Observation: Overpopulation Is The Root Cause Of Most Of Our Problems On Planet Earth

Air pollution is definitely bad. A lot of substance abuse though is self-treatment for depression and other psychiatric ailments.

John Trudell suggested that the drunken indian business, although many are phenotypically alcohol dehydrogenase "deficient", allowed the people to survive until the activists came along in the 60-70s. He saw it as a form of defiance, resistance and non-cooperation. Hopeless as it was, it was a way of saying no, I will not be who you want me to be, I refuse, I do not accept your perception of reality, your religion, your "way of life", and I will not be a tool of your economic system which is based upon extraction and hoarding.
John Trudell suggested that the drunken indian business, although many are phenotypically alcohol dehydrogenase "deficient", allowed the people to survive until the activists came along in the 60-70s. He saw it as a form of defiance, resistance and non-cooperation. Hopeless as it was, it was a way of saying no, I will not be who you want me to be, I refuse, I do not accept your perception of reality, your religion, your "way of life", and I will not be a tool of your economic system which is based upon extraction and hoarding.

Interesting theory. There is a huge amount of substance abuse on the rez; genetics barely explains it. Despair, anger, shame, depression -- all of these are factors as well. One of my school friends, a beautiful 20-yo young lady, has a terrible family history of substance abuse. She herself was headed towards an early death. She escaped with the help of her mom -- and the university. She's now a FT student, works PT at a restaurant whose owner and his wife are her support, is going regularly to AA. She is majoring in social work and minoring in Native American Studies (my major), with the goal of being able to return with an education and the ability to help others there.
"Over"population? Capitalism and mass consumption will toast us all in the end. As for hominids getting organized, concentrated wealth and power is quite organized. The unsubstantial people cannot get organized because they have been inprinted to compete to the end. Cooperation and the commons is anathama to the extract, horde and expand mantra of capitalism as we understand it. It is the cult of the self as god.

Not necessarily true. We will get hit by a huge space rock. maybe a super volcano. Perhaps an atomic war started by Daffy. it will get ugly at some point.
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Air pollution is definitely bad. A lot of substance abuse though is self-treatment for depression and other psychiatric ailments.

Drug abuse also throw the body out of wack. Many drugs that are abused destroy parts of the body permanently (depending on the drug being abused). Others have temporary effects, but that part of the body is not very usable during the duration of that effect.
Hello Into The Night,

It's better to get away from the bus. The cause of the headache is carbon monoxide. The bus is not burning fuel efficiently. Get some fresh air.

If there weren't so many people on the planet, there would not be so many buses, not so much unpleasant diesel exhaust.

Life in the world would be more pleasant.
Hello Into The Night,

If there weren't so many people on the planet, there would not be so many buses, not so much unpleasant diesel exhaust.

Life in the world would be more pleasant.

Does that assume we have all the same luxurys of life we have today?
Hello Into The Night,

If there weren't so many people on the planet, there would not be so many buses, not so much unpleasant diesel exhaust.

Life in the world would be more pleasant.

There would not be so many engineers to develop cleaner buses either. Nah. I can't accept the idea that overpopulation is causing someone to drive a dirty bus or that it's worth killing over.
Hello Into the Night,

There wouldn't be the engineers, the factory workers, the shear masses of talent in every area that makes your life a luxury today. Of course, you now claim it is NOT a luxury today. Perhaps you are walking into a paradox?

Actually, most of the recent population explosion has been among the uneducated and impoverished, not engineers, factory workers, or regularly employed talent. Those trends are outlined in 'Planet Of Slums.'

Logic would indicate that one of the prime places to focus on birth control and contraception would be in that demographic.
Hello Frank,

There is a weird element to this conversation.

Politalker...speaking to a parrot!


OK, that is funny.

That totally eluded me when I created my identity.

I have zero interest in flame wars. I came to actually talk politics, to be a POLItical TALKER.
Hello Frank,


OK, that is funny.

That totally eluded me when I created my identity.

I have zero interest in flame wars. I came to actually talk politics, to be a POLItical TALKER.

I realize that. And you are damned good at it, Poli.

But the juxtaposition of your screen name and the parrot was too much to pass up.
Hello Frank,

I realize that. And you are damned good at it, Poli.

But the juxtaposition of your screen name and the parrot was too much to pass up.

Admittedly priceless!


One thing is for sure. I would not be choosing a Macaw for an avatar in a politics chat site. That's like asking to be called out for parroting a party line.
Hello Into the Night,
Actually, most of the recent population explosion has been among the uneducated and impoverished,
Since babies are uneducated and are completely dependent on someone else for survival, that is a self fulfilling argument.

Just because one is born into an impoverished household doesn't mean the are condemned to staying there.
not engineers, factory workers, or regularly employed talent.
Since babies are not born as engineers, factory workers, merchants, lawyers, etc. That argument sounds a little hollow.
Those trends are outlined in 'Planet Of Slums.'
I think that argument is necessarily a bigoted one.
Logic would indicate that one of the prime places to focus on birth control and contraception would be in that demographic.
Now that you have identified the population you want to 'control' (which in my book is the same as 'own', how are you going to do it? What do you do with the unwanted pregnancies? How do you avoid killing to achieve your goal? How are you going to force them into this?