Of Things to Come.

Fact is, our Republic may not survive the disgusting abomination who has won the presidency. Our Republic may not survive this horrendous administration...or the foolish people who still support the abomination and his administration.

I hope we do...and that we get through this intact...but we MAY NOT.

For those conservatives who come to a thread like this to rejoice in being complicit in that destruction...I hope you never have to face the regret...after the lose. You should be ashamed that you have contributed to the possibility.

Gladly, we survived the antics of the black boy you idiots thought was qualified because of his skin color. The white President is fixing what the previous one fucked up. You should be ashamed of what you did.

I don't expect an answer, old man. You've proven yourself a coward like the rest of your kind.
Trump has done more FOR EVERY american in 18 mths than obama did in 8 yrs.

Were here right now in this place because Obama put allowing Trannys in womens bathrooms and us paying for tranny surgery in the military over ALL working americans.
We had more americans out of work and on foodstamps than ever before.

Obama accomplished nothing but screw up health care for those that had it and medicare and fine those that wouldnt comply to try and force them to buy it.

Obama said he would close gitmo and stop the war, gitmo is still open and he encouraged regime change in libya, he increased involvement in syria. He turned his back on Israel and bent over for every muslim leader in the world and gave Iran hundreds of millions of dollars.

He wanted open borders and to bring in as many refugees to make this Germany as he could. He was a FAILURE.

All through his worthless presidency, the liberal press snuggled up under his nuts and sang his praises, ignoring all his scandals and dirty deals.

Trump is a raging success, more jobs, more minorities working than EVER before, unemployement lower than in 30 yrs.

Hes done with NKorea what no one came close to doing.

Your silly incredibly juvenile whining and ranting and stamping your lil feetsies is just embarassing. Trump is kicking your liberal ass's all over the country inspite of your lying and daily nonstop attacks. He doesnt miss a beat.

Heres a caveat for you, I VOTED FOR OBAMA for Potus once.

You are either insane or stupid, Yoda.

You choose...although I suspect a bit of both.

As for your first sentence...Trump has done more FOR EVERY american in 18 mths than obama did in 8 yrs.

If you changed that to "Trump has done more TO EVERY AMERICAN is 18 months than Obama did in 8 years".l..I would agree.

Trump is an ABOMINATION. One of the most disgusting human beings ever to hold high position anywhere...and anyone who thinks that he is a better, more efficient, more effective, smarter, more civil resident than Barack Obama is a fucking moron.

You are entitled to your loathing of Barack Obama. I do not understand it, but you are entitled to that. But to suppose that shit-fill suit masquerading as a leader, Donald Trump...is anywhere near as high a quality person as Barack Obama is horseshit.
Fact is, our Republic may not survive the disgusting abomination who has won the presidency. Our Republic may not survive this horrendous administration...or the foolish people who still support the abomination and his administration.

I hope we do...and that we get through this intact...but we MAY NOT.

For those conservatives who come to a thread like this to rejoice in being complicit in that destruction...I hope you never have to face the regret...after the loss. You should be ashamed that you have contributed to the possibility.

this union shall stand

you cant RULE over a people who are in the streets

the miltary wont fire on Americans

the cops wont either

they cant win
Yes America, you will lose friends, you will take sides, you will be ostracized from your social group and/or family, and you sooner or later till take a physical offensive or defensive stance against those who oppose you.

Will this be a second civil war? Nope, nothing will be “civil” about it. Because civility has been redefined as acquiescence ... as America did when Reagan opened the tent flap; and let the racist, sexist fringe Christian evangelicals have a seat at the big table ... as America did when it let their sons and daughters be killed and maimed by attacking and then occupying Iraq by the Bush crime family based on lies ... and now by allowing an obnoxious con man and TV clown become President despite a history of business failures, lies, sexism and racism.

But the tipping point is now, when the powers-that-be tell America that profits from selling all types of weapons supersedes the lives of it’s school children ... and the slander thrown at the adolescent survivors of mass shootings who cry out for action to save their current and future peers. The tipping point is now, as your right to safe water, to live saving healthcare, to clean air, is being subverted by the corporate pursuit of the constructed ideal of money & profit. And, as Wall Street takes away your social security, your pensions, and monopolies gain control of every aspect of your life, you will draw the line. When the supermarkets stop magically filling up with good, quality choices (if they fill up in your neighborhood at all), you will draw the line. When your children’s education is totally stymied by economic impediments via corporatization and a single test that determines their academic future, you will draw the line.

Yes, you will say “enough” and fight back, America. No more civil acquiescence. The question is, will you have the honesty, wisdom and courage to band together , or fight each other as those who orchestrate you misery watch in comfort and glee? And will non-violent resistance in the way of Ghandi and King be the way, or will you go the way of individual non-organized violence that leads to anarchy? Or will you band together to fight a traditional bloody revolution?

Your choice, for those that still have one.

Do you have a link to this laughably stupid argument? I get it, you leftists are mad you lost and now you want to redefine civility, how we elect presidents and the rules for impeachment.

But I hate to break it to you Fascists, no one is falling for your shtick other than your fellow uncivil idiots on the left.
An interesting survey of America today that contains much truth. Trump is all those things but Trump appeals to the emotional resentment of the right in America. Many whites feel they are missing out and they believe the dog whistles and corporate agitprop. LBJ among many others saw this long ago in our continuing racism. Trump's dishonesty and BS doesn't matter as his mostly pretend hyperbole appeals to the conditioned right wing mind, he say things they want to believe. It is always someone else's fault not their fault. As for America we have survived other idiots on the right like McCarthy et al. If the democrats can win the house and if America has sense enough to throw this dishonest family out, America will return to pretending to be the shining city on the hill and just occasionally accomplishing that magical feat.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump' Jonna Ivin


"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies."

Page 112 'On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century' by Timothy Snyder

Translation of this pile of nonsense:

Riding the SHORT Race hustling BUS

Democrats have nothing better to do these days than obsess about racists. Isn't like they have much to govern. Living in the South I can tell you they are here 24/7 whether Reagan, or anybody else opens the tent flap, or whether the DNC decided to try to take notice of them. What the DNC fails to realize is that this messaging will hurt them as it only appeals to their base who already would vote for them, and it helps empower the idiots who otherwise are largely harmless blow hards.

Typical BS of right wing wonks.....blame the messenger for pointing out the nasty little truths in society that they've comfortably regulated in their minds and lives.

I'm not a registered democrat … nor is the OP a defense of them. If you can fault the historical references I use, then do so.
Fact is, our Republic may not survive the disgusting abomination who has won the presidency. Our Republic may not survive this horrendous administration...or the foolish people who still support the abomination and his administration.

I hope we do...and that we get through this intact...but we MAY NOT.

This country will survive Trump. It will take more than an obnoxious, loud mouthed, semi-literate palooka lIke him to bring down the US of A.

For those conservatives who come to a thread like this to rejoice in being complicit in that destruction...I hope you never have to face the regret...after the loss. You should be ashamed that you have contributed to the possibility.

Fuck that shit!!!

Why would you NOT want these jug head assholes to face regret????

I want them to be fucking MIRED in regret. I want regret for being such idiots to be a constant, gnawing, spirit draining presence in their lives.

I want them to live in constant, joyless, non-stop misery and shame while we spit on them as they wallow in it.

Fuck them.
Yes America, you will lose friends, you will take sides, you will be ostracized from your social group and/or family, and you sooner or later till take a physical offensive or defensive stance against those who oppose you.

Will this be a second civil war? Nope, nothing will be “civil” about it. Because civility has been redefined as acquiescence ... as America did when Reagan opened the tent flap; and let the racist, sexist fringe Christian evangelicals have a seat at the big table ... as America did when it let their sons and daughters be killed and maimed by attacking and then occupying Iraq by the Bush crime family based on lies ... and now by allowing an obnoxious con man and TV clown become President despite a history of business failures, lies, sexism and racism.

But the tipping point is now, when the powers-that-be tell America that profits from selling all types of weapons supersedes the lives of it’s school children ... and the slander thrown at the adolescent survivors of mass shootings who cry out for action to save their current and future peers. The tipping point is now, as your right to safe water, to live saving healthcare, to clean air, is being subverted by the corporate pursuit of the constructed ideal of money & profit. And, as Wall Street takes away your social security, your pensions, and monopolies gain control of every aspect of your life, you will draw the line. When the supermarkets stop magically filling up with good, quality choices (if they fill up in your neighborhood at all), you will draw the line. When your children’s education is totally stymied by economic impediments via corporatization and a single test that determines their academic future, you will draw the line.

Yes, you will say “enough” and fight back, America. No more civil acquiescence. The question is, will you have the honesty, wisdom and courage to band together , or fight each other as those who orchestrate you misery watch in comfort and glee? And will non-violent resistance in the way of Ghandi and King be the way, or will you go the way of individual non-organized violence that leads to anarchy? Or will you band together to fight a traditional bloody revolution?

Your choice, for those that still have one.

Depends, who's paying? We're all "capitalists".
This country will survive Trump. It will take more than an obnoxious, loud mouthed, semi-literate palooka lIke him to bring down the US of A.

Fuck that shit!!!

Why would you NOT want these jug head assholes to face regret????

I want them to be fucking MIRED in regret. I want regret for being such idiots to be a constant, gnawing, spirit draining presence in their lives.

I want them to live in constant, joyless, non-stop misery and shame while we spit on them as they wallow in it.

Fuck them.

The ONLY way these assholes will ever "face the regret"...is if that disgusting abomination is successful in bringing down the Republic. The reason I do not want them to "face the regret" is because I do not want that to happen.

Other than that...yeah, fuck them.