Oh look a well-regulated militia

maybe the courts are giving misinformation then, because here in TX it's legal to open carry a long gun and unless a business has the 30.07 sign in clear view at the door, i can enter. So if all of that is legal, what reason would law enforcement have for contacting me if there can be no reasonable suspicion that I have committed a crime, am committing a crime, or am about to commit a crime????

In the case at hand, it isn't just one firearm but like a half dozen, along with the person wearing body armor, and carrying a buttload of ammunition. That is a bit suspicious I'd think...
In the case at hand, it isn't just one firearm but like a half dozen, along with the person wearing body armor, and carrying a buttload of ammunition. That is a bit suspicious I'd think...

i'm inclined to agree.........and a trespass notice for certain, but no laws were broken so i'm wondering what they were thinking with those charges
what about the states that allow citizens to carry concealed in schools with a state license?

That is the States choice, and by the way we are not talking about people that have a conceal carry license and keep their firearm out of sight, we talking about morons walking around armed to the teeth, the goal post here are not moveable.
That is the States choice, and by the way we are not talking about people that have a conceal carry license and keep their firearm out of sight, we talking about morons walking around armed to the teeth, the goal post here are not moveable.
agreed. to the OP though, GA laws have state preemption as well, and while it's not a traditional open carry state, it allows open carry with a license
agreed. to the OP though, GA laws have state preemption as well, and while it's not a traditional open carry state, it allows open carry with a license

As does Texas and most don't because it is stupid to do so inside the city. Now out on my property I almost always open carry because that is the better method out here.
As does Texas and most don't because it is stupid to do so inside the city. Now out on my property I almost always open carry because that is the better method out here.

I do most of the time. never a problem. other places have had issues, so we've gone and done open carry marches. watching the entire Olmos Park PD lock themselves in their hideaway gives me a laugh every time
There ya go, if do not know my motive you cannot detain me, wonder what would happen if they walked into a elementary school, wait to find out what their motive is?

To the gunhumpers that is perfectly fine. "He hasn't committed a crime YET, has he?" then they donate thousands to his GoFundMeBecauseI'mAKiller.
I'm in the middle of the movie, "Red Dawn". The downed pilot said there's "millions of screaming Chinamen". The other guy said, "millions"? Yup there were billions.
So you think there is nothing wrong with loading yourself down with weapons and walking into a business or hospital? Really???
No crime? Go try it and see what they charge you with, after they have you evaluated for mental illness.

GUNTARDS are always going to defend GUNTARDS! It doesn't matter if they kill a whole Grocery store or kindergaten full of innocent people!


They enjoy watching these massacres play themselves out!
Oh look a well-regulated militia!
