
No. What's apparent is that....you're handling "numbers" that were pulled outta someone-else's ass....and, I'm guessing neither-o'-you is all that heavy into personal-hygiene.


Just try to stay down-wind.

Only if you consider using numbers put out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the USDA as pulling it out of an ass.

If you smell something, it's the shit stain on the end of your nose from kissing Obama's ass.
September 13, 2016 - "The U.S. has bombarded an ISIS chemical weapons plant that was housed in a converted Iraqi pharmaceutical factory, a top Air Force commander said Tuesday.

Air Force Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Harrigian, the commander of the US Air Force's Central Command, told reporters that 12 aircraft in all were used to hit the facility, which also served as an ISIS headquarters, at 50 different points.

The strike follows a United Nations-backed report issued last month that found that both the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and ISIS have used chemical weapons in the five-year-long war that has ripped the country apart.

The year-long investigation by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons found in August that Syria's government -- in particular its air force -- had used chlorine gas at least twice since 2013. It also pointed the finger at ISIS for a mustard gas attack.

At the time, National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said the US-led anti-ISIS coalition had placed "a high priority on targeting" ISIS chemical weapons capabilities. "We will continue to remove leaders from the battlefield with knowledge of these weapons and will target any related materials and attempts to manufacture such chemicals going forward," Price said last month.

Harrigian said the attack on the ISIS chemical facility took place Monday in the vicinity of Mosul. The aircraft involved included F-15s, A-10s, F-18s, F-16s and a B-52, he said."

September 12, 2016 - "The Pentagon confirmed on Monday that Islamic State leader Abu Muhammad al-Adnani was killed in a U.S. air strike on Aug. 30 in Syria.

The United States had said on Aug. 30 that Adnani had been targeted in a strike, but it stopped short of confirming his death. Russia's Defense Ministry said on Aug. 31 that a Russian air strike had killed Adnani."


"Sicko" Presents False View of Cuba's Health System
"Sicko" Presents False View of Cuba's Health System

by Ryan Balis

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore claims his latest documentary, "Sicko," will "rip the band-aid off America's health care industry,"1 which Moore sees as wrongfully dominated by private drug companies and profit-seeking HMOs.

In part of "Sicko," released June 29, Moore takes a group of ill 9/11 rescue workers to Cuba for health treatment.2 Though most of the workers on Moore's two-week sojourn in March 2007 were insured,3 Moore's motive in going to Cuba is to showcase the supposed superiority of the communist country's "free" national health care and to compare this to "the misery people are put through on a daily basis by our profit-based system" in the U.S.4 (The Department of Treasury has opened an investigation into whether Moore violated the U.S.'s longstanding embargo of Cuba.)5

As with Moore's previous documentaries, "Sicko" provides a brash handling of public policy disputes. The film's underlying push is to, in Moore's words, "ignite a fire for free, universal health care."6 When this premise is examined, the rosy myth of socialized medicine's achievement in Cuba is crushed.

Cuba's Heath Care System: The Reality

Under the Cuban government's health care monopoly, the state assumes complete control. Private, non-governmental health facilities, where ailing citizens could buy treatment, are illegal.7 As a result, average Cubans suffer long waits at government hospitals, while many services and technologies are available only to the Cuban party elite and foreign "health tourists" who pay with hard currency. Moreover, access to such rudimentary medicines as antibiotics and Aspirin can be limited, and there are reports that citizens excluded from the foreign-only hospitals often must bring their own bed sheets and blankets while in care.8

Despite the reality, Cuba's universal health system continues to be glorified. "Defenders of Cuba's communist government cite universal health care and education as 'gains of the revolution,' claiming the average Cuban is far better off today than under the dictatorship of Fulgencia Batista," wrote Tom Carter of the Washington Times.9 Moreover, "The health care system is often touted by many analysts as one of the Castro government's greatest achievements," says an updated 2002 State Department report, which rejects the notion that Cuba's health conditions have significantly improved for most Cuban citizens since 1958.10

When examining the woeful reality of health care in Cuba, Moore's and other liberals' drive to establish a 'socially equitable,' centrally-planned medical system in America should be rejected as a foolish proposal. Though state-sponsored health care is trumpeted in Cuba as a basic human right achieved by the revolution, according to many reports, including those by Cuban defectors, universal availability of and accessibility to top quality care are fantasies.

Below is a snapshot of reports from those who have witnessed Cuba's health care system up front. They serve notice of the horrors of socialized medicine.

View attachment 3244

This is what the majority of Americans think of this "president" and all Democrats.

No, you're still not the Majority.....but, you DO have a certain-degree of distinction.


I guess we Progressives could make like "conservative"-parents....and, blame your attitude on other kids being a bad-influence, on you.

Over the year, the geographic South has exhibited the strongest rate of sales growth, with transactions up 39.6 percent from July 2015. The Midwest has followed close behind, with sales jumping 35.5 percent."

Ain't the "geographic south" and the "Midwest" mostly governed by Republicans?:dunno: Aren't we talking about nearly all RED states here?:dunno::rofl2::cof1:
That was the first source that would come up and the one I used when I asked my question about why a black President, at the same unemployment rate the white one had, has 15 million more on food stamps.

Gee.....let's see.....Lil' Dumbya left Barack Obama an unemployment-rate of 7.8.....which was STILL growing.....and, end-of-August ('16), we were at 4.9!

Then, there's.....

....And, how can we POSSIBLY forget Republicans attempt at ambushing Obama....


.....Only to see Barack Obama turn Mikey Pence EVERY-WAY-BUT-LOOSE!!!!!!

Gee.....let's see.....Lil' Dumbya left Barack Obama an unemployment-rate of 7.8.....which was STILL growing.....and, end-of-August ('16), we were at 4.9!

Then, there's.....

....And, how can we POSSIBLY forget Republicans attempt at ambushing Obama....


.....Only to see Barack Obama turn Mikey Pence EVERY-WAY-BUT-LOOSE!!!!!!


Little Barry BOY said we needed a stimulus in 2009 in order to keep unemployment below 8%. He got his stimulus but unemployment went up to over 10%. How quickly some forget.