oh my God....this is such bullshit


Why does everyone hate Paris Hilton so much?

She only so famous because everyone hates her. Last time I looked she had like a 90% dissaproval rating. I honestly don't think as many people hate Hitler.
I just heard on the radio that AL SHARPTON is going to LA to see about getting everyone else out of jail who are in similar circumstances :D!!

I LOVE it! Apparently the sheriffs were in contempt of court because the judge ordered no home arrest, and a host of other no's which this obviously is against what he ordered. Hopefully the bitch will be back in jail soon!
It's not just the wealthy, it's Paris Hilton. Any regular wealthy person could probably not pull this off. Paris Hilton is in a league of her own.

My buddy is in jail now. He is worth between $200 - $400 million and is quasi well known around the country. Trust me this guy has done and tried everything to get out and they are having none of it.

It is the fame and wealth that got her off. Wealth alone would not have gotten her off.

What did your buddy do? I'd imagine its easier to justify letting someone off for the type of traffic violation she had then say murdering his wife, embezzlement or assault and battery.
I just don't see why PARIS HILTON would be let off easily. No one likes Paris Hilton. Maybe they would've let, for instance, Jennifer Aniston off, because everyone like Jennifer Aniston. But literally no one in the US feels sympathy for Paris.

Then again, I don't think people would get pissed like this for letting Jennifer Aniston off easy, either.
I hadn't heard about the flowers. But maybe he'll have a chance to send them again if she gets hauled away for another 40 days or however long she has left. I've heard from a few different sources that the judge and the DA are pi$$ed off about this.
If I ever get caught in something bad I will just claim entertainers priviledge.

I hope a cop or two get fired over taking Paris home.
"I hadn't heard about the flowers. But maybe he'll have a chance to send them again if she gets hauled away for another 40 days or however long she has left. I've heard from a few different sources that the judge and the DA are pi$$ed off about this."

Yeah... they are pissed. She goes back in front of the judge today at 9. If I were him, I would now make her serve the entire 42 days in jail. No time off for "good behavior". I would then toss the sheriff in with her for violating a very specific order.
the poor spoiled little thing , Tantrums and such worked for her daddy and they still work on others as well it would appear.

They were afraid she would commit suicide ? so they put hwer in her home with no supervision ? How bright is that? She should have gone to the mental ward in a prison.
Yep, just read the headlines on Drudge. "Screaming paris sent back to jail"

Ahh one good bit of news to start the weekend on.
Yep, just read the headlines on Drudge. "Screaming paris sent back to jail"

Ahh one good bit of news to start the weekend on.

ya.... but any news about paris is good news for paris...

i say lose the key.... and good ridance
"After hearing the verdict, a weeping Hilton was escorted from the courtroom by a female deputy, screaming, "It's not right! Mom!""


This truly is a great way to end the week. Poor lil Paris. Can't stop laughing. Especially at the pics of her crying in the back of the police car.
"After hearing the verdict, a weeping Hilton was escorted from the courtroom by a female deputy, screaming, "It's not right! Mom!""


This truly is a great way to end the week. Poor lil Paris. Can't stop laughing. Especially at the pics of her crying in the back of the police car.

i hope she ends up having to stay longer the originily intennded
"i hope she ends up having to stay longer the originily intennded"

Well, the judge said today that she had to do the whole 45 days in jail rather than the reduced 23. Somehow I bet that gets reduced, but that is sweet that he would at least make her think she was doing the whole 45.