October 7, - cause and effect

It should be noted that Jews label anyone who tries to pity the Palestinians for their plight as an anti-Semite.

You're right, the ignorant should be pitied. But that does not give them a pass. Kill Jews.... get slaughtered.
Israel has been attacked by many different Arab groups,
I'll spell it out for you again:

* Iran, in league with Qatar, plans coordinates, and funds attacks on Israel through contracts with Al Qassam. Iran, through an intricate global financial network designed to thwart Western and Asian vigilance of terrorism, flows roughly $100 million to Al Qassam annually to conduct the authorized attacks. Al Qassam is in it for the paycheck.

* Iran, in league with Syria, plans coordinates, and funds attacks on Israel through contracts with Hezbollah. Iran, through an intricate global financial network designed to thwart Western and Asian vigilance of terrorism, flows roughly $700 million to Hezbollah annually to conduct the authorized attacks. Hezbollah is in it for the paycheck.

* Iran, through ad hoc terrorist cells local to the Israel region, plans coordinates, and funds small scale attacks (e.g. car bombs, suicide bombers, knife attacks, etc.) on Israel through Islamic Jihad. Iran, through an intricate global financial network designed to thwart Western and Asian vigilance of terrorism, flows roughly $20 million to Islamic Jihad annually to conduct the authorized attacks. Islamic Jihad is in it for the paycheck.

Every single attack on Israel, with the exception of Saddam Hussein's SCUD missile attacks, falls into one of the above categories. Iran is responsible for all of them. Oh, and Israel know this.
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You're right, the ignorant should be pitied. But that does not give them a pass. Kill Jews.... get slaughtered.
You're right, the ignorant should be pitied. But that doesn't give them a pass. Be a peaceful Arab noncombatant, get slaughtered by Israel in violation of the Geneva Conventions.
You're right, the ignorant should be pitied. But that does not give them a pass. Kill Jews.... get slaughtered.

Hey QuaseMarco, long time no see :-). Anyway, you're not saying that you think what Israel's doing in Gaza right now is justified, are you?
Hey QuaseMarco, long time no see :-). Anyway, you're not saying that you think what Israel's doing in Gaza right now is justified, are you?

Sure it is. Israel wants to win their war. That's totally justified in any war. After all, The only true war crime is losing.
I suspect you're being sarcastic. At least I hope so -.-

No, after studying war and military history for over half a century that is absolutely accurate, unless you are mental and then you will lose everything if war comes. WW 2 was the first war where "war crimes" were tried. The victors didn't try their own, only the losers. It's been that way ever since too. Anyone who thinks the victor in a war will try their own for winning but committing a "war crime" is an utter and complete fool.
No, after studying war and military history for over half a century that is absolutely accurate, unless you are mental and then you will lose everything if war comes. WW 2 was the first war where "war crimes" were tried. The victors didn't try their own, only the losers. It's been that way ever since too. Anyone who thinks the victor in a war will try their own for winning but committing a "war crime" is an utter and complete fool.

I agree that I haven't seen victors try their own war crimes, but the good thing about international organizations is that this isn't necessary. Thus, the International Criminal Court can render verdicts on Israel. Now, Israel can ofcourse ignore their verdicts, but the international community is watching and there are middle eastern countries that can certainly do a lot more than just watch. Yemen's actions are certainly worthy of note.
Sure it is. Israel wants to win their war.
Just like the Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews. You claim that war crimes, genocide, atrocities, ethnic cleansing, etc... are all totally justified in any war. You claim that throwing Jews into ovens would be perfectly OK today if Germany had not been defeated. After all, The only true war crime is losing.

You are an immoral shit.

I agree that I haven't seen victors try their own war crimes, but the good thing about international organizations is that this isn't necessary. Thus, the International Criminal Court can render verdicts on Israel. Now, Israel can ofcourse ignore their verdicts, but the international community is watching and there are middle eastern countries that can certainly do a lot more than just watch. Yemen's actions are certainly worthy of note.

The International Court can do nothing. It has no enforcement mechanism. Most nations won't honor its judgements for fear in the future they could be the target. That court is as worthless as the UN. Do you really think the US will honor their judgement when Israel is supplying a considerable amount of very advanced military R&D to them? I doubt it seriously.
Just like the Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews. You claim that war crimes, genocide, atrocities, ethnic cleansing, etc... are all totally justified in any war. You claim that throwing Jews into ovens would be perfectly OK today if Germany had not been defeated. After all, The only true war crime is losing.

You are an immoral shit.

Wrong. The morality of what Germany, or for that matter the Soviet Union, China, and hundreds of other political polities throughout history, did isn't at question here. You are confusing morality with legality. If Germany won, the morality of what they did doesn't change. It was horrific and immoral. But it wouldn't have been found illegal and no German officer or political official would have stood trial for some crime over it.
I am completely correct. You are taking a totally indefensible, immoral position.

The morality of what Germany, or for that matter the Soviet Union, China, and hundreds of other political polities throughout history, did isn't at question here.
The direct analogy is.

You are confusing morality with legality.
That's what you are doing, i.e. conflating legality with morality.

If Germany won, the morality of what they did doesn't change. It was horrific and immoral.
... and then without missing a beat, you contradict yourself by declaring that Israel, doing the same thing, is righteous and justified ... because they have not yet been defeated.

But it wouldn't have been found illegal
We have already covered this. The Geneva Conventions did not exist then. WWII prompted the creation of the Geneva Conventions, and Israel is a Signatory. The unconscionable atrocities committed by the IDF are, in fact, illegal.

... and no German officer or political official would have stood trial for some crime over it.
There were tribunals and they did stand trial. We have been over this. The trials were convened to try Nazis for war crimes, not because they lost the war. Japan was also defeated in WWII and there were no tribunals for them.

I agree that I haven't seen victors try their own war crimes, but the good thing about international organizations is that this isn't necessary. Thus, the International Criminal Court can render verdicts on Israel. Now, Israel can ofcourse ignore their verdicts, but the international community is watching and there are middle eastern countries that can certainly do a lot more than just watch. Yemen's actions are certainly worthy of note.

The International Court can do nothing. It has no enforcement mechanism. Most nations won't honor its judgements for fear in the future they could be the target. That court is as worthless as the UN. Do you really think the US will honor their judgement when Israel is supplying a considerable amount of very advanced military R&D to them? I doubt it seriously.

This isn't just about Israel and the U.S.

The ICC is changing public opinion. How can this affect things? Let's think for a moment on the middle east. Israel is surrounded by arab nations. Yemen, one of the poorest of those nations, has already affected things considerably with what amounts to a blockade of the shipping routes in the region. What remains to be seen is if Lebanon will go further, and we're not even getting into Iran. And while at present it doesn't seem to even be on the horizon, Saudi Arabia could in theory change its stance of relative neutrality on the issue.

There's also the fact that U.S. sentiment is now turning against the ceaseless slaughter of Palestinian civilians. As federal elections loom, this may become a more pressing issue.
No, after studying war and military history for over half a century that is absolutely accurate, unless you are mental and then you will lose everything if war comes. WW 2 was the first war where "war crimes" were tried. The victors didn't try their own, only the losers. It's been that way ever since too. Anyone who thinks the victor in a war will try their own for winning but committing a "war crime" is an utter and complete fool.

That would be me and anyone familiar with Mai Lai. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/vietnam-my-lai-massacre/

Mai Lai, and other similar incidents were charged off criminally, not as "war crimes." The US military will charge individual soldiers with murder (Mai Lai), rape, robbery, and other felonies just as the civilian world would do. In fact, most of the crimes committed there were brushed aside or covered up.

For example, a large number of rapes at Mai Lai were reported. Not one soldier was charged or tried for rape. In fact, in the end, out of all the officers and men charged, something like 40 total, only one, 2nd Lt William Calley was actually tried and convicted.

Mai Lai was the only case like it out of likely several hundred that got exposed. The US Army in this case mostly went through the motions rather than tried to assign any guilt to any party.

You should note, that nobody, Calley included, was charged with a "war crime." Calley was charged with murder.
The Palestinian government of Gaza, Hamas, attacked Israel in a surprise offensive, a Pearl Harbor if you will, on October 7th. Unfortunately for Hamas their military component sucks at fighting wars.

Israel took that declaration of war, mobilized their far superior army, and much like the US stomping on Japan, Israel stomped on Gaza, Hamas, and the Palestinians.

It's stupid to go to war when you have no chance of winning.

Except Oct 7th was about 30 times worse for Israel than Pearl Harbor was for the US. !200 citizens for Israel is like 50,000 citizens for the US. We fought a World War after Japan killed 2,400 military personnel. At least Japan attacked military targets. The majority of the people Hamas killed were unarmed private citizens.
So, as I see, you have not found evidence of attacks, as you claim, by Palestinians on Arab countries. Alas, you fail to present the Palestinians as barbarians and robbers who are deservedly killed by Israel.

You are ignorant of history, look no further then Jordan or lebanon
You're right, the ignorant should be pitied. But that does not give them a pass. Kill Jews.... get slaughtered.

And when I argued that Palestinians have the right to kill Jews or anyone else. Just like Jews do not have the right to kill Palestinians. I’m just trying to explain the origins and causes of terrorism, nothing happens without a reason, that’s how the world works.
Guno צְבִי;5939421 said:
You are ignorant of history, look no further then Jordan or lebanon

Alas, I could not find in history when the Palestinians attacked Arab countries. If you know, why don't you give an example? Thank you.
The Palestinian government of Gaza, Hamas, attacked Israel in a surprise offensive, a Pearl Harbor if you will, on October 7th.
You imagine that revising history will make your racist thirst for genocide seem reasonable and justified.

Iran attacked Israel through its proxy the Al Qassam Brigades, on 7 October 2023. Neither Iran nor Al Qassam equals "Hamas".

You simply relish the idea that tens of thousands of Arabs who never attacked Israel are being slaughtered by Israel. You are an immoral shit.

Unfortunately for Hamas their military component sucks at fighting wars.
Unfortunately for innocent, civilian Gazans who never attacked Israel, they are suffering a genocide perpetrated by the NAZIDF and cheered by immoral, racist shits like you with thunderous applause.

Israel took that declaration of war, mobilized their far superior army, and much like the US stomping on Japan, Israel stomped on Gaza,
Yes, instead of invading Iran, the IDF began slaughtering Arabs next door who never attacked Israel. Israel was banking on no one noticing that their genocide-based Nakba 2.0 was driven entirely by racist HATRED and had nothing to do with Iran's October attack on Israel.

The IDF is mercilessly targeting Arab population centers with air strikes and indiscriminate dumb bombs. Roughly 15,000 Arab children are now dead who were alive and well at the beginning of October. The IDF's egregious violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Convention against genocide are legion.

It's stupid to go to war when you have no chance of winning.
Let's apply a logic test:

[TEST] It was stupid for the Jews to go to war against the Nazis when the Jews had no chance of winning [/TEST]

... nope, your logic fails.