Of Things to Come.

Yes America, you will lose friends, you will take sides, you will be ostracized from your social group and/or family, and you sooner or later till take a physical offensive or defensive stance against those who oppose you.

Will this be a second civil war? Nope, nothing will be “civil” about it. Because civility has been redefined as acquiescence ... as America did when Reagan opened the tent flap; and let the racist, sexist fringe Christian evangelicals have a seat at the big table ... as America did when it let their sons and daughters be killed and maimed by attacking and then occupying Iraq by the Bush crime family based on lies ... and now by allowing an obnoxious con man and TV clown become President despite a history of business failures, lies, sexism and racism.

But the tipping point is now, when the powers-that-be tell America that profits from selling all types of weapons supersedes the lives of it’s school children ... and the slander thrown at the adolescent survivors of mass shootings who cry out for action to save their current and future peers. The tipping point is now, as your right to safe water, to live saving healthcare, to clean air, is being subverted by the corporate pursuit of the constructed ideal of money & profit. And, as Wall Street takes away your social security, your pensions, and monopolies gain control of every aspect of your life, you will draw the line. When the supermarkets stop magically filling up with good, quality choices (if they fill up in your neighborhood at all), you will draw the line. When your children’s education is totally stymied by economic impediments via corporatization and a single test that determines their academic future, you will draw the line.

Yes, you will say “enough” and fight back, America. No more civil acquiescence. The question is, will you have the honesty, wisdom and courage to band together , or fight each other as those who orchestrate you misery watch in comfort and glee? And will non-violent resistance in the way of Ghandi and King be the way, or will you go the way of individual non-organized violence that leads to anarchy? Or will you band together to fight a traditional bloody revolution?

Your choice, for those that still have one.
Another leftist who lacks a mirror sorry you don't get the political field all to your self the rest of us get to compete as well
You are either insane or stupid, Yoda.

You choose...although I suspect a bit of both.

As for your first sentence...Trump has done more FOR EVERY american in 18 mths than obama did in 8 yrs.

If you changed that to "Trump has done more TO EVERY AMERICAN is 18 months than Obama did in 8 years".l..I would agree.

Trump is an ABOMINATION. One of the most disgusting human beings ever to hold high position anywhere...and anyone who thinks that he is a better, more efficient, more effective, smarter, more civil resident than Barack Obama is a fucking moron.

You are entitled to your loathing of Barack Obama. I do not understand it, but you are entitled to that. But to suppose that shit-fill suit masquerading as a leader, Donald Trump...is anywhere near as high a quality person as Barack Obama is horseshit.

Strike that reverse it.
No one is saying he is a nicer person than Obama just that he is more effective. Reality demonstrates repeatedly that sometimes it requires a real pain in the posterior to get thing done.
Yawns, "Not Registered Democrat" carrying DNC water with both hands. In the meantime, clearly you are the base they want to get jazzed up, but that base doesn't decide elections.

its funny, but since 2016, none of the JPP demmycrats seem to want to admit they're demmycrats.......
No one is saying he is a nicer person than Obama just that he is more effective. Reality demonstrates repeatedly that sometimes it requires a real pain in the posterior to get thing done.

Effective requires having the house and senate in your party. Trump is getting bad things done, but the Republican party is gone. It is now the Trumplican Party. After Trump ,Ivanka and Jared will get the power. The GOP has gone the way that gutless people do. They get shoved into the corner by a bully like Trump.
Effective requires having the house and senate in your party. Trump is getting bad things done, but the Republican party is gone. It is now the Trumplican Party. After Trump ,Ivanka and Jared will get the power. The GOP has gone the way that gutless people do. They get shoved into the corner by a bully like Trump.

Neocons were gutless before Trump got there. Why do you think it was so easy for Obama a relative neophyte to play them?
taichiliberal is duly noted to be a civil war agitator. not cool. when a boodflood rises on his street, he is responsible.
Strike that reverse it.

This sentence quoted...and the one in your post before it...

...are ignorant, run-on sentences. The kind of sentence a grammar school kid would be ashamed to see under his name.

Your thoughts are more muddled than your writing skills.

(Cue the "grammar Nazi" nonsense used by semi-literates.)
No one is saying he is a nicer person than Obama just that he is more effective. Reality demonstrates repeatedly that sometimes it requires a real pain in the posterior to get thing done.

Donald Trump is not a "nicer person" than almost anyone else in the public eye!

He is NOT effective...except in the minds of people with almost no minds.

Using "pain in the posterior" in place of "fucking pain in the ass"...makes you look like a jerk-off...not like a self-composed poster, Gary. Really. Don't stoop to that kind of nonsense in a forum like this one.
Donald Trump is not a "nicer person" than almost anyone else in the public eye!

He is NOT effective...except in the minds of people with almost no minds.

Using "pain in the posterior" in place of "fucking pain in the ass"...makes you look like a jerk-off...not like a self-composed poster, Gary. Really. Don't stoop to that kind of nonsense in a forum like this one.

Has "jerk-off" become your new "phrase" now?
Is everyone you disagree with a "jerk-off"?
Are those conservatives you golf with "jerk off(s)" too?
Donald Trump is not a "nicer person" than almost anyone else in the public eye!

He is NOT effective...except in the minds of people with almost no minds.

Using "pain in the posterior" in place of "fucking pain in the ass"...makes you look like a jerk-off...not like a self-composed poster, Gary. Really. Don't stoop to that kind of nonsense in a forum like this one.
Sorry Punk, but any moron can cuss. It isn't smart, it isn't tough, and it certainly doesn't show sign of intellectual acumen. But if you wish to act like a low class scum bag be my guest.
Neocons were gutless before Trump got there. Why do you think it was so easy for Obama a relative neophyte to play them?

Neocons are the right wing pro-war Republicans that populated the Bush administration and wrote or signed the Project for a New American Century.
Yawns, "Not Registered Democrat" carrying DNC water with both hands. In the meantime, clearly you are the base they want to get jazzed up, but that base doesn't decide elections.

You "yawn" because you lack the intellectual honesty and capacity to fully comprehend and debate the OP. I pointing to what has and is transpiring...only fools in denial can't deal with it, nor have the courage to discuss it....like you.
No one is saying he is a nicer person than Obama just that he is more effective. Reality demonstrates repeatedly that sometimes it requires a real pain in the posterior to get thing done.

Effective? Do a head count as to how many of his "deals" he's done in the White House has actually come through.
Will Americans really fight back?
63,000,000 among us put an orange baboon in the White House. He has already perverted the justice system.
His other appointments defy belief. Half the cabinet is trying to disband their own cabinets.

I'm not impressed with my countrymen. The conservatives are beneath contempt. Every kind. The corporatists and oligarchs. The theocrats. The tea baggers. The nationalist haters. They really should have at least three or four different parties. A big tent is only good for a circus, and the circuses are all closing down.

As for my fellow liberals, they upset me even more. The pollyanna's who actually believe that we've all got more in common than we have differences particularly frost my ass.
If I had ANYTHING in common with some troglodyte with (R) after his or her name, I'd have it amputated.

Socialized medicine is the standard of the civilized world and DINOs are afraid to fight for it. People have to go into lifelong debt to be educated, and so-called moderate Dems like the Clintons--and let's be honest--Obama wasn't exactly a socialist-- say we can't give everything away. I'm to the left of Bernie's Medicare for all. I'm for a National Health Service exactly like the UK--I'm for free public college for those who did the work to earn admittance--and I'm for the progressive income tas rates that will pay for it.

Plus despite being better educated, we don't always sound smarter than our conservative protagonists. We promote carefully drafted gun laws. but when most liberals talk about firearms, they obviously don't know shit about them.

And we don't shout down the cries of American Exceptionalism. American Exceptionalism is all about being anti-worker, ant-consumer, and anti-environment while enriching the oligarchs. American Exceptionalism is about being exceptionally socially regressive. WE HAVE FOR PROFIT PRIVATE PRISONS for Christ's sake.

Conservatives generally have no morals and no character. They obviously lack the probity and rectitude to govern. But they usually have balls (except for a lot of their cops).
That's what too many of us are lacking. The stomach to play hardball. And until we acquire it, the pachyderms will keep stealing our lunch money.
Sorry Punk, but any moron can cuss. It isn't smart, it isn't tough, and it certainly doesn't show sign of intellectual acumen. But if you wish to act like a low class scum bag be my guest.

No problemo, Jerk-off. "Pain in the posterior" it is for you.

Even people who agree with you will react by laughing at you.