Obama Hits New Low on Foreign Policy, 40% - Headed for Bush-like Numbers

just read it and there is not one scintilla of fact that proves we armed AQ.

now what

If it weren't for Kerry himself saying the arms are now reaching the rebels in Syria and the reports that Al Qaeda is a large portion of those rebels I might be able to shut off my brain enough to agree with you. But hey, Kerry wears a D jersey so you will not be able to see anything wrong with any policy they promote.

You could literally take away the names and signs of who promoted the policy and you wouldn't be able to tell a difference between this President and the last one. But Desh won't see it, because she's wearing blinders and drinking the bathwater. You've become a demented version of a Bush supporter blindly supporting whatever Bush promoted because of "Party"...
you have fallen prey to the infer instead of IN FACT knowing.

Its why you cling to failed ideas even after they have clearly failed.

Get right with the facts and you wont have to be wrong so often

Only 28% of Americans approve of the President’s handling of Syria


White House officials suggested in June that President Barack Obama had decided to provide military aid to the Syrian rebels, but in the months since, rebel leaders and U.S. lawmakers have said no lethal assistance has arrived.

After two years of balking at directly arming the Syrian opposition, the White House's pledge in June to provide military aid to the rebels, came as the U.S. government said it had proof that Assad's forces had engaged in small-scale use of chemical weapons.

In late July, lawmakers gave the plan the green light.

Rebel sources recently confirmed receipt of arms such as anti-tank weapons.

"The U.S. is distributing non-lethal aid and some lethal assistance as well to the SMC (Supreme Military Council)," Saleh told a news conference, referring to the council that oversees operations of rebels. He said the Supreme Military Council also had a plan to derive tactical benefits from the strikes if they do take place.

Saleh's comments at a Washington news conference may be the first public indication that U.S.-provided military goods such as arms or ammunition are actually moving to anti-Assad forces.

Separately, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday that Washington was trying to upgrade its support for the Syrian opposition.

"It is ramping up, but I can tell you that many of the items that people have complained were not getting to them are now getting to them," Kerry said in a Google+ Hangout interview. He declined to say what military items were arriving.

Last week, a former senior U.S. official said a limited quantity of American arms had reached the rebels.

His fall has been so disturbingly awful to witness because the domino effect of what's coming down with him makes it doubly awful.
you have fallen prey to the infer instead of IN FACT knowing.

Its why you cling to failed ideas even after they have clearly failed.

Get right with the facts and you wont have to be wrong so often

Desh, he's not only arming Al Qaeda now, he armed them in Libya. Nothing could be more obvious.

Those facts are all around you, but you refuse to face even the most obvious truths.
It amazes me the blind obeisance seen in so many Obama supporters who simply will not see the glaring faults and shortcomings he has demonstrated. To say the much over-used and abused sayings and titles: blind koolaide drinkers, sheeple, Obamaites etc...
The american public made the MIC stop their plans. I think that's the story of the century! All the tinfoil hatters changed the narrative. We fucking changed the narrative! Nobody trusts mainstream media oulets anymore. Only the braindead like our resident partisans still verify their news with a mainsteam outlet. the rest of us go to the alternative news to get the real story.

As for Obama winning... LOL, keep fucking that chicken!

A blog is now your source for real information? Surely you jest. Or are you really that kind of chicken hawk?

Desh, he's not only arming Al Qaeda now, he armed them in Libya. Nothing could be more obvious.
Those facts are all around you, but you refuse to face even the most obvious truths.

BAC, your hatred of our President leaves you most vulnerable to anything that might place him, his decisions and his reputation as one of the strongest and most admirable leaders in history into question. Your cut and paste tactics notwithstanding, your ideologies are bullshit at best. The President has never announced any weapons delivery to any AQ group nor has any evidence been provided that Americans have purposely delivered any weapons or even ancillaries such as food-stuffs or clothing to any group of AQ. Proof of such has been requested but none has been forthcoming.

Again, your hate for your President, the things that you claim to appreciate and yourself shine through like the morning sun. Aren't you very proud of that!!!!!!!

The President has never announced any weapons delivery to any AQ group nor has any evidence been provided that Americans have purposely delivered any weapons or even ancillaries such as food-stuffs or clothing to any group of AQ.

The President did announce that the Benghazi attack was caused by a YouTube video, and that the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a red-line for US military action.

So we do know what his credibility in the region is. Zero.

That said, it's not questioned that Al Qaeda is part of the rebel opposition, the only debate is to what degree. For any reasonable person, any presence of Al Qaeda should be a reason to withdraw support.
Desh, he's not only arming Al Qaeda now, he armed them in Libya. Nothing could be more obvious.

Those facts are all around you, but you refuse to face even the most obvious truths.

if it were true you could give me proof of it instead of just inferring it with your hate
It amazes me the blind obeisance seen in so many Obama supporters who simply will not see the glaring faults and shortcomings he has demonstrated. To say the much over-used and abused sayings and titles: blind koolaide drinkers, sheeple, Obamaites etc...

when you look with your hate goggles on you see lots of lies as facts
if it were true you could give me proof of it instead of just inferring it with your hate

I've given you proof many times .. and you just keep ignoring it.

Question: What is the makeup of rebel fighters?

You're not going to admit the truth, so I'll answer for you .. then you can ignore the truth again.

Syria: nearly half rebel fighters are jihadists or hardline Islamists, says IHS Jane's report
Nearly half the rebel fighters in Syria are now aligned to jihadist or hardline Islamist groups according to a new analysis of factions in the country's civil war.

Opposition forces battling Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria now number around 100,000 fighters, but after more than two years of fighting they are fragmented into as many as 1,000 bands.

The new study by IHS Jane's, a defence consultancy, estimates there are around 10,000 jihadists - who would include foreign fighters - fighting for powerful factions linked to al-Qaeda..

Another 30,000 to 35,000 are hardline Islamists who share much of the outlook of the jihadists, but are focused purely on the Syrian war rather than a wider international struggle.

There are also at least a further 30,000 moderates belonging to groups that have an Islamic character, meaning only a small minority of the rebels are linked to secular or purely nationalist groups.

The stark assessment, to be published later this week, accords with the view of Western diplomats estimate that less than one third of the opposition forces are "palatable" to Britain, while American envoys put the figure even lower.


Charles Lister, author of the analysis, said: "The insurgency is now dominated by groups which have at least an Islamist viewpoint on the conflict. The idea that it is mostly secular groups leading the opposition is just not borne out."

Two factions linked to al-Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) - also know as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS) - have come to dominate among the more extremist fighters, Mr Lister said. Their influence has risen significantly in the past year.

you have not given proof

you have given given blog spots that claim that he has armed AQ.

you always play right into the right wing liars hands ue to your predisposed hate of everything Obama.

Its a trait very few right wingers follow but I see left leaning people do every time we have a left leaning president.

left leaning people never want to look like the right with the march in step and don't question attitude when they have the presidency.

That makes them dupes to right wing lies.