Offering Water to Voters now a Crime in Georgia

Whites vote in 2 minutes, so would not need water. Blacks in Georgia are often made to wait for hours to vote.

We vote in 2 minutes in CA as well.

When you vote republican this is what happens. they have been this way for decades.
One feature of this forum is that facts which should be obvious and self-evident have to be constantly repeated,
and despite said repetition, those who didn't get the obvious in the first place still don't get it given a second, third, and fourth chance.

Those refusing to learn anything and reveling in their own ignorance speak of voter fraud as if it were an actual thing,
but voter fraud is totally divorced from what they're really talking about--voter suppression.

Domer hits it right on the head with the above statement.

this may be stupid post of the week, congrats.

No one is trying to suppress votes, and no one is charged for a voter ID, you don't even need a voter ID, bring your drivers license.

Democrats stole an election and are rather proud of the fact that they stole it. THAT should be what concerns us all

General Sherman obviously didn't finish the job,
but it's never too late to do the right thing.

Georgia must be dealt with.

then you follow up with the most vile post of the week,
Is there a moderator around that could ban you or something
this may be stupid post of the week, congrats.

No one is trying to suppress votes, and no one is charged for a voter ID, you don't even need a voter ID, bring your drivers license.

Democrats stole an election and are rather proud of the fact that they stole it. THAT should be what concerns us all

then you follow up with the most vile post of the week,
Is there a moderator around that could ban you or something

I think that I've asked this before.
Have you ever actually gotten into the ring?
If so, you should have gotten out before all that brain damage.
I'm sure glad that never happened to me.
Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

Republicans know that larger turnouts favor Democrats. That’s why Republican legislatures all over the country are trying to minimize voter participation as much as they can. This Georgia thing is more draconian, but nothing new.

When voter IDs become free and universal, then we can talk about requiring ID. But, they’re not. And those that tend to not have equal access to those are more likely to vote Democratic. That ploy is to not prevent any mythical voter fraud you RW assholes try to concoct, it’s to minimize votes for the opponent.

You can take your laughable “potential avenues” and shove it. Despite record numbers of mail in votes, Trump’s pathetic 60+ lawsuits, and numerous recounts, there was ZERO evidence of fraud. Anywhere.


Anecdote isn't evidence. Your rant aside, your opinion means nothing. Democrats know that out-of-sight, out-of-mind with mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, no voter ID means they can cheat on a massive scale and never get caught. See? Two can play that game.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (Carl Sagen). The science says it's very possible and just because we haven't caught someone yet doesn't mean they aren't doing it.
If there was massive voter fraud, the election roles are public, and it would be easy to prove. Republicans have spent decades looking for it, and have not found it.

No, it wouldn't be. What records are kept with electronic voting? How do you prove who filled out a mail-in ballot when nobody was watching?
Almost always, government ID is provided by the government for free, with the government doing all the work to get everyone an ID.

So? States already do this virtually free here.

Every state offers one and they are almost always $10 or less. If voting is so important, how hard is it for you so spend less than the cost of a meal at McDonald's to get one? That it takes a few hours of your time to do it is no burden either.
since it only prohibits voting groups from distributing food or water the rationale is obviously the same as every other law that prohibits campaigning within a certain distance of a voting place....I would think even demmycrats would be smart enough t figure that one out......

One might expect that, but dummycrats break new glass ceilings of stupidity on a daily basis these days.

No electioneering within a certain distance of the polling sites is a decades old practice.

Calling it "water" is just another fake construct based on nothing.
Anecdote isn't evidence. Your rant aside, your opinion means nothing. Democrats know that out-of-sight, out-of-mind with mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, no voter ID means they can cheat on a massive scale and never get caught. See? Two can play that game.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (Carl Sagen). The science says it's very possible and just because we haven't caught someone yet doesn't mean they aren't doing it.

Bullshit. You have yet to prove ANY election/voter fraud with mail ins. Just more concocted “what ifs”. Why? Because your party got its ass handed to it.

Re: Sagan, we’re not talking about extraterrestrial life, moron. We’re talking about easily verifiable fraud. Which was done multiple times in the 2020 election with ZERO indications of such.

Bullshit. You have yet to prove ANY election/voter fraud with mail ins. Just more concocted “what ifs”. Why? Because your party got its ass handed to it.

Re: Sagan, we’re not talking about extraterrestrial life, moron. We’re talking about easily verifiable fraud. Which was done multiple times in the 2020 election with ZERO indications of such.


I don't have to prove fraud. I can demonstrate easily, as anyone can, how with mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting it would be possible to commit mass fraud and never get caught.

Voter rolls are generally accessible to the public, and certainly accessible to political parties.
With that list of names I can, variously, go door-to-door, request mail-in ballots for voters who rarely or never vote, or go to places where many ballots would be delivered at one time such as nursing homes.
I either collect said ballots unmarked, or collect them after the person votes.
Given I have weeks to review them, I do so. Sealed ones are easily steamed open

That took all of what, a minute...

Since signatures are reviewed by scanner and an exact match is unnecessary, I can use any of several signature programs to put one on each ballot. Doesn't matter if some are rejected, most won't be.

Once I've destroyed any ballots that are filled out contrary to my position(s) I simply mail in the rest.

There is absolutely no way to verify who did what with those ballots. Out of sight, out of mind.

Sagan's statement is absolutely true here.
Thank you for that bigoted bit of rebuttal. Aside from that, I showed the actual intent of the law in detail now with respect to distributing food, drink, or anything else of value to voters waiting in line to vote. It is common in many states that this is prohibited. The article in the Huff Post is simply using it as an excuse to bash this bill.
And the Liberals are just too stupid to realize they are being manipulated. :laugh:
No, it wouldn't be. What records are kept with electronic voting? How do you prove who filled out a mail-in ballot when nobody was watching?

Democrats have been pushing paper trail electronic voting for decades now. Neither of your issues are solved, or even touched by voter ID.

If you believe people are voting that should not, or that people are voting for others, track down the voters. If millions are false, it should be easy to find false voters.
So? States already do this virtually free here.

"Virtually free" is a good distance from free. Getting a birth certificate can cost hundreds of dollars. There is no attempt to make any of it easy.

Here is a simple thing Georgia could do to improve the system, allow Blacks to get ID outside their district. That would allow a Black church to load a bus up with Blacks and take them to a white district, and go through the much easier white ID process.

Now lets move on to Gardner's blog link. I will not prove each and every state is a lie, but Pennsylvania is definitely a lie:

Pennsylvania – $10, and they make it really, really easy

The cost for an identity card is $31.50. Every four years, the renewal cost is $31.50. I know a lot of horror stories in that process. If things go wrong, it takes one or more trips to Harrisburg to fix it. That is a 4 hour bus trip, which will cost you between $50 and $100, and then a 4 hour bus trip back to Philadelphia. You can easily go through several hundred dollars, and several days of missed work to clear things up.
Imagine being arrested for offering water to someone? In Georgia, Republicans have imagined it. What they shudder at imagining is the coming tide against them, and depriving voters of water gives them hope. Don't know if I can imagine anything more pathetic.


We no longer have to waist our time arguing if The Republican Party is Raicst ot Not. :rolleyes:

We no longer have to waist our time arguing if Kneeling is Desrespectful to The Flag.

We no longer have to waist our time arguing if Blue Lives Matters.

We no longer have to waist our time arguing the phrase "They had to Shoot 7 Times because They Feared for their Lives".
From the article:

I'd be very interested to see where they came up with that number

She's an idiot. This bill can be many things, but one it isn't is "racist." Bandying about that word cheapens it to a point of irrelevance.

Hummm Taking Control of State Elections away from The Layers ... and giving it to the Legilators :laugh:

Oh you forgot about that one ...
Democrats have been pushing paper trail electronic voting for decades now. Neither of your issues are solved, or even touched by voter ID.

If you believe people are voting that should not, or that people are voting for others, track down the voters. If millions are false, it should be easy to find false voters.

Not with mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting. There is next to zero accountability if these are allowed. When you add in like a month of early voting with that, someone who wants to commit large scale voter fraud has the anonymity, time, and means to do so. They can use voter rolls to garner ballots from voters not likely to vote, persons who are no longer present by virtue of having moved, etc., along with using political operatives to go door to door collecting ballots.
Once they have the ballots in hand, its easy to open any already sealed and destroy those that are marked incorrectly. Those that aren't sealed or even marked get marked up the way the fraudsters want then are sent in. Using a signature program they can put those on the envelopes if not signed. Given the low standard for matching (in some Democrat friendly areas this ranges from 'it's signed' to as little as a 25% match). Even if rejected, they're still going to get more through than not.
Since none of this is supervised or in a verifiable chain of custody it is simple and safe to do on a large scale.

I'd expect eventually one or more persons will be caught in one of these schemes but it's going to be hard to detect and do.
I don't have to prove fraud. I can demonstrate easily, as anyone can, how with mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting it would be possible to commit mass fraud and never get caught.

Voter rolls are generally accessible to the public, and certainly accessible to political parties.
With that list of names I can, variously, go door-to-door, request mail-in ballots for voters who rarely or never vote, or go to places where many ballots would be delivered at one time such as nursing homes.
I either collect said ballots unmarked, or collect them after the person votes.
Given I have weeks to review them, I do so. Sealed ones are easily steamed open

That took all of what, a minute...

Since signatures are reviewed by scanner and an exact match is unnecessary, I can use any of several signature programs to put one on each ballot. Doesn't matter if some are rejected, most won't be.

Once I've destroyed any ballots that are filled out contrary to my position(s) I simply mail in the rest.

There is absolutely no way to verify who did what with those ballots. Out of sight, out of mind.

Sagan's statement is absolutely true here.

Something being Possible does not equate to something having been done. The proof falls on the person saying that something was done to prove that it was, if they cannot prove it then it is nothing more than an accusation based on nothing.

So let's see the proof....
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Not with mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting.

So you believe that the ballots went out to legitimate voters, who used them, but then they were stolen in bulk, and altered? That seems a bit farfetched.

Oh, and all the polls were altered, including the internal Republican polls, and the polls by FoxNews. And everything we know about Blacks voting for Democrats is a lie.

They can use voter rolls to garner ballots from voters not likely to vote, persons who are no longer present by virtue of having moved, etc., along with using political operatives to go door to door collecting ballots.

And there you go passing from the nearly impossible to the impossible. If millions of people were voted for, then it would be easy to find these people. If Joe Blow of 123 Main Street no longer lives there, but his ballot came from there, you can find him and get him to testify that he no longer lives there. You cannot investigate every last of the 155 million voters, but if there are millions of fraudulent votes, you can pick any thousand of them and find a dozen fraudulent votes.

Once they have the ballots in hand, its easy to open any already sealed and destroy those that are marked incorrectly.

Again, if Joe Blow thinks he voted, and someone destroyed his ballot, find him and get him to testify that he voted, and his ballot is missing.