OMG: Look what The Dumb Shit President Tweeted Today?

But you have to admit, Lies Work when your Supporters have Low IQs

Pegged the Irony meter here.
Of course you can't; you walk around with your eyes closed. Open them; breath and get some air into that tiny brain of yours.

Are you going to cry now? :rofl2:

Do you hold the same standard to your leftist pals? Because if I don't see you whining about their insults and lack of maturity, you're just another whiny leftist hypocrite on steroids. You're not going top work very well in this forum.

Dear dunce, I don't care how many presumed medical professionals you parade around talking ignorantly about Trumps mental state. Until someone examines him personally, it is all hyperbole, bullshit and heasrsay. I know that is hard for small minded presumptions leftist liars like you to comprehend. But that is the REAL world.

The problem is that idiots like you cannot distinguish real factual "evidence" from hyperbolic bullshit.

Lets focus on the statement I make and ignore the question I asked. My eyes are wide open, I take a breath of fresh air day and I have a brain that is substantially larger than yourself.

No rather I am going to reply with a mature comment, instead of acting like an immature individual who makes comments that lack an form of constructiveness or validity.

Implications you make. I don't associate with any faction of the political spectrum. Rather act and thus inform myself independently. I am not whining about immaturity simply alluding to your lack of it. If I were on steroids I would not be on this forum making such comments.

The fact is if someone has or did they are not legally allowed to disclose it, thus we will be making assumptions, the both of us for the rest of out lives.

Right back at ya.
Rudi must have told Trump that the Holt interview was basically an admission of guilt to obstruction of justice.

All the tweets in the world can't unring that bell.
The Prez puts the twit in twitter. I guess when he calls Comey the worst FBI director in history. Who talks like that after they are 15? Trump knows better and he lies to stir up the ignorant haters. Or, he never heard of J.Edgar. That is possible, Trump knows so little.
Lets focus on the statement I make and ignore the question I asked. My eyes are wide open, I take a breath of fresh air day and I have a brain that is substantially larger than yourself.

No rather I am going to reply with a mature comment, instead of acting like an immature individual who makes comments that lack an form of constructiveness or validity.

Implications you make. I don't associate with any faction of the political spectrum. Rather act and thus inform myself independently. I am not whining about immaturity simply alluding to your lack of it. If I were on steroids I would not be on this forum making such comments.

The fact is if someone has or did they are not legally allowed to disclose it, thus we will be making assumptions, the both of us for the rest of out lives.

Right back at ya.

there is a process on this board where you can put people on an ignore list. Truth deflector is the only one I did it with because I got annoyed scrolling through a page of childish pictures with 2 lines of insults. You should consider it.
Trump has repeatedly defended his tweets as the best way to communicate directly with the American people.

It is communication on a very low level. But that is where most Trumplestilkskins live. They should be insulted when Trump say that, but they aren't.
Whichever it is. Trump is a disgrace to any group which (probably inadvertently) includes him!

Trump is a cheater.. He's cheated contractors, vendors, bankers, investors, wives.. He cheats at golf. Note that the militant Christians on this board LOVE Trump.

He's the evidence for the dumbing down of America.