OMG Another Confederate rememberance that must be destroyed

He conquered Iran & Iraq, Syria, kicked the turks ass & the Egyptians..

I dunno if Tamerlane ever had an army bigger than 100,000 but I think when he was planning the invasion China was not @ their peak yet.... (early 1400)

It is all really speculation of course but China was involved in conflicts w/ other Mongols as well as huge armies in the south-Vietnam etc..

I have just seen a few blogs of ppl discussing the invasion but nothing really compelling...

I think even if he was successful in part or whole, it would have all fallen apart upon his death.... (wish seems a story akin to Alexander)

Thanks for the historical factoids. Most of this is a Tamerlane stuff is a black hole in my knowlege.
Opposing Trump is the job they swore an oath to do. He and his sycophants are the ones who should go back where they came from.

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So you think that members of congress swear an oath to oppose the president, then you are either insane or an idiot or both! Here is the oath of office dick weed. "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Just where does the above mention opposing the president?

Partisanship is one thing but total moronic stupidity by not doing what is best for the nation is something else.
So you think that members of congress swear an oath to oppose the president, then you are either insane or an idiot or both! Here is the oath of office dick weed. "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Just where does the above mention opposing the president?

Partisanship is one thing but total moronic stupidity by not doing what is best for the nation is something else.

"Enemies domestic",refers to the enemy of America,Trump!
What I want to know is, if CSA troops are considered US veterans, then, why aren't all of the Civil War casualties officially listed as friendly fire and/or training mishaps?


Did you know about this before?? I only heard about it a few years ago~found it pretty hard to believe..
Thanks for the historical factoids. Most of this is a Tamerlane stuff is a black hole in my knowlege.

I am an oddball in that I have always been fascinated about the Mongols. Think I saw some movie as a lil kid & always thought they were awesome warriors..

I would say the same about the Normans & the similarities between them..
So you think that members of congress swear an oath to oppose the president, then you are either insane or an idiot or both! Here is the oath of office dick weed. "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Just where does the above mention opposing the president?

Partisanship is one thing but total moronic stupidity by not doing what is best for the nation is something else.

IMHO both of these parties are guilty of putting their corrupt parties before the American ppl.....

"Enemies domestic",refers to the enemy of America,Trump!

Ok you made the charge now provide your evidence Trump is a domestic enemy! Mason you are always long on charges and never provide proof of those charges. So either prove it or shut up. You can even enlist your fellow Trump haters for help.
I am an oddball in that I have always been fascinated about the Mongols. Think I saw some movie as a lil kid & always thought they were awesome warriors..

I would say the same about the Normans & the similarities between them..

I will take my Cossack cavalry against your Mongol hordes, and give you two to one odds.

That's how confident I am in the Cossacks - and my bias has nothing to do with my grandmother being a Cossack woman!

"Cossacks are the best light troops among all that exist. If I had then in my army, I would go through all the world with them."

- Napoleon
I will take my Cossack cavalry against your Mongol hordes, and give you two to one odds.

That's how confident I am in the Cossacks - and my bias has nothing to do with my grandmother being a Cossack woman!

Cossacks certainly put a hurtin on the Mongols, but their prime was prior. GOlden horde, Crimean tarts etc~prior to that they sold Slavs to turkey, Egypt or to anyone who will to buy them..

what is the percent of Russians/Uk/Moldovia etc that carry Mongol DNA??
Ok you made the charge now provide your evidence Trump is a domestic enemy! Mason you are always long on charges and never provide proof of those charges. So either prove it or shut up. You can even enlist your fellow Trump haters for help.

All racist are enemies of America!
Cossacks certainly put a hurtin on the Mongols, but their prime was prior. GOlden horde, Crimean tarts etc~prior to that they sold Slavs to turkey, Egypt or to anyone who will to buy them..

what is the percent of Russians/Uk/Moldovia etc that carry Mongol DNA??

I think any East Slavs from white Russia, greater Russia, or the Baltic region have very little Cossack or Tatar heritage. The Golden Horde never penetrated into the forests of northern Russia, Belarus, Baltic areas. Cossack, tatars, are largely limited primarily to far southern Russia, Black Sea, Crimea, Ukraine steppes, etc.

I do not think there is anything such thing as Cossack DNA. I do not think it is something that can be genetically tested. The Cossacks, as far as I know, were a socio-cultural affiliation of East slavic people of dubious and uncertain origin. Cossack "membership" as it were, is generally accepted as tracing ancestry to one of the great Cossack Hosts on the Don and Volga Rivers. My grandmother came from a old family of Don River Cossacks traceable back to to the Don Cossack Host.
I think any East Slavs from white Russia, greater Russia, or the Baltic region have very little Cossack or Tatar heritage. The Golden Horde never penetrated into the forests of northern Russia, Belarus, Baltic areas. Cossack, tatars, are largely limited primarily to far southern Russia, Black Sea, Crimea, Ukraine steppes, etc.

I do not think there is anything such thing as Cossack DNA. I do not think it is something that can be genetically tested. The Cossacks, as far as I know, were a socio-cultural affiliation of East slavic people of dubious and uncertain origin. Cossack "membership" as it were, is generally accepted as tracing ancestry to one of the great Cossack Hosts on the Don and Volga Rivers. My grandmother came from a old family of Don River Cossacks traceable back to to the Don Cossack Host.
I know they are not an ethnicity, but the reason I ask is, obviously Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc, etc are not all exactly ethnically the same but IMHO some appear almost as if Scandinavian & yet others appear to have more Asian features..

I have several friends that are Russian, mostly from Ukraine but I worked w/ a girl name Luda & she was Russian, although born in Kyrgyzstan & her Mom is of that ethnicity but she is like a Nordic goddess. Nothing like her Mom, I guess DNA is a wonderful thing..
I know they are not an ethnicity, but the reason I ask is, obviously Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc, etc are not all exactly ethnically the same but IMHO some appear almost as if Scandinavian & yet others appear to have more Asian features..

I have several friends that are Russian, mostly from Ukraine but I worked w/ a girl name Luda & she was Russian, although born in Kyrgyzstan & her Mom is of that ethnicity but she is like a Nordic goddess. Nothing like her Mom, I guess DNA is a wonderful thing..

The Nordic strain in the Russian gene comes from the Varangians- Swedish vikings who occupied and ruled the lands of modern Russia, Ukraine, Belarus in the middle ages, from their stronghold in Kievan Rus. Obviously, thus cross-pollinating their DNA with the local Slavic tribes.

My father always said if you scratch a Russian you will find a tatar - an obvious reference to the Golden Horde's occupation of Russian and the resultant mixing of slavic and mogol genes. I find that quite a few Russians have faint Asiatic features, including some relatives from my maternal side.

Bottom line - what we generally call the East Slavic people are undoubtedly a brew of genes from the ancient native Slavic tribes of the steppes and northern forests, the Swedish Viking occupiers, the mongols of the Golden Horde, and God knows what else - probably some Turkic and Siberian tribes as well. That may be one reason Hitler considered the East Slavs to be an inferior mongrel race, polluted with Asiatic genes. Apparently Hitler was willing to spare the Slavs that - to the Germans - appeared to be descended from the Swedish Varangians.
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