Obama's Eligibility Still In Question

This particular conspiracy is really retarded. I do find amusement in the Hillary supporters that filed suits against Obama, because intraparty warfare is entertaining (whether it be Obama vs. Hillary or Romney vs. Huckabee), but people who are seriously challenging Obama's eligibility are fucking retarded.

Even if it were true, you'd never get the Courts to oust the 1st black president in history, which is so far the only thing I appreciate about the Obama administration.
This particular conspiracy is really retarded. I do find amusement in the Hillary supporters that filed suits against Obama, because intraparty warfare is entertaining (whether it be Obama vs. Hillary or Romney vs. Huckabee), but people who are seriously challenging Obama's eligibility are fucking retarded.

Even if it were true, you'd never get the Courts to oust the 1st black president in history, which is so far the only thing I appreciate about the Obama administration.
The main drive behind it is a Hillary supporter who is a former US Attorney.

Here's his website:


His group asked Alan Keyes to file in CA because of the standing ruling, and seek out people like the military dude to file.

There are many other lawsuits out there as well. He has three that he is currently working, that doesn't include Keyes and other lawsuits.
The main drive behind it is a Hillary supporter who is a former US Attorney.

Here's his website:


His group asked Alan Keyes to file in CA because of the standing ruling, and seek out people like the military dude to file.

He's not a former US attorney.

Is there any detail too small for you to be dishonest about? Once or twice I can chalk it up to faulty memory but when you do it all the time . . .
He's not a former US attorney.

Is there any detail too small for you to be dishonest about? Once or twice I can chalk it up to faulty memory but when you do it all the time . . .
I only go by what he says on the radio, dude. I believe that he says that he is a former US attorney.

Ah, sorry. It's former Deputy Attorney General.... I misremembered.

He was a Deputy Attorney General in Pennsylvania.

You have some weird ability to assume that I am on the guy's side or something. I just am fascinated by fringe weirdos and how far they'll go.
You don't know very much about judicial processes and are grossly misinformed. As a preliminary matter, as I said previously, Obama is not a party to any of the litigation. Also, Obama is not paying any attorneys at all. You're being lied to and beg for more more more. It's Alan Fucking Keyes for crying out loud.

Why is it fascinating? It's what these lunatic fringe fuckers do.
I do notice that Obama is specifically named in many of the lawsuits. How does this particularly mean he is not a party in the lawsuit? You seem very educated on this particular subject. I was taking your word for it, but it seems that being the defendant in three lawsuits filed by Berg would mean he was a party in at least three of them.

Maybe Soc can explain.
Another U.S. soldier on active duty in Iraq is joining a challenge to President Obama's eligibility to be commander-in-chief, citing WND's report on 1st Lt. Scott Easterling, who has agreed to be a plaintiff in a lawsuit over the issue, as his inspiration....
This would be great fun if the whole Obama thing came crashing down! :cof1:
I do notice that Obama is specifically named in many of the lawsuits. How does this particularly mean he is not a party in the lawsuit? You seem very educated on this particular subject. I was taking your word for it, but it seems that being the defendant in three lawsuits filed by Berg would mean he was a party in at least three of them.

I believe that was in reference to the Keyes lawsuit on California where you alleged that Obama was spending lots of money on attorneys. He's not a party in that case.

Edit: And no, I'm not particularly educated on this subject. I followed the original Berg case because it was hilarious but this stuff got really really tired really really quickly.
I believe that was in reference to the Keyes lawsuit on California where you alleged that Obama was spending lots of money on attorneys. He's not a party in that case.

Edit: And no, I'm not particularly educated on this subject. I followed the original Berg case because it was hilarious but this stuff got really really tired really really quickly.
So you were solely referencing that case and not other cases like the one I was speaking of where they subpoenaed records from his college, the college stated it was a valid subpoena but contacted attorneys paid for by, apparently, "not Obama" that is attempting to block them? I didn't specify yet you rejected that Obama was named in any of the lawsuits and that he was not spending cash trying to fight this.

The reality is you were spouting off without information, and I was taking your word for it. I'll not make that mistake again.

Somebody is spending serious green.
So you were solely referencing that case and not other cases like the one I was speaking of where they subpoenaed records from his college, the college stated it was a valid subpoena but contacted attorneys paid for by, apparently, "not Obama" that is attempting to block them? I didn't specify yet you rejected that Obama was named in any of the lawsuits and that he was not spending cash trying to fight this.

The reality is you were spouting off without information, and I was taking your word for it. I'll not make that mistake again.

Somebody is spending serious green.

The college records are a part of the Keyes lawsuit. It's the same lawsuit.
And the lawyers that were contacted by the college's lawyers... who is paying for them?

Even assuming the college's lawyers contacted other lawyers, how much does the following conversation cost?

College Attorney: Hi, counsel for the president, we received a subpoena for some records. Do you object to us producing them?

Counsel for the President: Yes.

College Attorney: OK.

Even assuming the college's lawyers contacted other lawyers, how much does the following conversation cost?

College Attorney: Hi, counsel for the president, we received a subpoena for some records. Do you object to us producing them?

Counsel for the President: Yes.

College Attorney: OK.

Not quite. The second group of attorneys are filing motions, etc. on his behalf and are one of the priciest in California. But heck....

It is still fascinating, and I believe expensive.

Especially over this. I've been saying pretty much all along that these people are dopes, and think they are. Imagine President Joe Biden...
Ive said since the outcome of the 2008 election that I hope these liberals do exactly what they want to do, unfettered by the GOP. Only then will the scheme come crashing down around everyone, and only then can we start to rebuild. Its either that or bloodshed.
Personally, I don't think we'll ever see the signed vault copy of his birth certificate because Hawaii has logical laws that allow him to refuse that to them. But I do believe we'll eventually get most of the documents these people seek, and that everybody will be a bit disappointed in the result.

Damo, you say this, but how did you come to the conclusion that everyone will be disappointed? It seems to me, if there were nothing to any of this, the records would be made public. There wouldn't be this vehement refusal to release information to the public. If there is nothing to hide, why does Obama continue to act as if he has something to hide?

Personally, I think he was born in Africa, and spirited off to Hawaii to live with his grandmother and be "officially" American. Not because his family thought he might one day be the president, but because it is more advantageous across the board to be an American as opposed to an African. Now, this may be one of those skeletons so firmly entrenched in the closet, we never get to the bottom of it... can anyone say, Chappaquiddick? It is certainly not likely this will ever effect his legitimacy as president, because it all boils down to his word against his opponents. But you are right, it is indeed intriguing to watch this unfold.
Damo, you say this, but how did you come to the conclusion that everyone will be disappointed? It seems to me, if there were nothing to any of this, the records would be made public. There wouldn't be this vehement refusal to release information to the public. If there is nothing to hide, why does Obama continue to act as if he has something to hide?

Personally, I think he was born in Africa, and spirited off to Hawaii to live with his grandmother and be "officially" American. Not because his family thought he might one day be the president, but because it is more advantageous across the board to be an American as opposed to an African. Now, this may be one of those skeletons so firmly entrenched in the closet, we never get to the bottom of it... can anyone say, Chappaquiddick? It is certainly not likely this will ever effect his legitimacy as president, because it all boils down to his word against his opponents. But you are right, it is indeed intriguing to watch this unfold.
My conclusion is based on gut feeling. I think we'll eventually get the information one way or another, but it won't "disqualify" him, and will have something he wanted to hide that will come out, both sides will be disappointed with the result.
My conclusion is based on gut feeling. I think we'll eventually get the information one way or another, but it won't "disqualify" him, and will have something he wanted to hide that will come out, both sides will be disappointed with the result.

Okay... but like I said... Think about it... Your family is fairly well-to-do by African standards, you are born there, but you have a maternal granny living in the states... better opportunity for your future, better chance of success and good education... isn't it logical to think he may have been sent to America after his birth? Especially when it was discovered they could obtain certification of birth after the fact in Hawaii, a nice little loophole in the system.

This story hasn't gone away because it is yet to be confirmed he was indeed born in Hawaii, we don't know what hospital or attending physician, or any relevant info we can confirm... that's pretty odd, if everything is legit, don't you think?
Okay... but like I said... Think about it... Your family is fairly well-to-do by African standards, you are born there, but you have a maternal granny living in the states... better opportunity for your future, better chance of success and good education... isn't it logical to think he may have been sent to America after his birth? Especially when it was discovered they could obtain certification of birth after the fact in Hawaii, a nice little loophole in the system.

This story hasn't gone away because it is yet to be confirmed he was indeed born in Hawaii, we don't know what hospital or attending physician, or any relevant info we can confirm... that's pretty odd, if everything is legit, don't you think?
It's one of the reasons it is so fascinating. It would be so easy to make every lawsuit go away.
Okay... but like I said... Think about it... Your family is fairly well-to-do by African standards, you are born there, but you have a maternal granny living in the states... better opportunity for your future, better chance of success and good education... isn't it logical to think he may have been sent to America after his birth? Especially when it was discovered they could obtain certification of birth after the fact in Hawaii, a nice little loophole in the system.

This story hasn't gone away because it is yet to be confirmed he was indeed born in Hawaii, we don't know what hospital or attending physician, or any relevant info we can confirm... that's pretty odd, if everything is legit, don't you think?
This theory fits all the facts that we have:
1. Mother and father both dead- can't confirm or deny;
2. His African granny claimed he was born in Kenya, now she isn't talking;
3. His American granny wasn't talking, and is now dead;
4. Convenient Hawaii birth certificate standards;
5. Hawaiian newspaper birth announcement.
Even assuming the college's lawyers contacted other lawyers, how much does the following conversation cost?

College Attorney: Hi, counsel for the president, we received a subpoena for some records. Do you object to us producing them?

Counsel for the President: Yes.

College Attorney: OK.


Not quite. More like.....

College Attorney: Hi, counsel for the president, we received a subpoena for some records. Do you object to us producing them?

Counsel for the President: Yes.

College Attorney: OK, well, the subpoena we have been served is a valid subpoena, and we are going to have to comply. So if you want the release blocked you need to act by Friday. We are under court order to produce the records no later than Monday or we will be in contempt. Have a great day.
Sorry, no. The college isn't going to withhold because the White House counsel told them to. Garbage.
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