Obama's popularity explained

Just make sure Obama's IRS doesn't call it imputed income.

You could end up being one of "the rich" that has to pay for all his promises.

I doubt 100 bucks will tip me over that faithful line, especially since it would be illegal income and I'm not going to report it, but I shall watch, just for you.
Donating your windfall back to the national debt or giving it to RP and the Libertarian Party...never mind you will probably take the kids to Disneyland and give your cars a wash job by illegal Aleins on your way out to dinner and a movie!
Or pay debt. I can spend the money better than the government.
But you did not dispute a single thing Indisputable said. You could have at least said that he was wrong, but you did not. The only argument you could make that addressed the post was to make a demeaning comment without showing a single intelligent thought to counter the opinion. How weak is that?

This was the original post #33

This is what Watermark decided to do with post #35 timestamped 05-21-2008, 08:21 PM.

But you did not bother to waste your precious time with the idioicty of a single thing Indisputable said.

Yes, very perceptive of you.

You could have at least said that he was wrong, but you did not, and I respect you for not paying attention to racists.

Why thankyou.

The only argument that could have possibly been made was none at all, since it would be like responding to a ranting temper-tantrum throwing child.

Yes, most conservatives are like that, glad you picked up.
Don't take the above very seriously and you'll have a much

And you have just shown the honesty and integrity of Watermark. Changing what other people say to suit your own dismissive remarks is about as dishonest as one can be. You have no argument against the truth, so you resort to lying and deception.

Watermark, you cannot address any idea with any intelligent thought. All you can do is to troll and flame not showing any substantive contribution of ideas.

I really wish a huge tidal storm would just emerge out of nowhere and completely wipe America off the map.
-- Watermark
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