OMG - Damo you're completely right!

I just thought of something. My mom did teach my brothers to be like women when they were younger. I can't believe I totally blanked on this. Till this day they still complain about the day she taught them how to change their maxi pads.

I thought it was good hip pocket info, apparently the kids at school thought otherwise? :dunno:

I don't get it.

Is there some other (possibly hilarious) thread that spawned this?
as a sidenote i've noticed a lot of people calling the name which must never be spoken, epi. It was agreed by at least me that everyone should call him epic instead. That is all.

Bizarre. Who's teaching men to act like women? Single Moms, or something? I didn't real the whole thread. Sounds whacked!

I don't know. I think Assmunch is the leading authority on unfounded conspiracy theories. Check with him.
as a sidenote i've noticed a lot of people calling the name which must never be spoken, epi. It was agreed by at least me that everyone should call him epic instead. That is all.

"Epi" is much better plus he said I could call him whatever I wanted to.
as a sidenote i've noticed a lot of people calling the name which must never be spoken, epi. It was agreed by at least me that everyone should call him epic instead. That is all.

Agreed to by all ? I must have missed that? Not a small thing since I am the most prolific poster on here.

I do remember some discussion on the issue but do not recall agreeing to anything ?
Why do men love sports so much?

Its because they long to be challenged physically, they long to bond to each other and form a hunting pack. They long to use the physicality that millions of years of design have given them. I know many women who would benifit from such freedom also. You can encorporate physicallity into education. Imagine a football field as a classroom where the people use the space to learn their history. Imagine a football sized field where kids are told today you play the noun, now where are you in the sentance while Jimmy here is the pronoun. There is a reason why people tune out and get bored with a classroom setting. We need to fully engauge children with all their senses. This is why art and music are such great teaching tools.

This sounds well and good, but you must understand that THE POINT of school is to turn people into tuned out unthinking drones. These problems run all the way to the core ideology of those who run our world.
not usually a fan of gravedugg threads but it's different when people think i made witty remarks. solid gravedigg. A+ to ladyt