Off on vacation.

I would like to give special props to the two inconsiderate, egocentric, self centered assholes who brought their infant children on a 17 hour international flight making damned sure that around 200 people didn't get any sleep during the whole flight. FUCK YOU TOO!!!!

Talk about exhausted. Went to bed at 9:30 last night meaning I was up over 50 hours with no sleep, thanks to the afore mentioned assholes. The wife made the mistake of going to bed shortly after we got home and didn't take any melatonin. She woke up at 4 am and couldn't get back to sleep and is pretty disoriented. I forced myself to stay awake as long as I could then I took some melatonin and went to bed and slept till 9:30 am.

Just had my first cup of coffee and I feel a lot better. It was hard to get a good cup o joe in the Phils. It appears that like spam and canned corned beef hash, instant coffee is very popular there (all three were introduced during WWII). I had a cup of Starbucks in Manila and that was the only decent cup of coffee I had the three weeks I was there.

Another thing that was hard to find in the Phils was a good bed. At my inlaws home bed consisted of a sheet of plywood on top of a wooden stand with a 3" thick sheet of foam rubber for a mattress. Not exactly what you would call soft. Even when I stayed in a Hotel (3 nights) with a real bed and mattress it was a thin feather mattress that was not supported by a box spring. Infinately superior to the sleeping arrangements down on the farm but nothing nearly as nice as my bed here at home. So my back is killing me to say the least. On the bright side every thing was spick and span clean at my in-laws. My mother in-law is a clean freak as is the daughter she raised which I married. Every day the ladies washed cloths and line dried it. I had forgotten how fresh lined dried clothes feel and smell. When I was a kid living on the farm my mother lined dried our clothes too. That was a long time ago.