Scut Farkus
Paula Jones’s own family said she was a liar
there were like thirty people who had similar stories.
and hillary killed seth rich and used the government to sabotage a political opponent.
Paula Jones’s own family said she was a liar
It was NOT illegal dutch
And Reagan did it too
You watched fox at the time
Paula Jones’s own family said she was a liar
Perjury, rape and sexual harassment are illegal regardless if a person is a Democrat or a Republican.
Are you really going to throw all those women under the bus for political expediency?
Are you really going to throw all those women under the bus for political expediency?
there were like thirty people who had similar stories.
and hillary killed seth rich and used the government to sabotage a political opponent.
Off to mow the lawn
See ya
And never proved any of it
Alex Jones lost a case to the family of Seth for that slander
For real this time
Hello guno,
Carlson has totally lost it now.
He must have Alex Jones envy.
And never proved any of it
Alex Jones lost a case to the family of Seth for that slander
It was not perjury
That is why he was never charged
To be perjury it has to be Germaine to the case
It was a lie about a consensual act
It’s not illegal to get a willing blowjob
It’s not legal to do what Paula claimed happened
The question should not have been allowed to be asked
It was as Germaine as asking Clinton if he had sex with His wife
It’s like asking someone if they have ever driven a car to prove they stole a car
Not germane
Get it
IMA dummy.
Disagreed. While you find it acceptable that your leaders are liars, betray their wives or their country, I hold my leaders to a higher standard. We, the People lowered our standards for Bill Clinton and it led directly to Donald Trump.
The Spider-Man rule applies to leaders: With great power comes great responsibility.
When powerful leaders give into prurient interests, they are guilty of neglecting their duty. Bill Clinton wasn't a CEO. CEO's don't take oaths. Trump was fine until he took an oath...which like his old pedo buddy, he promptly broke too.
That's what happens when we let leaders act like Good Ol' Boys.
IMA dumdum.