" Oligarchs run the United States "

I can keep giving you data, but you obviously cannot understand it. Corporations heavily and one-sidedly fund Repubs. Senators like Sinema and Manchin also get paid. Do you think that thoughtless post added something?

this is why most people can't take you seriously. the blindness you employ with democrat colored sunglasses is admirable...........I wish I had friends that were as loyal as you are to a lying and manipulative entity like the DNC............but your inability to extricate yourself from their machinations makes anything you post suspect, at the bare minimum.
this is why most people can't take you seriously. the blindness you employ with democrat colored sunglasses is admirable...........I wish I had friends that were as loyal as you are to a lying and manipulative entity like the DNC............but your inability to extricate yourself from their machinations makes anything you post suspect, at the bare minimum.

They are all deluded donkey dingbats. They think nothing they do is wrong and that they want only good will and kindness for their fellow man....until you disagree. Look how they treat blacks who won't stay on their plantation. Leftists aren't serious thinkers they are buffoons. They react they never think.
“One of the points that I wanted to make,” he says, “is yeah, of course the oligarchs run Russia. But guess what? Oligarchs run the United States as well. And it’s not just the United States, it’s not just Russia; Europe, the UK, all over the world, we’re seeing a small number of incredibly wealthy people running things in their favour. A global oligarchy. This is an issue that needs to be talked about.”


Sue them
The Repub party works for the power of the wealthy and corporations. They even ran a "Russian oligarch", Trump, for president. It seems half our people actually believe wealthy people are better than them and smarter. They cannot see what Bernie sees. The wealth and power keep going to the top 1 percent. It is relentlessly doing so. Tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations are applauded by half our people.

Let's look at the Oligarchs.

Bill Gates
Tim Cook
Jeff Bezos
George Soros
Warren Buffett
Sergie Brin
Mark Zuckerberg
Michael Bloomberg
Tom Steyer
Charles Koch

Notice anything about them?

Oh yeah, they're all fucking leftists....
Corporations fund Democrats. Corporations fund Republicans. Corporations fund all kinds of people.

Corporations by a large amount fund Repubs. They hedge their bets tossing a few bucks at the Dems. That buys access. They want the tax-cuts to wealthy and corporations. They like the slashing of regulations. That is what the Repubs do to keep the money flowing. Do you really not understand that?
this is why most people can't take you seriously. the blindness you employ with democrat colored sunglasses is admirable...........I wish I had friends that were as loyal as you are to a lying and manipulative entity like the DNC............but your inability to extricate yourself from their machinations makes anything you post suspect, at the bare minimum.

Other than the fact you are a blind right winger, I could read your crabbing with more evenness. If you like a plutocracy, keep on as you have. You are a tool of the super wealthy who have interest in you and small people's problems.
what I like about delusional leftists, like yourself, is that you never give up on the notion of me being that 'blind right winger'..........as I said, loyal.

more delusions.........tell us, how long have you been this brainwashed?

You are on Into the Nights level now.
If you do not see that the wealth and power of the US are moving to the top 1 percent you are blind or delusional. The wealth gap is worse than during the Gilded Age. America is moving away from you. Billionaires are deciding your future, and it does not include your welfare in it.
You proudly vote against your own interests. https://invisiblepeople.tv/the-weal...ApuDaI6StBafzp2qnyRoFJu1vGqKJufYaAvNbEALw_wcB
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I can keep giving you data, but you obviously cannot understand it. Corporations heavily and one-sidedly fund Repubs. Senators like Sinema and Manchin also get paid. Do you think that thoughtless post added something?

WRONG. Corporations fund Democrats. Corporations fund Republicans. Corporations fund all kinds of people.
Other than the fact you are a blind right winger, I could read your crabbing with more evenness. If you like a plutocracy, keep on as you have. You are a tool of the super wealthy who have interest in you and small people's problems.

You are describing yourself and left wingers.
You are on Into the Nights level now.
Good for him! I hope you take that is a complement, SmarterthanYou! You pissed off Nordberg as much as I do! :D
If you do not see that the wealth and power of the US are moving to the top 1 percent you are blind or delusional. The wealth gap is worse than during the Gilded Age.
There is no such thing as a 'wealth gap'.
Obviously you are incapable of making money. That's YOUR problem, not mine.
America is moving away from you.
Nope. I'm standing on it. I go where America goes.
Billionaires are deciding your future, and it does not include your welfare in it.
Nope. I decide my future. I don't live on welfare like you do.
You are on Into the Nights level now.
If you do not see that the wealth and power of the US are moving to the top 1 percent you are blind or delusional. The wealth gap is worse than during the Gilded Age. America is moving away from you. Billionaires are deciding your future, and it does not include your welfare in it.
You proudly vote against your own interests. https://invisiblepeople.tv/the-weal...ApuDaI6StBafzp2qnyRoFJu1vGqKJufYaAvNbEALw_wcB

I see you're taking obtuse to new levels. Never did I NOT agree that wealth is being funneled upwards. What i've ALWAYS done is call you out on your ignorance about democrats being apart of that scheme.
Good for him! I hope you take that is a complement, SmarterthanYou! You pissed off Nordberg as much as I do! :D

There is no such thing as a 'wealth gap'.
Obviously you are incapable of making money. That's YOUR problem, not mine.

Nope. I'm standing on it. I go where America goes.

Nope. I decide my future. I don't live on welfare like you do.

You do not piss me off. I play with you because I wonder how weird you will get. You never disappoint. Why would I be angry at you? Why do you make stupid statements like welfare remarks? You, even with the tools you have, understand you have no knowledge about the posters personal lives. How do you logic out typing something like that? You have got to know better in your blackened right-wing heart.
I see you're taking obtuse to new levels. Never did I NOT agree that wealth is being funneled upwards. What i've ALWAYS done is call you out on your ignorance about democrats being apart of that scheme.

Provide evidence. Don't just make claims. However, we do have a political system the Supremes made certain runs on money. That benefits the wealthy and corporations. Many Dems do take corporate money, to keep their seats. But the difference you do not understand, is the majority of Dems are not making laws to benefit corps. We actually pass regulations that they hate. We try to make them pay taxes. We try to regulate them. Now in a lucid moment, can you see the Repubs are the opposite? They eliminate regulations that protect the people. They give tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations The ignorance again, is yours.
Provide evidence. Don't just make claims.
you want me to provide evidence of something i've never said??????

However, we do have a political system the Supremes made certain runs on money. That benefits the wealthy and corporations. Many Dems do take corporate money, to keep their seats. But the difference you do not understand, is the majority of Dems are not making laws to benefit corps. We actually pass regulations that they hate. We try to make them pay taxes. We try to regulate them. Now in a lucid moment, can you see the Repubs are the opposite? They eliminate regulations that protect the people. They give tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations The ignorance again, is yours.

no, the ignorance is yours. what you see is NOT every democrat trying to pass those laws and regulations that they hate. what you see is political gaming by nearly every one of those republicans AND democrats designed to make you believe the way you do while at the same time stealing YOUR money and funneling it up to them and their cronies. Until you can accept that as reality, don't talk to me about lucidity, because you are not.
The Repub party works for the power of the wealthy and corporations. They even ran a "Russian oligarch", Trump, for president. It seems half our people actually believe wealthy people are better than them and smarter. They cannot see what Bernie sees. The wealth and power keep going to the top 1 percent. It is relentlessly doing so. Tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations are applauded by half our people.

the democrat party is ideological shills and enforcers for big pharmaceutal nazi population reduction programs.
the democrat party is ideological shills and enforcers for big pharmaceutal nazi population reduction programs.

Do they have good printing techniques for writing on foil?

I have never in my life seen a better slogan for a tin hat. Thank you, Fredo.
You are on Into the Nights level now.
If you do not see that the wealth and power of the US are moving to the top 1 percent you are blind or delusional. The wealth gap is worse than during the Gilded Age. America is moving away from you. Billionaires are deciding your future, and it does not include your welfare in it.
You proudly vote against your own interests. https://invisiblepeople.tv/the-weal...ApuDaI6StBafzp2qnyRoFJu1vGqKJufYaAvNbEALw_wcB

you should understand then that working people benefit from borders being enforced and immigration being reduced and rich people benefit from glutting the labor pool with contrary globalist policies.