Olympics; Jews have killed four hundred Palestinian athletes. French are guarding the Israelis.


Satire for Sanity
There will be a reckoning.


There will be a reckoning.


The world doesn't give a shit. That this is being said by Iranian TV, (Presstv.ir), and uses figures provided by Hamas, only says it's bullshit in any case.

Note that the number of Palestinian athletes to participate in previous Olympic games is as follows...

1996 2
2000 2
2004 3
2008 4
2012 5
2016 6
2020 5

Now, given that in the last 30 years, less than ten (10) Palestinian athletes have participated in any one Olympic games held who the fuck is going to believe that suddenly there are 400 Palestinian athletes wanting to compete? FOUR, FUCKING, HUNDRED!

As a note, Japan sent 403 athletes to the 2024 games, a country with 25 times the population of Palestine.

Who the hell is writing this shit to put on Iranian television, Bagdad Bob?
Four hundred athletes murdered is rather a lot, isn't it. I can understand the hysterical defensive position of the Genocide Gang.
My bad. You like Islamic terrorism.

Got it.
Defenders cannot be ' terrorists '. That is the realm of the occupiers.
The French resistance, for example, were termed ' terrorists ' by the invading Nazi scum. So it is in Palestine.
" Got it " ? No, you never ' get it '. Begone, prosemitic dupe.
Defenders cannot be ' terrorists '. That is the realm of the occupiers.
The French resistance, for example, were termed ' terrorists ' by the invading Nazi scum. So it is in Palestine.
" Got it " ? No, you never ' get it '. Begone, prosemitic dupe.
Okay. Since Israel was put into existence by the UN decades ago, they have been under attack and are the defenders, right?
Okay. Since Israel was put into existence by the UN decades ago, they have been under attack and are the defenders, right?
Israel is not being occupied by Palestine. Israel is not being occupied by Syria. Israel is not being occupied by Lebanon.
Israel occupies territory of all these countries. Israel is the aggressor. Israelis are the terrorists.

Also, Palestine was "put into existence by the UN decades ago " simultaneously with Israel. Israel ignored the Palestinian territorial claim and invaded it. Israel is the aggressor. The Nakba was a Jewish terrorist event.

Israel is attacked because Israel is the attacker. All attacks upon Israel are reprisals.
Israel is not being occupied by Palestine. Israel is not being occupied by Syria. Israel is not being occupied by Lebanon.
Israel occupies territory of all these countries. Israel is the aggressor. Israelis are the terrorists.
Right. Again, the United Nations allocated land in that area to Jews. Israel didn't take it.

Since that happened, Israel has been under attack, so ISRAEL are the defenders, right?
Also, Palestine was "put into existence by the UN decades ago " simultaneously with Israel. Israel ignored the Palestinian territorial claim and invaded it. Israel is the aggressor. The Nakba was a Jewish terrorist event.

Israel is attacked because Israel is the attacker. All attacks upon Israel are reprisals.