October 7, - cause and effect

And when I argued that Palestinians have the right to kill Jews or anyone else. Just like Jews do not have the right to kill Palestinians. I’m just trying to explain the origins and causes of terrorism, nothing happens without a reason, that’s how the world works.
It doesn't matter the reason. No reason serves as a valid excuse. The perpetrators of every attack against Israel should be brought to justice, as should all the murderous IDF who violated Conventions.
And when I argued that Palestinians have the right to kill Jews or anyone else. Just like Jews do not have the right to kill Palestinians. I’m just trying to explain the origins and causes of terrorism, nothing happens without a reason, that’s how the world works.

Let them slaughter each other. Not my concern.
Let them slaughter each other. Not my concern.
They are not slaughtering each other. The slaughtering, in this case, is a one way deal. Israel is perpetrating genocide.

You may certainly prefer to sit it out. I, personally, have no intention of jumping in the way of Israeli missiles and bombs. I will, however, be demanding accountability, and I am starting now.
You imagine that revising history will make your racist thirst for genocide seem reasonable and justified.
Iran attacked Israel through its proxy the Al Qassam Brigades, on 7 October 2023. Neither Iran nor Al Qassam equals "Hamas".
You simply relish the idea that tens of thousands of Arabs who never attacked Israel are being slaughtered by Israel. You are an immoral shit.

The above is the revisionist history. Hamas, along with other associated militant groups that are in Gaza launched the assault on Israel. Hamas was front and center in that attack. Even if Iran assisted some of these groups, the groups themselves--eg., the Palestinians--are still responsible first and foremost for the attack. The Palestinians in Gaza were willing participants. That makes them culpable.

Unfortunately for innocent, civilian Gazans who never attacked Israel, they are suffering a genocide perpetrated by the NAZIDF and cheered by immoral, racist shits like you with thunderous applause.

They shouldn't elect a hate mongering antisemitic bunch of terrorists to be their government. They are getting their asses kicked--and no it's not "genocide" unless you, like Humpty Dumpty, want to completely redefine that word to mean something it doesn't--because they are militarily incompetent. That's not Israel's problem, that's the Palestinians problem.

Maybe next time, they might want to learn how to fight a real war before starting one with their neighbors.

Yes, instead of invading Iran, the IDF began slaughtering Arabs next door who never attacked Israel. Israel was banking on no one noticing that their genocide-based Nakba 2.0 was driven entirely by racist HATRED and had nothing to do with Iran's October attack on Israel.

The IDF is mercilessly targeting Arab population centers with air strikes and indiscriminate dumb bombs. Roughly 15,000 Arab children are now dead who were alive and well at the beginning of October. The IDF's egregious violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Convention against genocide are legion.

Iran didn't attack Israel. The Palestinians in Gaza did. Iran my have been supplying them all kinds of military aid, so what? Your version is like arguing that the US is invading Gaza because the US supplies some military aid to Israel. Your position is quite frankly, insane.

Let's apply a logic test:

[TEST] It was stupid for the Jews to go to war against the Nazis when the Jews had no chance of winning [/TEST]

... nope, your logic fails.

WTF kind of logic is that? The true comparison would be more like Hamas decided that Jews living in Gaza were to be eradicated and began a pogrom to do just that. Or, the same would be if Israel decided to eradicate the Palestinian / Arab population within Israel systematically.

In 1936, 1939, there was no Jewish state, no Jewish government, or territory. Therefore, the Jews couldn't go to war against the Nazis. Gaza is a defined territory that has quasi-state status. It has its own government, its own military, its own police force, etc. Hamas has the power to raise taxes and provide public services. There are no Jews living in Gaza.

You "logic" is just idiocy masquerading as ill-logic that attempts in an absurd way to justify your insane position.

Tell me, is the convention more important than UN decisions? And tell me, who fits the definition of genocide more: the number of Palestinians killed or the number of Jews killed? I repeat once again, in order to stop these killings, which have been going on for 75 years, it is necessary to implement the UN decision to create a state for the Palestinians. There is no other way.
Tell me, is the convention more important than UN decisions?
The Conventions are UN decisions to which countries are signatories. Israel is a signatory of both Conventions listed above.

And tell me, who fits the definition of genocide more:
Nope. Genocide is wrong/immoral and totally unacceptable. There is no comparison between two completely unacceptable crimes that can determine which is more totally unacceptable than the other, thus establishing one as being relatively more acceptable than the other somehow.

I repeat once again, in order to stop these killings, which have been going on for 75 years, it is necessary to implement the UN decision to create a state for the Palestinians. There is no other way.
There are other ways. I have listed other avenues for resolving the conflict. You, nonetheless, insist that the solution set has only one solution. That's contradictory. Until you prove the uniqueness of the solution, your argument is discarded, and you will have a difficult time proving such a point when I stand poised to provide alternative, valid solutions.
The above is the revisionist history.
You are an historical revisionist. It's too late for you to try to pretend otherwise. You are totally dishonest and irrational on this topic. I feel sorry for anyone lending you creedence.

Hamas, along with other associated militant groups that are in Gaza launched the assault on Israel.
Nope. Iran attacked Israel through their proxy, the Al Qassam Brigades.

Even if Iran assisted ...
Since Iran planned, authorized and funded the attack ...

... some of these groups, the groups themselves--eg., the Palestinians--are still responsible first and foremost for the attack.
Irrational and racist blaming of Arabs for crimes they did not commit. It's all part of your historical revisionism.

The Palestinians in Gaza were willing participants. That makes them culpable.
Gazans had no knowledge of the attack and had no say in the matter.

They shouldn't elect a hate mongering antisemitic bunch of terrorists to be their government.
Semites cannot be antisemitic. Voting cannot garner a death sentence.

Genocide, however, should have you up in arms in protest ... but nary a peep from you. You assign death-sentence blame to Arabs for thoughts/emotions you have assigned to them, while you cheer on a genocide perpetrated by racist fuqqs. You are an immoral shit.

They are getting their asses kicked
They are being systematically slaughtered; that's what happens in a genocide.

That's not Israel's problem, that's the Palestinians problem.
I agree with you here, on using the present tense. It should be Israel's grave problem in the future when all of this is over.

Maybe next time, they might want to learn how to fight a real war before starting one with their neighbors.
Let's try that logic test again:

[logic test] Maybe next time the Jews are being thrown into ovens and gas chambers and firing trenches, they might want to learn how to fight a real war before starting one with someone who will quickly exterminate them. [/quote]

Nope. Your logic still sucks.

Iran didn't attack Israel.
They sure did. It was all over the news. Did you miss it?

The Palestinians in Gaza did.
All the Palestinians in Gaza? You apparently did miss the attack. There were roughly 100 or so Al Qassam militants who fired rockets at Israel and left. Those are the ones who are guilty of carrying out the Ayatollah's attack on Israel.

Iran my have been supplying them all kinds of military aid, so what?
Iran fully funded the attack that it planned and authorized.
They are not slaughtering each other. The slaughtering, in this case, is a one way deal. Israel is perpetrating genocide.

You may certainly prefer to sit it out. I, personally, have no intention of jumping in the way of Israeli missiles and bombs. I will, however, be demanding accountability, and I am starting now.

Those wonderful human beings screwed with the wrong people.
The Conventions are UN decisions to which countries are signatories. Israel is a signatory of both Conventions listed above.

Nope. Genocide is wrong/immoral and totally unacceptable. There is no comparison between two completely unacceptable crimes that can determine which is more totally unacceptable than the other, thus establishing one as being relatively more acceptable than the other somehow.

There are other ways. I have listed other avenues for resolving the conflict. You, nonetheless, insist that the solution set has only one solution. That's contradictory. Until you prove the uniqueness of the solution, your argument is discarded, and you will have a difficult time proving such a point when I stand poised to provide alternative, valid solutions.

Your solutions, as reality shows, do not work. Tell me, why are you against the UN decision to create the state of Palestine? Why don't you like it? Why doesn't Israel withdraw its troops from the occupied territory to the borders established by the UN decision and no longer create Jewish settlements in Palestine?
I disagree. The Israelis screwed with the perfect group of people, i.e. the ones they HATE and on whom they can count on Team Israel to HATE upon command.

Your solutions, as reality shows, do not work.
When has it ever not worked?

Tell me, why are you against the UN decision to create the state of Palestine?
That's a pivot. Tell me why you believe that the declaration of a "Free Palestine" by the UN will somehow get Israel to cease and desist.

Why doesn't Israel withdraw its troops from the occupied territory to the borders established by the UN decision
Why did you insist above that this won't work?
When has it ever not worked?

That's a pivot. Tell me why you believe that the declaration of a "Free Palestine" by the UN will somehow get Israel to cease and desist.

Why did you insist above that this won't work?

And yet, why doesn't Israel withdraw its troops from the occupied territory to the borders established by the UN decision? As I understand it, you do not want to answer this question. But it is precisely the withdrawal of the Israeli army and the cessation of the construction of Jewish settlements in the occupied territory of Palestine that is what the Palestinians demand, just as the departure of the Russian army from the occupied territory of Ukraine will stop the war.
And yet, why doesn't Israel withdraw its troops from the occupied territory to the borders established by the UN decision? As I understand it, you do not want to answer this question. But it is precisely the withdrawal of the Israeli army and the cessation of the construction of Jewish settlements in the occupied territory of Palestine that is what the Palestinians demand, just as the departure of the Russian army from the occupied territory of Ukraine will stop the war.

Why should Israel? They withdrew from the Sinai after taking it in a war that Egypt started. They hold the Goland Heights because they took that from Syria in a war Syria started. Same goes with the portions of the West Bank they have incorporated. It is normal and typical for a nation that wins a war to take spoils from the loser(s). That Israel gave some of that land back to gain lasting peace with some of the nations that finally decided that a lasting peace was necessary, like Egypt, seems quite magnanimous to me.

If Israel withdraws from Gaza prior to completely defeating and eradicating Hamas et al., from that territory, they'll just be facing another war with Gaza in a few years. And, it'll be the same Palestinian fucksticks that started this war starting the next.
And yet, why doesn't Israel withdraw its troops from the occupied territory to the borders established by the UN decision?
1. That's clearly not in their interests, and
2. They're busy enforcing the 2nd Nakba.

As I understand it, you do not want to answer this question.
That's convenient. You're another ZenMode. I can answer your question in twenty different ways and you'll still pretend that I didn't answer.

You have been totally dishonest throughout this entire thread while I have provided you thorough and specific answers to all of your questions. Your agenda is obvious, and your arguments are thus far rejected. If you want to discuss the merits of your agenda then be forthright, otherwise if you want to use the word "conflict" then stick to the current genocide that is occurring at present.