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I'm betting that the NRA's answer to all this is more guns! More Guns! And More Guns!
Oh and BTW every sane economist will tell you
you bring more people in when the job numbers are that low
Life for humans could be so much better if only we could get truly organized.
This planet is so awesome.
We spoil it by crowding so many of us into this one sphere of existence.
It doesn't have to be that way.
Oh and BTW every sane economist will tell you
you bring more people in when the Unemployment number is low
If a Pasture can feed 10 horses, why stick a 100 horses in the Pasture?
"For the first time the urban population of the earth will outnumber the rural. Indeed, given the imprecisions of Third World censuses, this epochal transition has probably already occurred. The earth has urbanized even faster than originally predicted by the Club of Rome in its notoriously Malthusian 1972 report Limits of Growth. In 1950 there were 86 cities in the world with a population of more than one million; today there are 400, and by 2015 there will be at least 550. Cities, indeed, have absorbed nearly two-thirds of the global population explosion since 1950, and are currently growing by a million babies and migrants each week. The world's urban labor force has more than doubled since 1980, and the present urban popu*lation - 3.2 billion - is larger than the total population of the world when John F. Kennedy was inaugurated. The global countryside, meanwhile, has reached its maximum population and will begin to shrink after 2020. As a result, cities will account for virtually all future world population growth, which is expected to peak at about 10 billion in 2050.
Ninety-five percent of this final buildout of humanity will occur in the urban areas of developing countries, whose populations will double to nearly 4 billion over the next generation.
If megacities are the brightest stars in the urban firmament, three *quarters of the burden of future world population growth will be borne by faintly visible second-tier cities and smaller urbanareas: places where, as UN researchers emphasize: "there is little or no planning to accommodate these people or provide them with services.
in many cases, rural people no longer have to migrate to the city: it migrates to them. This is also true in Malaysia, where journalist Jeremy Seabrook describes the fate of Penang fishermen "engulfed
by urbanization without migrating, their lives overturned, even while remaining on the spot where they were born." After the fishermen's homes were cut off from the sea by a new highway, their fishing grounds polluted by urban waste, and neighboring hillsides deforested to build apartment blocks, they had little choice but to send their daughters into nearby Japanese* owned sweatshop factories. "
I disagree. There are vast stretches of the planet where people don't even go. I find that most people that figure there is a population control problem have simply not gotten out into the country enough.
The total surface area of the urban areas is quite small, compared to the total land area. To assume the planet is being spoiled is leaping to a conclusion and taking a pessimistic view. The very reason people travel is to see the beauty of Earth and it's different cultures and people.
As a prime example in the U.S., all one has to do is drive out across the plains of Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, etc.
Shortages are not a function of how much food and resources there are, it is the distribution of that food and other resources. It is not uniform. It is often blocked by local wars. War itself has been part of Man for millennia. It's not fought over shortages, but over conquest of territory or religion.
The nuclear bomb itself was created to hasten victory in a war that was fought over Marxism and conquest. Since then, the Bomb has kept the peace between major powers. The cost of using it in an all out war is understood not just by us, but by every major nuclear power.
The answer to world peace is a simple one...profit. You don't go around shooting your customers. It is theft and attempted theft that causes wars.
Hello Into The Night,
The problem with that concept is that profit comes from getting more production from fewer and fewer workers. That represents an imbalance which equals increasing general poverty, not increasing general wealth. The wealth that is increasing is the wealth of the powerful. The rest are lucky if they are not losing wealth. And eventually, inflation will eradicate their wealth as well.
If all the work that has to be done can be done by 1,000,000 people...why try to find jobs for 350,000,000 people.
The notion that each person must "work for a living" is the thing that has to go.
The reason for the technological revolution is to make life easier for have machines, computers, and robots do the majority of the work so that humans can relax more.
What the hell are we doing with this?
Do you people want "digging holes and filling them in" to be the norm...just so everyone can work for a living?
We have to grow the hell up.
And we have to do it by yesterday!
Life for humans could be so much better if only we could get truly organized.
This planet is so awesome.
We spoil it by crowding so many of us into this one sphere of existence.
It doesn't have to be that way.
I don't bother with them much anymore. The difference between the 'mainstream' media (such as the Associated Press) and the supermarket tabloids is smaller than most people like to think about.Hello Into The Night,
Well that all sounds very encouraging, but I'll have to reserve believing it until I see that concept more widely out there. Read: In the main stream media.
It's about cost. Oil and natural gas are CHEAP. Burning either one efficiently is not a problem.As for Energy, I don't think we have to extract and burn.
What problem? Yes, Bill Gates is funding research into 'waste fuel' reactors.Bill Gates appears to be on the cusp of solving that problem with Traveling Wave Nuclear Power.
Modern reactors really do not have safety issues. Even when the Fukushima plants were almost entirely destroyed by a tidal wave, very few people lost their lives from it (six). That is far less than most industrial accidents.This ingenious reactor design solves the safety issue.
Same with modern nuclear reactors.Left unattended, it simply does nothing else.
The 'cooling' that you refer to is energy extraction. All engines require a 'hot' side and a 'cold' side. A nuclear reactor power station is no different. That cooling tower you see is the 'cold' side of the engine. It gives a place for the steam driving the turbines to go. That steam is not radioactive. The reactor itself contains the primary loop, which only goes to a heat exchange and right back to the reactor again. This minimizes the flow of coolant that may contain traces of radioactivity.Does not require cooling like the previous designs.
While current nuclear reactors can melt down if they are left exposed without any coolant at all, it is not as devastating as the movies make it out to be. Mostly, it's an expensive loss of power plant equipment.It's not gonna melt down ever.
Nothing wrong with that! The only reason that fuel is dangerous is because it is putting out energy. There is nothing preventing anybody building a reactor to tap that energy.Uses the spent fuel from 1st gen reactors.
Waste fuel reactors are wonderful devices. They've been around awhile, but until recently it hasn't been worth building such a plant. The amount of waste fuel from current plants is not very large. It is much less than the ash you have to clean out of a typical coal plant periodically.That solves another nasty problem.
What to do with all that spent fuel?
I consider both reactors safe nuclear power.This reactor design uses that fuel and produces safe nuclear power.
Heh. I know what you mean. There is a LOT of politics and fear around technologies people don't understand. Just look at the simple fears people have over the Alexa devices out there and how Amazon is 'listening to every word'. They aren't. Alexa devices don't transmit ANY network activity until they hear their wake word, and only as long as the indicator lights are lit (I've verified this).Now, I know my liberal friends will have a tough time warming up to this idea, but they will in time.
The first one was already built some time ago, right here in the United States, as an experimental reactor. works.The first one is being built right now in China.
Actually, they're not. While these regulations refer to different types of nuclear reactors, they do not prohibit any particular type.Bill had to do it there because the USA regulations are all designed for the old dangerous traditional design.
Actually, they can, and they did. The problem is the power companies don't see the profitability of building one. They are not as efficient in producing usable power as the reactor systems they've already invested in.This design is so radically different they can't possibly gain approval for everything that was required for a traditional reactor.
Heh. They CAN be a stick in the mud, that's for sure.There ARE ways around that.Our government moves far too slowly for this exciting new technology to wait.
Actually, they're worse. They're such sticks in the mud they are STILL trying to build their way out of their current economic problems by constructing useless cities for no one to live in.But the Chinese don't work that way.
None. See my article on capitalism.Communism has it's advantages sometimes.
Dealing with the Chinese government IS an exercise in red tape! Ask anyone from China.If they want to change a policy it doesn't take a lot of red tape.
I'm glad you like the idea of 'waste fuel' reactors. I've been advocating them for some time now. The problem is they can't replace natural gas and oil. Not all power supplies are fixed. Some have to be mobile.So they did it, and now they are working with Bill Gates. The Chinese will have this technology before we will, but that's OK. We will get it in time. Zero emissions. Safe. It's a solution.
The U.S.has plenty.They are not as 'rare' as you are led to believe.So lots of things have been covered, but not all. Rare earths?
So is species discovery.Biodiversity? Species extinction rates are way up.
Actually, we're doing much better than we used to!Humans are wiping out species at an unprecedented rate.
This is wrong. These birds were destroyed wholesale because they were a major pest, especially to corn farmers. Oh, a few collected the pretty feathers, but that's not what made them extinct. We don't even know if they ARE truly extinct. We just think they might be.There was once a Carolina Parakeet. Gone. It had pretty feathers so we killed 'em all. And then there were no more pretty Carolina Parakeet feathers to be had.
Heh. Government was in on destroying them!Coulda used some more of those pesky regulations and government.
Batteries don't depend on rare earths.What are we going to make batteries out of after all that material has been depleted?
If you want to start a war over stealing the wealth of those that created it, that's your own risk.I would advise caution. They are better armed than you are.How are we going to prevent mass revolt due to extreme wealth inequality?
We actually have more trees than ever in the United States, thanks to farmers like Weyerhauser.We gonna take all the trees and put 'em in a tree museum?
No need. We have more trees than ever.Charge people a dollar and a half to see 'em?
I suspect that our drug abuse epidemic is also related to overpopulation, crowding, lack of both ambition and purpose in life.
I always thought air pollution helps get ones body out of wack.Drug abuse is a unconscious attempt to get back in balance.