Obama is turning the military against its own citizens

your viewpoint of politics is skewed toward statism. lefties and righties are centrist totalitarians who believe that the gov gave us our rights and has the authority to diminish or remove them at will. freedom is an extremist viewpoint to them. Libertarians are not centrist, they are freedom loving constitutionalists.

Another incredibly dimwitted claim; how is it my political view is skewed towards Statism. What claims have I made that supports "Statism?"

Do you think your uninformed bloviating and rhetorical claims are a substitute for reality and facts? I am amused how you simplistically lump everyone who might not agree with your warped views into this singular category. Stalin and Mao had similar tendencies; are you seeing any similarity?

I am a liberty loving Constitutionalist who believes in limited Government and a strong military to defend our borders and our political interests and allies in the world. How is anything I argue for "Statist?". But this also requires defending the rule of law and our legislative process.

The reason our military would NEVER turn on its citizens is because they too are citizens with a strong belief in the rule of law and the Constitution; perhaps an even better understanding than civilians.

We are not some third works quasi dictatorship; although Democrats would like that.
You're LYAO as if you revel being in that shit stained cage. That's even more pathetic.

I am LMAO...at you, still. No response, just the same thing parroted again.

And I'm pathetic? LOLOLOL

Utah...the country apart *snicker*
Parrot on, disciple of Lenin. Lorcky want a government subsidized cracker?

ROFLMAO...ask poor deluded Philly Rabbit....you are so off-base it's a riot.

You look like a complete idiot. Still cant even understand my signature....so much for your govt-subsidized education.

Guess you shoulda checked a couple of those threads on raising the minimum wage (for a good ex) before polly asking for his cracker again. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
C'mon, Lork. Nobody really believes you're ROFLYAO. Remove your mask and tell us what's wrong. Have you been drinking a lot?

Ah, succinct...and pointless.

My posts back up my positions (which dont fit, overall, into any particular box)....and you've seen none. If you have, you have not directly commented on the CONTENT of any. Just parroted in an attempt to save face. (that ship has sailed, btw)

So yeah, I'm laughing.....I thank you for that, it's very healthy.
Ah, succinct...and pointless.

My posts back up my positions (which dont fit, overall, into any particular box)....and you've seen none. If you have, you have not directly commented on the CONTENT of any. Just parroted in an attempt to save face. (that ship has sailed, btw)

So yeah, I'm laughing.....I thank you for that, it's very healthy.
Your posts backup your fantasy camp. Go scribble some pretend links in your jr web designer coloring book.