oh my God....this is such bullshit

What did your buddy do? I'd imagine its easier to justify letting someone off for the type of traffic violation she had then say murdering his wife, embezzlement or assault and battery.

Very true. He runs Girls Gone Wild which does not make him a very sympathetic figure to begin with. He has the best representation that money can buy though. Among other things he's charged with filming and being with an underage girl in Florida who he claimed showed ID which said she was 18.

My friend actually dated Paris Hilton. Oh the irony of them being in jail at the same time.
Imagine if your whole existence balanced on being constantly fed by your "fans" how beautiful and famous you were. Then you were put in a place without decoration for 23 hours a day...

Then imagine somebody showed "mercy" to you by letting you go home and stay there.

I think letting her out would do more damage to her psyche than making her stay and face the internal demons she must be facing. Somebody failed her when teaching consequences, they failed her very badly.

Somebody must show her that she cannot endanger strangers driving in a 2000 pound weapon while intoxicated, and that those who do end up living in a very unpleasant place.
Imagine if your whole existence balanced on being constantly fed by your "fans" how beautiful and famous you were. Then you were put in a place without decoration for 23 hours a day...

Then imagine somebody showed "mercy" to you by letting you go home and stay there.

I think letting her out would do more damage to her psyche than making her stay and face the internal demons she must be facing. Somebody failed her when teaching consequences, they failed her very badly.

Somebody must show her that she cannot endanger strangers driving in a 2000 pound weapon while intoxicated, and that those who do end up living in a very unpleasant place.

Amen, very good points!