Obamacare: still the law of the land

When Obamacare passed there were about 24 million Americans without health insurance coverage. Today there are about 26 million. Given population growth, the number of uninsured in America has remained about constant. All Obamacare did for the most part was shift people from private insurance plans onto Obamacare plans that often suck worse than their previous coverage.
how many people LOST coverage because their premiums became more expensive than they could afford?????

Obamacare reduced the uninsured proportion of the population in half, from about 17 to 18 percent uninsured pre- Obamacare to around 8 or 9 percent post-Obamacare
When Obamacare passed there were about 24 million Americans without health insurance coverage. Today there are about 26 million. Given population growth, the number of uninsured in America has remained about constant. All Obamacare did for the most part was shift people from private insurance plans onto Obamacare plans that often suck worse than their previous coverage.

Citation ?
Trump is going to release his “much better” plan in three weeks…. He said so 2 years ago!
that did not answer my question.............would you like to try again?

I have never met a single person in real life who told me they "lost" health insurance because Obamacare.

I do know there have been some on the internet who lied about it.

The only metric that matters is that Obamacare has expanded health care to a broader proportion of the population, and this is emperically verified
Obamacare is better than nothing at all, and that's the best we can speak of it.

Anything short of a UK style National Health Service is shamelessly half-assing it.

Nobody can beat Americans at half-assing things, and most of us, sad to say, aren't even embarrassed over it.
We need to be.
I have never met a single person in real life who told me they "lost" health insurance because Obamacare.

I do know there have been some on the internet who lied about it.

The only metric that matters is that Obamacare has expanded health care to a broader proportion of the population, and this is emperically verified

(R)s do not like lower income people to have the same things *they* have, even health care.
Citation ?

I was a little off according to this, but it amounts to the same thing I said. The number of uninsured in the US has remained pretty constant since 2010 when Obamacare was enacted.


Obamacare did little to change things. Most of the new enrollments were people on Medicaid not people buying policies. That is more people ended up on government provided plans (Medicaid) at taxpayer expense than anything.
(R)s do not like lower income people to have the same things *they* have, even health care.

That's just the top of their sick pyramid, Owl.

What's really baffling is the rest of the pyramid: tens of millions of rank-and-file Republicans who really don't have much of anything other than their devotion to their string-pullers.
Obamacare is better than nothing at all, and that's the best we can speak of it.

Anything short of a UK style National Health Service is shamelessly half-assing it.

Nobody can beat Americans at half-assing things, and most of us, sad to say, aren't even embarrassed over it.
We need to be.

We are very, very happy with our Medicare and wish that everyone could have it. We have the supplemental, too, so have little outlay for medical expenses. And guess what? It has made the health insurers happy. Every one of us on the program are bombarded this time of year with plan offerings. Lotsa money in that supplemental for them, evidently. Let's let everyone have Medicare, and buy their own supplemental plans, or get them thru their jobs.
That's just the top of their sick pyramid, Owl.

What's really baffling is the rest of the pyramid: tens of millions of rank-and-file Republicans who really don't have much of anything other than their devotion to their string-pullers.

The same string-pullers who ensure that the puppets will vote to keep their taxes low?
We are very, very happy with our Medicare and wish that everyone could have it. We have the supplemental, too, so have little outlay for medical expenses. And guess what? It has made the health insurers happy. Every one of us on the program are bombarded this time of year with plan offerings. Lotsa money in that supplemental for them, evidently. Let's let everyone have Medicare, and buy their own supplemental plans, or get them thru their jobs.

I've got Medicare and supplemental too, Owl.
My union-negotiated retirement package even got the supplemental subsidized by our former employer's remnant holders.
It works fine for me, but it's not all about me.

I'm not a pragmatic socialist.
I'm an ideological socialist.

I have always supported a National Health Care System, not because I need it, but because the society needs it.
You work or worked in the health care industry, so it's only natural that you would have to have an influenced opinion.
Perhaps you might not want to be a government employee. Fair enough.
I've no problem with that at all.

I just know that in which I believe.