By defining Palestinians as people who irritate you, you are labeling them Arabs because Palestinians are the same Arabs who live in Lebanon, Egypt, and other Arab countries. But this is your personal opinion, with which, on the one hand, I cannot agree, but on the other hand, you have the right to have your own opinion. And I'm not going to convince you otherwise. For example, Russians consider Ukrainians to be fascists, but other nations call Russians fascists, and at the same time prove this with facts known to everyone. I understand your irritation, but you are unable to stop the desires of the Palestinian Arabs for freedom, and you can continue to be irritated by the people who gave names to the stars, the science of chemistry owes to the Arab alchemists, the people who created palaces that delight contemporaries, the numbers that the whole world uses are called namely Arabs, and you continue to be irritated, because you have the right to do so in accordance with your mental, as you consider superiority over the Arabs. Your remarkable mental superiority over the Arabs is well demonstrated by your avatar.