Obama's popularity explained

I can't read words that never existed. Can you "help" with that?

This is what you asked for; I was referring to my opposition to Kosovo, which you implied I was lying about. You said those words "never existed," and I found them for you.

People with any sense of shame would feel extremely embarassed about that, and probably apologize for putting words in my mouth or doubting my word on that, with no proof. But, since this has been a thread of your lies & you are shameless, your response is unsurprising.
I do apologize.

I was mistaken.

The thread I had meant to repond to (Same Old Message of Change and Hope) contained your post which reads "You can whine about the innocent Iraqi's we've killed. What a miserable fucking person you are. Delusional, and miserable."

I still don't see how your opposition to Clinton's Kosovo bombing expresses any sympathy for the victims, but perhaps you can "help" with that, too.
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"I do apologize.

I was mistaken."

Cool. Thanks.

I don't have to keep producing proof to counter your assumptions, which have already proven to be woefully wrong. One of the reasons I was opposed to Kosovo was because of the civilian casualties. If you're going to accuse me of not caring about civilians in Kosovo, but caring only about those in Iraq, the onus is on you. My views have been consistent, and idependent of whether a Democrat or Republican is in office. Can you say the same?

While you're at it, you can also apologize for misrepresenting Obama's positions in the 1st post, and lying about what I thought of him.

Again, I'm trying to help. Never assume. If you accuse someone of something, it's good to have a few facts on your side.
A 10% increase in the budget, and I don't have to pay for healthcare anymore? You do realize that we pay 15% of our income in healthcare right now don't you? That would be a MASSIVE decrease in cost. And the National Taxpayers union is in no way an unbiased source, so those figures are probably inflated. Give me Obamas platform all the way.
Obama has never said healthcare would be "free". He said that it would be universal, and that the system would be reformed to reduce costs. McCain, on the other hand, has proposed tax credits.
So are you..............

I got $1800. Don't forget $300 per kid for up to two kids...

Donating your windfall back to the national debt or giving it to RP and the Libertarian Party...never mind you will probably take the kids to Disneyland and give your cars a wash job by illegal Aleins on your way out to dinner and a movie!
Barack Obama will provide $10 billion in additional Mortgage Revenue Bonds, at a cost of $50 million to the federal government, to help families facing foreclosure refinance and to enable low and moderate-income firsttime homebuyers purchase a home.”


Cost: $50 million (first year cost)

Barack Obama will ensure that anyone with a mortgage, not just the well-off, can take advantage of this tax incentive for homeownership by creating a universal mortgage credit. This 10 percent credit will benefit an additional 10 million homeowners, the majority of whom earn less than $50,000 per year. Non-itemizers will be eligible for this refundable credit, which will provide the average recipient with approximately $500 per year in tax savings. This tax credit will also help homeowners deal with the uncertain state of the housing market today.”


Cost: $4.4 billion ($22 billion over five years). Source: Based on the statistics from the Senator in the quote above.

As President, Obama will initiate a strategy to encourage all 50 states to adopt paid-leave systems. Obama will provide a $1.5 billion fund to assist states with start-up costs and to help states offset the costs for employees and employers.”


Cost: $300 million ($1.5 billion over five years).

Barack Obama will create a National Catastrophe Insurance Reserve that would be funded by private insurers contributing a portion of the premiums they collect from policyholders. Such a framework would neither distort the insurance market nor discourage risk avoidance and risk mitigation investments because insurers would not be forced out of high-risk markets for fear of bankruptcy in the event of a disaster. With this program in place, disaster victims would no longer have to depend solely on taxpayer-funded federal disaster aid loans.”

http://my.barackobama.com/page/-/HQpress/020708 Katrina Fact Sheet.pdf

Cost: $15 million ($75 million over five years). Source: CBO estimate for H.R. 3355 (110th Congress).

Obama’s comprehensive program to rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf Coast includes …[e]nsuring that New Orleans has a levee and pumping system to protect the city from a 100-year storm by 2011, with the ultimate goal of protecting the entire city from a Category 5 storm.”

http://my.barackobama.com/page/-/HQpress/020708 Katrina Fact Sheet.pdf

Cost: $1.6 billion ($32 billion over 20 years). Source: According to The Times-Picayune, “After Katrina hit the New Orleans area in 2005, Congress directed the Corps [of Engineers] to both improve the New Orleans area levee system by 2012 to protect from a hurricane with a 1-in-100 chance of hitting in a given year, and study how to build a Category 5 protection system in the long term.”


Barack Obama will address the infrastructure challenge by creating a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank to expand and enhance, not supplant, existing federal transportation investments. This independent entity will be directed to invest in our nation’s most challenging
transportation infrastructure needs. The Bank will receive an infusion of federal money, $60 billion over 10 years, to provide financing to transportation infrastructure projects across the


Cost: $6 billion ($60 billion over ten years).

Obama will support the authorization of the National Science Foundation's AdvancedTechnological Education program at $100 million, a critical program that that has helped support science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs in community colleges.”


Cost: $48 million (first-year cost). Source: In FY 2008 this program was authorized at $52 million, per National Science Foundation’s budget.


I have called for $250 million to bring quality teachers back to the Gulf region. Any teacher or principal who commits to come here for three years should receive an annual bonus; and those who teach in subject areas where we face shortages – such as math and science – should receive
an additional bonus


Cost: $50 million ($250 million over five years).

Obama will work to ensure that the maximum Pell Grant award is increased for low income students by ensuring that the award keeps pace with the rising cost of inflation.”


Cost: $7.08 billion ($35.401 billion over five years). Source: Obama is a cosponsor of S. 359 (110th Congress).

Furthermore, Obama will work to empower more Americans in the fight against predatory lending by supporting initiatives to improve financial literacy and financial planning.”


Cost: $250 million ($1.25 billion over five years). Source: Related legislation has been introduced in the form of S. 2671 (110th Congress).

As President, [Obama] will rebuild broken facilities and provide incentives, such as loan forgiveness, to lure medical professionals back to the region. He will fight to establish a major medical complex in downtown New Orleans that will serve the entire community. He will also push to quickly build a new, state-of-the-art Department of Veterans Affairs hospital in New Orleans so that the city’s veterans can get top quality care.”

http://my.barackobama.com/page/-/HQpress/020708 Katrina Fact Sheet.pdf

Cost: $225 million (first-year cost). Loan Forgiveness: $225 million (first-year cost). Source: Section 3 of H.R. 1599.


As President, Obama will dramatically improve disaster planning. He will work with emergency management officials, emergency responders and other experts from all 50 states to create a real National Response Plan that provides for real cooperation between states, locals and the federal
government in the face of a disaster. Obama’s FEMA will provide real training to emergency responders and professionals in states and localities to ensure that all areas of the country have the human resources necessary to respond to disasters

http://my.barackobama.com/page/-/HQpress/020708 Katrina Fact Sheet.pdf

Cost: $120 million ($600 million over five years). Source: CBO estimate of related legislation, H.R. 5351 (109th Congress).


As President, Obama will appoint a Chief Financial Officer to oversee the rebuilding following national disasters to minimize waste and abuse.”

http://my.barackobama.com/page/-/HQpress/020708 Katrina Fact Sheet.pdf

Cost: $4 million ($20 million over five years). Source: CBO estimate for H.R. 2886 (108th Congress).


Obama will provide....with your money, one assumes.
Barack Obama will provide $10 billion in additional Mortgage Revenue Bonds, at a cost of $50 million to the federal government, to help families facing foreclosure refinance and to enable low and moderate-income firsttime homebuyers purchase a home.”


Cost: $50 million (first year cost)

Barack Obama will ensure that anyone with a mortgage, not just the well-off, can take advantage of this tax incentive for homeownership by creating a universal mortgage credit. This 10 percent credit will benefit an additional 10 million homeowners, the majority of whom earn less than $50,000 per year. Non-itemizers will be eligible for this refundable credit, which will provide the average recipient with approximately $500 per year in tax savings. This tax credit will also help homeowners deal with the uncertain state of the housing market today.”


Cost: $4.4 billion ($22 billion over five years). Source: Based on the statistics from the Senator in the quote above.

As President, Obama will initiate a strategy to encourage all 50 states to adopt paid-leave systems. Obama will provide a $1.5 billion fund to assist states with start-up costs and to help states offset the costs for employees and employers.”


Cost: $300 million ($1.5 billion over five years).

Barack Obama will create a National Catastrophe Insurance Reserve that would be funded by private insurers contributing a portion of the premiums they collect from policyholders. Such a framework would neither distort the insurance market nor discourage risk avoidance and risk mitigation investments because insurers would not be forced out of high-risk markets for fear of bankruptcy in the event of a disaster. With this program in place, disaster victims would no longer have to depend solely on taxpayer-funded federal disaster aid loans.”

http://my.barackobama.com/page/-/HQpress/020708 Katrina Fact Sheet.pdf

Cost: $15 million ($75 million over five years). Source: CBO estimate for H.R. 3355 (110th Congress).

Obama’s comprehensive program to rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf Coast includes …[e]nsuring that New Orleans has a levee and pumping system to protect the city from a 100-year storm by 2011, with the ultimate goal of protecting the entire city from a Category 5 storm.”

http://my.barackobama.com/page/-/HQpress/020708 Katrina Fact Sheet.pdf

Cost: $1.6 billion ($32 billion over 20 years). Source: According to The Times-Picayune, “After Katrina hit the New Orleans area in 2005, Congress directed the Corps [of Engineers] to both improve the New Orleans area levee system by 2012 to protect from a hurricane with a 1-in-100 chance of hitting in a given year, and study how to build a Category 5 protection system in the long term.”


Barack Obama will address the infrastructure challenge by creating a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank to expand and enhance, not supplant, existing federal transportation investments. This independent entity will be directed to invest in our nation’s most challenging
transportation infrastructure needs. The Bank will receive an infusion of federal money, $60 billion over 10 years, to provide financing to transportation infrastructure projects across the


Cost: $6 billion ($60 billion over ten years).

Obama will support the authorization of the National Science Foundation's AdvancedTechnological Education program at $100 million, a critical program that that has helped support science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs in community colleges.”


Cost: $48 million (first-year cost). Source: In FY 2008 this program was authorized at $52 million, per National Science Foundation’s budget.


I have called for $250 million to bring quality teachers back to the Gulf region. Any teacher or principal who commits to come here for three years should receive an annual bonus; and those who teach in subject areas where we face shortages – such as math and science – should receive
an additional bonus


Cost: $50 million ($250 million over five years).

Obama will work to ensure that the maximum Pell Grant award is increased for low income students by ensuring that the award keeps pace with the rising cost of inflation.”


Cost: $7.08 billion ($35.401 billion over five years). Source: Obama is a cosponsor of S. 359 (110th Congress).

Furthermore, Obama will work to empower more Americans in the fight against predatory lending by supporting initiatives to improve financial literacy and financial planning.”


Cost: $250 million ($1.25 billion over five years). Source: Related legislation has been introduced in the form of S. 2671 (110th Congress).

As President, [Obama] will rebuild broken facilities and provide incentives, such as loan forgiveness, to lure medical professionals back to the region. He will fight to establish a major medical complex in downtown New Orleans that will serve the entire community. He will also push to quickly build a new, state-of-the-art Department of Veterans Affairs hospital in New Orleans so that the city’s veterans can get top quality care.”

http://my.barackobama.com/page/-/HQpress/020708 Katrina Fact Sheet.pdf

Cost: $225 million (first-year cost). Loan Forgiveness: $225 million (first-year cost). Source: Section 3 of H.R. 1599.


As President, Obama will dramatically improve disaster planning. He will work with emergency management officials, emergency responders and other experts from all 50 states to create a real National Response Plan that provides for real cooperation between states, locals and the federal
government in the face of a disaster. Obama’s FEMA will provide real training to emergency responders and professionals in states and localities to ensure that all areas of the country have the human resources necessary to respond to disasters

http://my.barackobama.com/page/-/HQpress/020708 Katrina Fact Sheet.pdf

Cost: $120 million ($600 million over five years). Source: CBO estimate of related legislation, H.R. 5351 (109th Congress).


As President, Obama will appoint a Chief Financial Officer to oversee the rebuilding following national disasters to minimize waste and abuse.”

http://my.barackobama.com/page/-/HQpress/020708 Katrina Fact Sheet.pdf

Cost: $4 million ($20 million over five years). Source: CBO estimate for H.R. 2886 (108th Congress).


Obama will provide....with your money, one assumes.

You're a brilliant cut and paster. Later generations should be taught this by noble souls such as yourself.
You're a brilliant cut and paster. Later generations should be taught this by noble souls such as yourself.

But you did not dispute a single thing Indisputable said. You could have at least said that he was wrong, but you did not. The only argument you could make that addressed the post was to make a demeaning comment without showing a single intelligent thought to counter the opinion. How weak is that?
But you did not bother to waste your precious time with the idioicty of a single thing Indisputable said.

Yes, very perceptive of you.

You could have at least said that he was wrong, but you did not, and I respect you for not paying attention to racists.

Why thankyou.

The only argument that could have possibly been made was none at all, since it would be like responding to a ranting temper-tantrum throwing child.

Yes, most conservatives are like that, glad you picked up.
"If I pay 5% or more so in taxes to get 15% of my income back from healthcare costs, I'll be able to do a lot more than that."

To maximize your payback, maybe you should vote several times. I hear the Jackass Party goes in for that sort of thing.
"If I pay 5% or more so in taxes to get 15% of my income back from healthcare costs, I'll be able to do a lot more than that."

To maximize your payback, maybe you should vote several times. I hear the Jackass Party goes in for that sort of thing.

Yeah I could make like a hundred bucks just going out and voting a bunch. Good idea.