now, but I would be happy to pay what I can rather than say "fuck you" like Jarod would probably do.

You have a higher opinion of your common man than I do. I happen to know that a majority just decide not to pay.
If it's such a trainwreck why don't you rightwing radicals just sit back and watch it fail?
That's where some of us already are, retard. Now shut up, grab your popcorn, and let's watch Obamascare crash and burn, together!

Of course, the train from hell will most likely derail and crash into people's lives, so it's good to have some water handy in case we need to hose the shitty mess down. ;)
Fix it? http://thelead.blogs.cnn.com/2013/11/04/obamacare-war-room-docs-fewer-options-higher-prices/

Since it's a government sponsored system, doesn't 'equal access to affordability' count?

Obamacare 'War Room' docs: We're concerned next media story is some consumers getting on website and finding fewer options, higher prices

By CNN Chief Washington Correspondent Jake Tapper

Washington (CNN) - Officials expressed concern that the next shoe to drop in the evolving story about the Affordable Care Act would be disappointment from consumers once they are able to get on the troubled HealthCare.gov website – disappointment because of sticker shock and limited choice, according to a new document obtained by CNN.

“Mike described a general concern of PM (plan management team): getting to the point where the website is functioning properly and individuals begin to select plans; the media attention will follow individuals to plan selection and their ultimate choices; and, in some cases, there will be fewer options than would be desired to promote consumer choice and an ideal shopping experience. Additionally, in some cases there will be relatively high cost plans,” say the notes from the Obama administration’s Obamacare 'War Room' from one week ago.

Plan management team is a reference to those individuals in the Obama administration tasked with standing up the president's health care law at the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight.

The discussion appeared to be in reference to an October 24 story by The New York Times titled “Health Care Law Fails to Lower Prices for Rural Areas.”

“While competition is intense in many populous regions, rural areas and small towns have far fewer carriers offering plans in the law’s online exchanges," the newspaper reported. "Of the roughly 2,500 counties served by the federal exchanges, more than half, or 58 percent, have plans offered by just one or two insurance carriers, according to an analysis by The Times of county-level data provided by the Department of Health and Human Services. In about 530 counties, only a single insurer is participating. The analysis suggests that the ambitions of the Affordable Care Act to increase competition have unfolded unevenly, at least in the early going, and have not addressed many of the factors that contribute to high prices.”

Read: For many, Obama's promise of health care choice does not ring true

Other notes from the war room meeting describe specific “problem plans,” and a problem with the site that prevents certification, perhaps due to a misspelling on the website.

“These are notes taken by contractors, they are not official agency positions," Department of Health and Human Services spokeswoman Joanne Peters said in an e-mail.

Peters also highlighted affordable options for consumers, noting "Nearly all consumers will have a choice of two or more health insurance issuers, and often many more. About 95% of consumers live in states with average premiums below earlier estimates."
Like the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it...

It was broken. Personally, I had to fight to get migraine meds because the company said I had a pre-existing condition. Migraine meds! I can only imagine the hoops people have to jump through if they have really serious health issues .
If people can't afford a kid, they can't afford an abortion, either. They can't afford anything that takes from other people's wallets.

Is there mandatory abortion coverage that everyone has to sign up for in Obamacare?
So the only proposals ive seen here are..... scrap it and go back to the old system, and grandfather in current plans that want to keep.

Any other ideas. ?
None of the teabagging morons have a problem with the AMA cartel actions on price!
None of you drive-thru-aborting Christophobes have a problem with these:

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Sales Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax