Obama Hits New Low on Foreign Policy, 40% - Headed for Bush-like Numbers

Pretending Obama is arming AQ is just fucking stupid and baseless.

what could anyone gain from doing so?

what do you smucks claim the BIG Obama plan is?

stop being such hate filled dupes
you have not given proof

you have given given blog spots that claim that he has armed AQ.

you always play right into the right wing liars hands ue to your predisposed hate of everything Obama.

Its a trait very few right wingers follow but I see left leaning people do every time we have a left leaning president.

left leaning people never want to look like the right with the march in step and don't question attitude when they have the presidency.

That makes them dupes to right wing lies.

No idea who Jane's is, huh?

No problem. There was no expectation that you could deal with the truth.
bac I have been proven right in the end so many times why do you now claim I cant discern fact from truth?

WHY would Obama arm AQ in Syria?????

what the fuck would he gain from doing so?


Al-Qaida-affiliated rebels battled more moderate Syrian opposition fighters in a town along the Iraqi border on Saturday, killing at least five people in the latest outbreak of infighting among the forces opposed to President Bashar Assad's regime.

Clashes between rebel groups, particularly pitting al-Qaida-linked extremist factions against more moderate units, have grown increasingly common in recent months, undermining the opposition's primary goal of overthrowing Assad.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Saturday's fighting took place in the town of Boukamal between the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant against more mainstream rebel groups.
there is NO logical reason for Obama to do so.

its pure insanity to pretend he is.

Proof is proof NOT blog spot rumor
bac I have been proven right in the end so many times why do you now claim I cant discern fact from truth?

WHY would Obama arm AQ in Syria?????

what the fuck would he gain from doing so?

You're a partisan good sister. You don't really care about truth, just Obama.

Did Obama arm Al Qaeda in Libya?

Of course he did, and you'd have to be either a fool or a partisan to claim that he didn't.

Now Libya is the headquarters of Al Qaeda, thanks to Obama.

Whether you accept this truth or not is meaningless .. it's still the truth.
The american public made the MIC stop their plans. I think that's the story of the century! All the tinfoil hatters changed the narrative. We fucking changed the narrative! Nobody trusts mainstream media oulets anymore. Only the braindead like our resident partisans still verify their news with a mainsteam outlet. the rest of us go to the alternative news to get the real story.

As for Obama winning... LOL, keep fucking that chicken!

See what fox did

they hate all other media but fox and the people who lie for fox.

How do you know your not buying paid for news by our very enemies like grover or some foreign entity that wants to kill us too
You're a partisan good sister. You don't really care about truth, just Obama.

Did Obama arm Al Qaeda in Libya?

Of course he did, and you'd have to be either a fool or a partisan to claim that he didn't.

Now Libya is the headquarters of Al Qaeda, thanks to Obama.

Whether you accept this truth or not is meaningless .. it's still the truth.

dude if you give decent proof he did I will accept it.

Until you can all you have proven is your a dupe
Prove he knowingly armed AQ in Lybia. I will accept it if its true.

Since you asked, here it is again.


White House officials suggested in June that President Barack Obama had decided to provide military aid to the Syrian rebels, but in the months since, rebel leaders and U.S. lawmakers have said no lethal assistance has arrived.

After two years of balking at directly arming the Syrian opposition, the White House's pledge in June to provide military aid to the rebels, came as the U.S. government said it had proof that Assad's forces had engaged in small-scale use of chemical weapons.

In late July, lawmakers gave the plan the green light.

Rebel sources recently confirmed receipt of arms such as anti-tank weapons.

"The U.S. is distributing non-lethal aid and some lethal assistance as well to the SMC (Supreme Military Council)," Saleh told a news conference, referring to the council that oversees operations of rebels. He said the Supreme Military Council also had a plan to derive tactical benefits from the strikes if they do take place.

Saleh's comments at a Washington news conference may be the first public indication that U.S.-provided military goods such as arms or ammunition are actually moving to anti-Assad forces.

Separately, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday that Washington was trying to upgrade its support for the Syrian opposition.

"It is ramping up, but I can tell you that many of the items that people have complained were not getting to them are now getting to them," Kerry said in a Google+ Hangout interview. He declined to say what military items were arriving.

Last week, a former senior U.S. official said a limited quantity of American arms had reached the rebels.


Panetta Exposes Rift With Obama Over Arming Syrian Rebels

By Terry Atlas - Feb 7, 2013 9:00 PM PT .

The Obama administration’s two top defense officials publicly acknowledged a policy rift with the White House over whether to send U.S. arms to Syrian rebels.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who is retiring, and Army General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, both said in congressional testimony yesterday that they supported a plan last year to provide weapons to the rebels fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta testifies on the attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya before the Senate Armed Services Committee in Washington, D.C.. Photographer: Win McNamee/Getty Images

Their comments before the Senate Armed Services Committee came in response to questions from Republican Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Both senators have been leading critics of the Obama administration for failing to do more to help the Syrian rebels, who are heavily outgunned by Assad’s forces.

“We did,” said Dempsey, responding to McCain’s question on whether they supported the plan to arm Assad’s opponents by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and David Petraeus, who was director of the Central Intelligence Agency at the time.
bac its fucking lies.

why does a black man buy so many fucking lies about the first black president?