Saint Guinefort
Verified User
Let me ask you this, there are environmentalists who celebrate higher gas prices because they believe people will drive less, buy more fuel efficient cars and make transitioning to alternative energy sources more economically viable. We believe that in California where we put massive taxes on fuel and all kinds of regulations that drive up energy costs in the name of combatting climate change. If the hardest working Americans are economically harmed by that then that's the price we have to pay (they should have gone to college).
But, by the same token, those same liberals are also voting FOR improved social safetynets, higher minimum wages, etc. So in total the LIberal position is better than the Conservative position which is simply to rejoice anytime a "lib is owned" no matter how. Even if it harms them as well.
And shouldn't this action by the Saudi's help in the long run get us off fossil fuels faster? So from that perspective is this a bad thing what the Saudi's are doing?
In many ways that's true. In the 1970's America actually started looking at SMALL CARS for the first time in forever mainly because gas shortages at the time. Again, due to OPEC.
The key is to push for these changes without leaving people behind. The Liberal position, like it or not, is more internally consistent than the "Own the LIbs at all costs" Conservatives.