On the Boston bombing.

Man, this guy has his head up Limbaugh's ass, and his ears stuck on Drudge's lips.

Pay attention, my willfully ignorant friend.


Try again asshole...you stupid arrogant creep.........The first hijackers to arrive in the United States were Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, who settled in the San Diego area in January 2000.
followed by three hijacker-pilots, Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah early in the summer of 2000
The fourth hijacker-pilot, Hani Hanjour, arrived in San Diego in December 2000.

Bush wasn't even president when the first hijackers came into the country in 2000.....and by the time he received the 'memo' pinheads always bring up....ALL THE HIJACKERS

And I don't give a shit what kind of visa's they entered with...THATS NOT THE FUCKIN' POINT

The "memo" was just ONE of the things the Shrub & company did that made it so easy for the 911 terrorist.


By the time Bush got any memo ALL THE HIJACKERS WERE IN THE COUNTRY....none of your bullshit will change these facts.

Remember, Clinton had WEEKLY meetings by all the heads of security and intelligence....the Shrub & company threw out that system.

Your blathering about Obama is just that, because recent events shows Homeland Security to be failing along the same lines prior to Clinton snapping everyone in line and ending the "sharing information" block".

And Yes, you dimbulb, the Shrub did dismantle the CIA section designed to hunt Bin Ladin:



Now its the CIA section ?....where will you move the goal posts in your next lame attempt to bullshit us.....
You can't beat me you fool.....you never have and never will....my claims are the truth, the facts......

You can change the subject and move the goal posts, you can't change the historical facts.
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Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Man, this guy has his head up Limbaugh's ass, and his ears stuck on Drudge's lips.

Pay attention, my willfully ignorant friend.


Try again asshole...you stupid arrogant creep.........The first hijackers to arrive in the United States were Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, who settled in the San Diego area in January 2000.
followed by three hijacker-pilots, Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah early in the summer of 2000
The fourth hijacker-pilot, Hani Hanjour, arrived in San Diego in December 2000.

Bush wasn't even president when the first hijackers came into the country in 2000.....and by the time he received the 'memo' pinheads always bring up....ALL THE HIJACKERS

And I don't give a shit what kind of visa's they entered with...THATS NOT THE FUCKIN' POINT

Typical neocon/teabagger BS.....they just ignore what they don't like and repeat themselves in bold caps (signifying shouting), as if that magically makes all his assertions correct. :palm:

Had this dunce actually read through the information, he would have noted:

Officials who infuse the 9/11 hijackers into the immigration debate and focus on student visas are confusing the issue, Johnson said. Again, only one of the hijackers came to the U.S. on a student visa. And while several of the other hijackers on tourist or business visas overstayed their visas, the hijacker who was in the U.S. on a student visa did not.

The "memo" was just ONE of the things the Shrub & company did that made it so easy for the 911 terrorist.


By the time Bush got any memo ALL THE HIJACKERS WERE IN THE COUNTRY....none of your bullshit will change these facts.

You keep repeating your willful (or basic) ignorance of the facts, which makes you all the more a braying jackass. Note from the link:

The direct warnings to Mr. Bush about the possibility of a Qaeda attack began in the spring of 2001. By May 1, the Central Intelligence Agency told the White House of a report that “a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation. Weeks later, on June 22, the daily brief reported that Qaeda strikes could be “imminent,” although intelligence suggested the time frame was flexible.

The Shrub and company IGNORED THIS!

Remember, Clinton had WEEKLY meetings by all the heads of security and intelligence....the Shrub & company threw out that system.

Your blathering about Obama is just that, because recent events shows Homeland Security to be failing along the same lines prior to Clinton snapping everyone in line and ending the "sharing information" block".

And Yes, you dimbulb, the Shrub did dismantle the CIA section designed to hunt Bin Ladin:



Now its the CIA section ?....where will you move the goal posts in your next lame attempt to bullshit us.....
You can't beat me you fool.....you never have and never will....my claims are the truth, the facts......

You can change the subject and move the goal posts, you can't change the historical facts.

What's amazing is how proud you are of your ignorance. Your main argument is that Clinton did not prevent the terrorist from coming into the country. Well toodles, if they got in under legal means and at the time had no intel on them, NO ONE could have prevented that. The trick was to link agencies to assess if someone got in, where they were, etc. The CIA did that, and warned the Shrub. Clinton did that in the DB that the Shrub ignored when it was handed to him. The NSA had some of the hijackers flagged...they shouldn't have been able to buy tickets, and if Clinton's system was up and running, they wouldn't have because INFORMATION WAS SHARED. And remember there were a few attempted terrorist attacks under the Shrub's watch by folk already in the country.....the failed only do to their on incompetence, NOT because of Homeland Security's diligence. So your oft repeated assertion fails.

You can bray the neocon nonsense until doomsday, but ALL the facts are in, and the Shrub is guilty of criminal negligence/incompetence. Thing is YOU CANNOT PROVE WHAT MEDIA MATTERS REFERENCES WRONG. So go stamp your widdle feet and call Rush to vent.
What's amazing is how proud you are of your ignorance. Your main argument is that Clinton did not prevent the terrorist from coming into the country. Well toodles, if they got in under legal means and at the time had no intel on them, NO ONE could have prevented that. The trick was to link agencies to assess if someone got in, where they were, etc. The CIA did that, and warned the Shrub. Clinton did that in the DB that the Shrub ignored when it was handed to him. The NSA had some of the hijackers flagged...they shouldn't have been able to buy tickets, and if Clinton's system was up and running, they wouldn't have because INFORMATION WAS SHARED. And remember there were a few attempted terrorist attacks under the Shrub's watch by folk already in the country.....the failed only do to their on incompetence, NOT because of Homeland Security's diligence. So your oft repeated assertion fails.

You can bray the neocon nonsense until doomsday, but ALL the facts are in, and the Shrub is guilty of criminal negligence/incompetence. Thing is YOU CANNOT PROVE WHAT MEDIA MATTERS REFERENCES WRONG. So go stamp your widdle feet and call Rush to vent.

The CIA warned Bush ?....bullshit....when did this happen, a week before the attack...
A generic note that terrorists want to attack us....well, no shit Sherlock........the point is they were here and got under the watchful eyes of Clinton...
As watchful as your ass....they were here for a year and you expected Bush to prevent an attack because you think he was warned a week before 9/11 that someone might attack us. Your idiocy is galactic in scope...

Your conjecture about some imaginary "Clinton system" is crazy on its face...and its a proven fact that information sharing was PREVENTED by a Democratic legislator...
Bush was NEVER warned about hijackers being in the country, you just make up shit as you go along because you can't abide being schooled .... too bad. And
Changing the issue to other than the 9/11 terrorists ain't gonna cut it....thats another debate....

The fact remains....

9/11 TERRORISTS ENTERED THE COUNTRY RIGHT UNDER Clinton's NOSE, ALMOST A YEAR BEFORE HE LEFT OFFICE.....if their is any blame to be found, this is it.....moving all over the country, going to flight schools, etc.
The CIA warned Bush ?....bullshit....when did this happen, a week before the attack...
A generic note that terrorists want to attack us....well, no shit Sherlock........the point is they were here and got under the watchful eyes of Clinton...
As watchful as your ass....they were here for a year and you expected Bush to prevent an attack because you think he was warned a week before 9/11 that someone might attack us. Your idiocy is galactic in scope...

Your conjecture about some imaginary "Clinton system" is crazy on its face...and its a proven fact that information sharing was PREVENTED by a Democratic legislator...
Bush was NEVER warned about hijackers being in the country, you just make up shit as you go along because you can't abide being schooled .... too bad. And
Changing the issue to other than the 9/11 terrorists ain't gonna cut it....thats another debate....

The fact remains....

9/11 TERRORISTS ENTERED THE COUNTRY RIGHT UNDER Clinton's NOSE, ALMOST A YEAR BEFORE HE LEFT OFFICE.....if their is any blame to be found, this is it.....moving all over the country, going to flight schools, etc.

And as we can all see folks......I provided FACTS that this idiot NOVA just ignores in favor of his own revisionism. Typical willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger.....parroting their dreck ad nauseum with eyes shut and ears covered.

And as we can all see folks......I provided FACTS that this idiot NOVA just ignores in favor of his own revisionism. Typical willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger.....parroting their dreck ad nauseum with eyes shut and ears covered.


Revisionism ?


Revise that, Pinhead.
Revisionism ?


Revise that, Pinhead.

Put your skirt down! If you had actually READ the ENTIRE information linked, you would note that these guys did not enter the country with banners screaming their loyalty to Bin Ladin. they entered legally and without a rap sheet. But, by the time 911 happened THEY WERE FLAGGED NOT TO FLY COMMERCIAL AIRLINES. Again, had the Shrub NOT dismantled Clintons system, those bastards would NOT have been able to board those jets. Deal with it.

A surveillance team with similar clothings and backpacks at the bombing site.


Contractors” at Boston Marathon Stood Near Bomb, Left Before Detonation

(Photos) Seen across street after blasts talking with FBI bomb squad. Who were they? What were they and the FBI doing?
By Tony Cartalucci
Global Research, April 19, 2013
What appear to be private contractors, wearing unmarked, matching uniforms and operating an unmarked SUV affixed with communication equipment near the finish line of the Boston Marathon shortly after the bomb blasts – can be seen beforehand, standing and waiting just meters away from where the first bomb was detonated.

The contractor-types had moved away from the bomb’s location before it detonated, and could be seen just across the street using communication equipment and waiting for similar dressed and equipped individuals to show up after the blasts.

Image: An already widely distributed photo showing the contractor-types on the bottom left, just left of where the bomb was placed and detonated. The men are wearing matching, unmarked uniforms, large black bags, and appear to be waiting, separately, and “behind” the rest of the crowd. In the upper left corner, a wooden structure forming one half of a temporary photography “bridge” over the finish line can be seen and serves as a useful reference when establishing the contractor-types’ position in other photos.


Image: After the explosion, two of the contractors seen by the wall next to the bomb, appear across the street, both using communication equipment. This photo too has been distributed and enlarged many times across the Internet. (click to enlarge)


Image: An unmarked SUV with a considerable amount of communication gear on the roof appears, surrounded by identically dressed men. The vehicle parks near the bleachers. (click to enlarge)
The men, numbering between 6-8 then begin tearing up the skirting around temporary bleachers erected for the event, opposite the explosion, before taping it off. Then, what appears to be an FBI bomb squad truck pulls up directly behind the contractor-types’ SUV, with a woman clearly wearing the letters F.B.I. on her tactical vest emerging and speaking with the contractor-types. Together they disappear from the scene, leaving their vehicles behind.


Image: What appears to be an FBI bomb squad truck pulls in, with a woman wearing what is clearly the letters F.B.I. on her vest. She talks with two contractors while it appears a third is partially in the truck’s right-hand side. Also note that the area contractors and event staff tore up, is now taped off. (click to enlarge)

It should be noted, that with the exception of the contractor-types, all other responders at the scene, including the FBI agent, can be clearly identified, from police to the fire department, to medics and even individuals wearing vests with “B.A.A. Physician” written on them. It should also be noted that no other uniformed individuals can be seen standing near the bomb site aside from the contractor-types.

These men were unidentified, professional contractors apparently augmenting public servants at the Boston Marathon, present before and after the bomb blasts in the direct vicinity of the incident. After the blasts, whether it was their intended function or not, they appeared to be searching for something under the bleachers before being joined by what appears to be the FBI bomb squad. The FBI and the city of Boston has so far categorically failed to provide any information on these highly suspicious individuals.

Put your skirt down! If you had actually READ the ENTIRE information linked, you would note that these guys did not enter the country with banners screaming their loyalty to Bin Ladin. they entered legally and without a rap sheet. But, by the time 911 happened THEY WERE FLAGGED NOT TO FLY COMMERCIAL AIRLINES. Again, had the Shrub NOT dismantled Clintons system, those bastards would NOT have been able to board those jets. Deal with it.



A total lie.....they were not flagged anywhere along the liNe....they got here under Clinton's nose....and it don't matter how they got here....

So Clinton's "system", if one even existed, didn't do diddlely squat......they were here for a year BEFORE BUSH GOT ELECTED.....
They were here under 1 to 6 month visa's.......and MOST were in violation of immigration law for months before the attack.

Those are the facts....and no amount of your bullshit will EVER change those facts.
Here is your liar testifying...

QUESTION......Sen. Lindsey Graham: So the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were all students here on visas. Their visa expired and the system did not catch that, is that correct?

ANSWER........Napolitano: That’s correct. There are a number of ways that those hijackers would be revealed under — under the bill.


The fact is, only one of the 19 9/11 hijackers came to the U.S. on a student visa, according to the 9/11 Commission Report. That one was Hani Hanjour, a Saudi Arabian terrorist who piloted the plane that was flown into the Pentagon, according to a 2004 staff report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. In his student visa application, Hanjour provided paperwork showing that he was enrolled in an English as a second language program in Oakland, Calif., but he never attended after arriving in America (a fact that would draw scrutiny today). He did not, however, overstay his student visa.
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A total lie.....they were not flagged anywhere along the liNe....they got here under Clinton's nose....and it don't matter how they got here....

So Clinton's "system", if one even existed, didn't do diddlely squat......they were here for a year BEFORE BUSH GOT ELECTED.....
They were here under 1 to 6 month visa's.......and MOST were in violation of immigration law for months before the attack.

Those are the facts....and no amount of your bullshit will EVER change those facts.
Here is your liar testifying...

QUESTION......Sen. Lindsey Graham: So the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were all students here on visas. Their visa expired and the system did not catch that, is that correct?

ANSWER........Napolitano: That’s correct. There are a number of ways that those hijackers would be revealed under — under the bill.


The fact is, only one of the 19 9/11 hijackers came to the U.S. on a student visa, according to the 9/11 Commission Report. That one was Hani Hanjour, a Saudi Arabian terrorist who piloted the plane that was flown into the Pentagon, according to a 2004 staff report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. In his student visa application, Hanjour provided paperwork showing that he was enrolled in an English as a second language program in Oakland, Calif., but he never attended after arriving in America (a fact that would draw scrutiny today). He did not, however, overstay his student visa.

All you've done here is prove that both Graham and Napolitano were wrong....you provide NOTHING BUT YOUR WORTHLESS, REPEATED OPINION REGARDING WHAT I STATED.

Here stupid, for your education:the State Dept. and the FBI did not inform the airlines that the hijackers were on their watch list....something that was done during the weekly meetings Clinton had prior to the Shrub dismantling that procedure. Even Clarke alludes to this: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_...ts/2004/03/could_we_have_prevented_911.2.html

The Shrub and company just fucked it up:


That takes some balls to bring Clarke into the discussion......he was in charge of fighting terrorism when the 9/11 hijackers entered the country without any problems and overstayed their visa's.......yeah, hes a winner . He writes a book to save his own ass for doing a shitty job and you eat is up, like a pinhead.

WTC attacked in 93
Attempted Bush Assassination
OK City bombing
Khobar Towers
Embassy bombed in Tanzania
Embassy bombed in Kenya
Then letting 9/11 hijackers enter the US under his nose.....thats the record of those 2 experts you're an apologist for....Clarke and Clinton.......

Glad you brought it all up so I could point out to all the readers the historical facts....

Schools out and you're dismissed
That takes some balls to bring Clarke into the discussion......he was in charge of fighting terrorism when the 9/11 hijackers entered the country without any problems and overstayed their visa's.......yeah, hes a winner . He writes a book to save his own ass for doing a shitty job and you eat is up, like a pinhead.

Pay attention, you willfully stupid neocon parrot......Clarke DID HIS JOB WHEN HE REPORTED WHAT WAS GOING ON. Unfortunately, he has to TAKE ORDERS from the Shrub & company, and was NOT given his due from Condi, Rummy and Cheney..AS THE HISTORICAL RECORD SHOWS.


WTC attacked in 93
Attempted Bush Assassination
OK City bombing
Khobar Towers
Embassy bombed in Tanzania
Embassy bombed in Kenya
Then letting 9/11 hijackers enter the US under his nose.....thats the record of those 2 experts you're an apologist for....Clarke and Clinton.......

Glad you brought it all up so I could point out to all the readers the historical facts....

Schools out and you're dismissed

Schools been out for You for quite some time....as is demonstrated by this jumble of events that you tie in with your supposition and conjecture.

Just to pull the rug out from under you.....in 1993 the Twin Towers attack happened because Daddy Bush and company DID NOT forward information to the Clinton Administration about the Blind Sheik and company. Look it up stupid, as you seem to leave out parts of history that don't fit your fantasies.

Nothing you've presented changes the FACTS regarding the criminal negligence and incompetence of the Shrub and Company that gave us 911. Clarke admits to his guilt, but the rest never will...and simpletons like you will gladly defend them to the death...which what happened to over 3000 people that day. You disgust me.
768. Boston bombing – a false flag terror case (4/20/2013)

The Boston Marathon bombing case was conducted by the Feds. I believe. It took place on 4/15, the last day for tax return. It reminds me of a similar case. Six years ago, I wrote “478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)”. I alleged the Feds would frame a case in the name of “tax fraud”. Three days later (4/16), a massacre in Virginia Tech. occurred. 4/17 was the last day for tax return that year. That’s their tactic to use terror case to distract a framed case.

Two months ago, I wrote “756. To search by the hands of IRS (2/4/2013)”. It seems the Feds repeat their old tactic in their plot. I think the explosion of a fertilize factory in Texas was not a coincidence. It is a part of the plan – to cause public panic.

I also worry about that the Feds planned more terror bombings elsewhere – particularly in San Jose area where I live. They have showed an intention to kill by violence last month. See “764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013)”. If there is bombing happens in library or shopping center where I used to go, the Boston Marathon bombing would have justified it.

Yesterday morning, (4/19), when I learned that the suspects are Chechens, I wrote:” The target of a Chechnya should be Russia. Not US. The suspects are more likely the recruits of US intelligence for the mission of "Arab Spring", "insurgents" or snitches to monitor Chechnya's community in US. It's a puzzle. Are they another sacrifice?”

At night, a news confirms this.
Boston suspect was under FBI surveillance, mother says
By Timothy Heritage
MOSCOW (Reuters) - One of the two ethnic Chechens suspected by U.S. officials of being behind the Boston Marathon bombings had been under FBI surveillance for at least three years, his mother said.
"He (Tamerlan) was 'controlled' by the FBI, like, for three to five years," she said, speaking in English and using the direct English translation of a word in Russian that means monitored.

"They knew what my son was doing, they knew what sites on the Internet he was going to," she said in what Russia Today described as a call from Makhachkala, where she lives in Russia's Dagestan region after returning from the United States.

Tsarnaeva echoed the boys' father, Anzor, who said on Friday that he believed they had been framed. Both suggested in separate interviews that the FBI had made no secret of the fact that at least one of the brothers was being watched.


769. Terror attack and financial market (4/30/2013)

In “694. The term of FBI Chief (11/21/2011)”, I wrote, “September should be the last month for Robert Mueller in his FBI office. (Sep. 2001 – Sep. 2011) His term has been extended for two more years. He has to finish Kat Sung before he leaves the office. The next FBI Chief doesn’t want to take any responsibility to a criminal action.” Robert Mueller has to leave his office this September.

That’s why we saw a series of events took place recently: a meteor hit Russia; former Pope Benedict quit his job; Bin Laden’s son in law was arrested and sent to New York, Boston bombing….. All these were created for a big case – a false flag nuke attack on US (likely at New York) which will end with war on Iran. This big case was used to cover up a small case – eliminate Kat Sung and his family (because they knew the story, I allege they are recruited by the Feds to monitor me. Informants have to die to keep their masters’ crime a secret.). Since this is a framed case, they need a big case to distract public’s attention.

In March, I found the Feds prepared a violence death for me – a random shooting death in bank robbery. I revealed it in “764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013)”. Then there came the Boston Marathon bombing. I think it was created to justify multi bombings all over the country. One of which was in public place where I go.

I used to go to Milpitas Library on Tuesday. They have a “Computer skill lecture” every Tuesday afternoon. Boston bombing took place on Monday (4/15). I was rattled by it so I didn’t go. Then a fertilizer factory in Texas had a big explosion. I think it was part of the plan. I wrote, “768. Boston bombing – a false flag terror case (4/20/2013)”

I also noticed an unusual drop of gold price. Gold plunges to two year low from 4/12 to 4/15.

Gold plunges to two-year low
By Mark Thompson and Hibah Yousuf @CNNMoneyInvestApril 15, 2013



The dramatic drop would give the Feds a chance to buy in gold at low price. If I went to library next day (4/16) and died in a bombing, more bombings would happen that eventually lead to a war. The gold price would sky rocket.

If you still remember there was an unusual stock trading just before 911 attack.

Next Tuesday was 4/23. One day before my daughter gave me a bag of garbage – although we pay monthly garbage fee, I don’t use that service – I am afraid of being planted with illegal stuff, such like drugs in our garbage can. See “689. Plant in garbage can and 6/10/2011 case (10/17/2011)”. I assorted the garbage of that bag – there was a recycle bin in library, I used to throw the paper there. I found there was a backpack in the bag. It reminded me of Boston bombing immediately. Would they also frame me in a bombing case? Once again I decided not to go to the library.

Next day, there was a news:
'Syrian hackers' break into Associated Press' Twitter account and 'break news' that explosions at White House have injured Obama - sending DOW Jones plunging 100 points

Both the DOW Jones Industrial average and Standard & Poor’s 500 Index plunged about 1 percent before regaining their losses
$136.5 billion of the S&P 500 index's value was momentarily wiped clean
Tweet was sent to AP's near 2 million followers and retweeted1,181 times before deleted
White House press secretary: 'The president is fine'
Group called the Syrian Electronic Army has claimed responsibility for hacking

By Nina Golgowski PUBLISHED:12:51 EST, 23 April 2013



My interpretation of this strange news:
1. When the Feds commit a crime, they used to do it in enemy’s name. In 911 they use “Al Qaeda”. This time they use “Syrian Electronic Army”.
2. Twitter is a tool they used to give command.
3. It’s a command to their financial team members to buy in some stock or sell out some stock according to the result of a big terror attack. I’m sure there would be a series of bombings if I went to the library.
4. The mission was cancelled because I didn’t go to library that day.

I am the man who used to go to Milpitas Library on Tuesday and I have alleged there would be big case applied on me in recent days. These two charts of financial market prove my allegations are very accurate.
770. Drill in “Boston bombing” and “Texas explosion” (5/7/2013)

I had pointed out that in most of the “terror attack” cases alleged done by the Feds, they always planned drills which were identical to the terror case to assure the success of the plot. The perpetrators – if being caught – would defend themselves as practitioners of the drill. see “688. Anti-terror drill - bizarre coincidence (9/29/2011)”. Some of the practitioners might really thought it was a drill. That was what happened in 7/7/2005 London bombing. The drill became real bombing, the practitioners became sacrifice. After 7/7 London bombing, the informants work for the Feds have been rattled by the fate of those four “suicide bombers”, similar trick couldn’t be used again. So Tsarnaev brothers probably were told to prepare for the content of their backpack by themselves. The material might relate to a bomb – Pressure cooker; firecrackers; remote control toys….. only it was not installed into a real one. So they were sure they would be safe in a “drill”. It was true. But it didn’t prevent their master to plant real bomb at site by someone else.

I think Tsarnaev brothers were recruited informants of the Feds, work as a cover up team – S.S.G.(special support group). When the Feds had a big plot, they used to activate a lot of S.S.G. to help the success of the plot and play the role of witness.

The style of Tsarnaev brother cell is similar to another cell – Muhammad and Malvo cell in D.C. sniper case. (The sniper killing case was created to threaten law makers to pass the bill (H. J. Res 114) to authorize the use of armed force against Iraq in 2002. see #101 to #128. ) In these family cells, Tamerlan (Muhammad in sniper case) was the leader and Dzhokhar (Malvo in sniper case) was the follower. There were pick up as sacrifice because they were minority – Muhammad and Malvo are blacks and Tsarnaev brothers are Chechens. The leader, Tamerlan was put into death, (so was Muhammad) because they knew more than their followers. Dzhokhar and Malvo are in jail (you can imagine what they would be)

Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as 'controlled explosion' drill by Boston bomb squad
http://www.naturalnews.com/039926_Boston_marathon_bombing_terrorism.html#ixzz 2REDRfcrK

Another official drill goes live after Texas fertilizer plant explosion
Texas explosion
April 18, 2013

Coming to light Thursday, only hours after a huge industrial explosion took out a Texas fertilizer plant, also taking out a portion of the small town of West, TX, potentially injuring or killing hundreds more, just so happens to be a little more than an hour’s drive from a huge hospital drill, coincidentally scheduled for the very same day.

The Texas fertilizer plant explosion is not a “terror attack” but as unusual as the Feds’ style. What do they want?

There is a Pacific Gas and electricity terminal near Milpitas Library. I am impressed by the huge pipes on the ground which is several blocks away from the library. I passed by that site sometimes when I go to Wal-Mart after leaving the library. It reminds me of the massive natural gas explosion that killed eight people and destroyed an entire neighborhood in San Bruno, CA, on Sept. 9, 2010. I think The Texas fertilizer plant explosion was created to justify an Utility gas explosion in Bay Area for a murder purpose.

771. Media and government are full of lies (5/14/2013)

(1) If Tsarnaev brothers’ parent were not in Russia then they couldn’t speak out something un-censored and the story government tell you will be thoroughly a different one.

Monday, 22 April 2013 18:00
Russian FSB Reportedly Contacted FBI About Tamerlan Tsarnaev

According to CBS, the FBI initially denied contacting Tsarnaev, but this apparently changed after his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, said they had contacted her son in an interview with Russia Today (RT).


(2) Since this a framed case, Tsarnaev brother have to be dead.

On 4/19, Dzhokhar was arrested and was said in a serious condition. His brother Tamerlan was dead.

On 4/21, Boston Marathon bombing suspect remains in hospital, unable to speak, was hinted might be dead any time.

“By Svea Herbst-Bayliss Reuters – Sun, Apr 21, 2013

Tsarnaev was shot in the throat and had tongue damage, said a source close to the investigation, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“We don’t know if we’ll ever be able to question the individual,” Menino told ABC’s “This Week” program. He did not elaborate.


From 4/19 to 4/23, the brothers’ parents aggressively accused it’s a framed case and believe Tamerlan still alive.

“MOTHER OF BOMBING SUSPECTS: My Sons Would Never Do This And My Older Son Is Still Alive

Michael Kelley|Apr. 23, 2013,

On 4/23, US said Dzhokhar was in fair condition.
“Boston bombing suspect cites U.S. wars as motivation, officials say
By Scott Wilson, Greg Miller and Sari Horwitz,
From his hospital bed, where he is now listed in fair condition, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has acknowledged his role in planting the explosives near the marathon finish line on April 15, the officials said. The first successful large-scale bombing in the post-Sept. 11, 2001, era, the Boston attack killed three people and wounded more than 250 others.

“Now officials claim Boston bombing suspect was NOT armed in boat showdown - despite police account of firefight and him 'shooting himself'

Officials now claim that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was unarmed as he hid in boat in Watertown
Contradicts Boston Police Commissioner's account of hour-long firefight with Tsarnaev
New York Times said M4 rifle had been found on boat
Police sources suggested Tsarnaev shot himself onboard
By Associated Press and Daily Mail Reporter
, 24 April 2013

It’s easy to tell the difference of “armed” or “un-armed”, “fair condition” or “serious condition”, yet it took five days (4/19 to 4/24) for the government and media to correct. It seems a secret deal has been reached. Either between the Feds and Tsarnaev brothers’ parents or the Russian government. (So the voice of parents was silenced) Dzhokhar’s life is held to exchange his parents’ silence. So now you can only discuss which cemetery will Tamerlan’s corpse go.
772. Selection of “bomb suspect” (5/20/2013)

In a big plot, the Feds used to activate a lot of informants and agents to guarantee its success. The participants used to be told that it was a drill and were ordered to carry on a backpack as we have seen in London bombing and Boston bombing.

A Saudi student - Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, was injured in the marathon bombing blast and was initially considered a suspect in the deadly terrorist attack. The video shows that he ran quickly away from the bombing site. I think he was an informant. He was frightened that a drill became a real one and worried to be sacrificed in a bombing.

Abdul Rahman may have a strong background. (It is said his family is a powerful one in Saudi) He is aggressively protected by Saudi government. It seems Saudi doesn’t want to play the role of “terrorist” again – the last time was 911 attack. 15 of the 19 hijackers have Saudi passports. On 4/18, when the discussion of Saudi student’s case reached peak in internet, the Feds suddenly throw out “Tsarnaev” brothers as the suspects.

Tsarnaev brothers are informants too. They went for a “drill” like that Saudi student did and ran away when the “drill” became real. Since this was a framed case, they have to be silenced. Tamerlan died on 4/19 and Dzhokhar was said in serious condition – was said shot at throat and can’t speak. Dzhokhar managed to escape for a while (ten hours or so?) The Feds activated a large scale search: 10,000 for an unarmed man.

“Currently 9000 – 10,000 police officers in SWAT gear mobilized in Watertown/Boston.
April 19th, 2013
WATERTOWN – Police have shut down transportation in the Boston area and expanded their search for the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing, the man they call “White Hat”.


Such an unprecedented search may prove their fear – Dzhokhar would let out truth if he was not under their control.

Then media said (unspeakable) Dzhokhar admitted that the war in Mid-east was the motivation of the bomb attack. That was obviously another lie from the Feds. Afghan war started in 2001, Iraq war started in 2003. Both happened 10 years ago. While later, Tamerlan hadn’t taken it into his consideration.

Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect #1 Wanted to Box for U.S.A.

According to a site posting photos of Tsarnaev training at Wai Kru Mixed Martial Arts Center in Boston -- he wanted to be selected for the US Olympic team and become a naturalized citizen.

Tamerlan told the site he'd prefer to box for his native Chechnya, but since it's not an independent country ... he'd choose to box for the US.


The pick up of “Tsarnaev brothers” was a sudden decision which caused a lot of inconsistencies. They didn’t plan the “Tamerlan’s death” and Dzhokhar’s arrest” story well, left many flaws on it, especially the allegation of “set up” from the parents. Russia is not Saudi. An Ally will issue statement to confirm a US lie. To make Russia doing same thing needs a secret deal. The Feds apparently hasn’t done this in advance so they fall into dire straits

The Truthseeker: Boston Bombing - What You Aren't Told

773. Chinese secret police is accomplice of the Feds (5/25/2013)

Boston bombing and Verginia Tech. massacre, both were planned by the Feds to cover up a main plot- "eliminate Kat Sung"(which went soured for some reason). Chinese secret police heavily involved in these two cases.

In original plan of Virginia Tech. case, the gunman was portrayed as a Chinese student. Whatever the Feds said about him, the Chinese government would confirm it true. Here is the news issued right on that day:

"Gunman kills 32 at Virginia Tech before being killed

April 16, 2007
BY MICHAEL SNEED Sun-Times Columnist

Sneed hears authorities were investigating whether the gunman who killed 32 people in a rampage on the Virginia Tech campus was a Chinese national who arrived in the United States last year on a student visa.

The 25-year-old man being investigated for the deadliest college carnage in U.S. history reportedly arrived in San Francisco on a United Airlines flight on Aug. 7, 2006, on a visa issued in Shanghai, the source said. Investigators had not linked him to any terrorist groups, the source added." "

However, the main plot fail to go through, they had to change their original plan. A Korean student- Cho Sun-hui became a sacrifice. (I think Cho was an informant. In big case, Feds used to activate a lot of informants as special support group)
Here is a rare news for you to judge how Cho died.

"Virginia Tech Massacre : Police Won't Rule Out Second Shooter/Accomplice, Yet

Killer Shot Himself, Through The Back Of The Head, Blowing Out His Face

Police claim by the time they reached the second floor, the gun fire had stopped and Cho was found on the floor of a classroom. Police claim he shot himself, through the back of the head :

“He opened fire to the back of his head and blew up the front part of his head, which has made it difficult to identify him...”

http://yournewreality.blogspot.com/2007/04/virginia-tech-massacre-police-wont-rule.html "

Similar things happened in Boston bombing. Though a lot of pictures of bombing site were issued in internet, they were mainly about the amputee man (Bauman) and other cover up teams. The purpose is to comfort the others that it was a stage show that there was no real casualty. The foundation to rule this country is a massive informants troop. They were rattled after 911 attack and 7/7 London bombing which reminded them any time they could become involuntary "suicides". So a big job of Feds is to prove them that it was only an actors' show. That's why in those bloody pictures, we saw no real dead victim.

Three people were reported dead in Boston bombing. One was said a Chinese student. Chinese government would confirm what the Feds said. Its secret police is an accomplice in this case.

When the Feds decided to frame Tsarnaev brothers as the suspects of Boston bombing, the fate of brothers were decided too. The Feds issued the photo of the suspects on 4/18. Tamerlan was shot to death that day and Dzhokhar was chased by 10,000 police thereafter before they had chance to know that they had become suspects. The point was to create a case that they had conflict with police. So we heard the odd news of the death of a MIT police and car hijacking that night.

Boston Bombers’ Carjacking Victim Is A Chinese Entrepreneur Named ‘Danny’

Adam Pasick April 26, 2013

The man who was carjacked by alleged Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and who made a daring escape that helped lead to their apprehension, is a 26-year-old Chinese immigrant engineer and entrepreneur who has asked only to be identified by his American nickname, Danny.

The Boston Globe interviewed Danny and reported that he is from a “province in central China” who studied engineering at Northeastern University before starting up a company in Boston’s Kendall Square. He asked the Globe not to disclose his full name, although it may be made public if and when he testifies against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.



Danny – The Mysterious Chinese Hero of the Boston Bombings
By Yishi Zuo May 13, 2013


Chinese became important “witness” of Boston bombing case.
774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013)

The Feds had activated bio-attack as murder weapon twice in my case. The first one was the SARS in 2003. The virus was bird flu H5N1. (covered in #130, #137 to #164) The second one was Swine flu in 2009. It said the virus was bird flu H1N1. (covered in #596 to #608) This April they have the third one- the bird flu H7N9 attack. As usual, Chinese secret police plays an important role.

1. It starts in Shanghai on April 1.
Two men die in Shanghai in first human cases of bird flu strain
Lo Wei and He Huifeng 01 April, 2013


2. Development.
4/6. The New Bird Flu: How Dangerous Is Avian Flu H7N9? ( forbes.com)
4/18. China's Bird Flu Is Being Spread from Human to Human (By Alexander Abad-Santos | The Atlantic Wire 4/18/2013)
New bird flu may be capable of human to human spread - study
By Lavinia Mo 5/24/2013
HONG KONG (Reuters) - The new H7N9 bird flu virus can be transmitted between mammals not only via direct contact but also in airborne droplets, and may be capable of spreading from person to person, Chinese and American researchers have found.

In 2003, the SARS started in Hong Kong then extended into Shanghai. It might mean the virus was spread by the US intelligence. In 2013, the course reverses. It may mean the technique has been passed to the Chinese secret police by the Feds.
My wife has relatives living in Hong Kong and I have relatives live in Shanghai. The location of disease indicated the Feds intended to silence most people who know my story.

3. Prepare for a big disaster.
New virus called ‘threat to the entire world’

..By Claudine Zap 5/29/2013
The first death in France from a new SARS-like coronavirus brings the worldwide total for the disease to 27 deaths and 49 infections, CNN reports.

In the Feds’ plot, the Boston bombing would eventually developed into “war on Iran” which will be protested by other countries. To deal with possible resistance, they replaced former Pope Benedict with a puppet of their own. The above news indicates that the Feds would also punish the disobedient countries with SARS-like disease if others dare to protest.

Bird flu costs China industry $6.5 bn: state media

Agence France-Presse May 20, 2013


Business is business. China will be paid for its collaboration. It will be settled in this meeting:

Obama to meet with China's Xi in California June 7-8

WASHINGTON | Mon May 20, 2013

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold their first meeting since Xi became president in March when they sit down for a June 7-8 summit in Rancho Mirage, California, the White House announced on Monday.


775. Events on 6/7 (6/10/2013)

The summit of Xi and Obama in Rancho Mirage was prepared in a short time. It was arranged by Security Adviser Tom Donilon. Media released the news on May 20. 17 days for a summit, it was real efficient. Obviously it bypassed the bureaucracy. Who has ability to do this? Intelligence. They have secret deal reached that can’t be written down on a paper because it’s evil. They assure the deal by oral promising of the celebrities. The summit was under the cover up of “promote the relationship of leaders”. The lie was broken up by the news that Michelle Obama did not attend the private meeting.

You Know Why Lady M Is Skippin' The Big China Summit, Don't You? Jelous

First lady diplomacy is also very important and the US side has failed to cooperate," he said. "According to normal diplomatic etiquette this is very strange. It shouldn't be like this.

If you know this is for a secret deal, then you won’t surprise. They don’t want a confidential meeting being interrupted by first lady.

The Feds need to finish a case before September. (When the FBI Chief Robert Mueller will retire) The unusual summit was held on 6/7. On that day, three relatives of my wife from Canada came to San Jose to live at my house. One of them was my wife’s niece attending a piano contest. Relatives say that though it was not a popular one, they came because we live here. I think that was arranged by the Feds. Next day my wife guided them a shopping tour in Great Mall.

Milpitas: Man killed in fight at Great Mall sporting goods store
By Eric Kurhiekurhi@mercurynews.commercurynews.com
Posted: 06/07/2013


I was alerted of this killing because when I go to Milpitas Library, I used to take a short cut through the parking lot of Great Mall.
776. My view on Boston bombing (6/21/2013)

1. I think Tarmalan Tsarnaev was a recruited informant of FBI whom was used to infiltrate the Chechen rebel group.

Former FBI Employee: Bombers Could Have Been Recruited By FBI
April 24, 2013

Former FBI employee Sibel Edmonds believes the pursuit of truth will eventually lead to a far more secret agenda by the US, which she reveals to RT.


2. Tarmalan was discovered by Russian intelligence. He lost his value as an informant. That was why he and his brother were sacrificed when the Feds needed some scapegoat in Boston bombing case.

3. Since Tsarnaev brothers were framed as suspects in Boston bombing case, they have to be dead so no one could challenge the truth of government story.

4. The fate of Tsarnaev brothers.

On April 18, FBI released the photo of suspects while Tsarnaev brothers were arranged in a meeting trap which later was described as a carjacking (As informants they had to answer any call from the Feds). To justify their death, the Feds also created a mysterious death of a MIT police. As a result, Tarmalan was pronounced dead, though other news showed a naked man arrested by police was Tarmalan.

- Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, the mother of the alleged bombers, claims the men were “framed by the authorities” and that the video of a naked man being arrested on the night the suspects were captured, which authorities claim was an unrelated individual who was later released, was in fact Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The video shows an uninjured man being led to a squad car, whereas police claim Tsarnaev was badly injured when he was captured and later died in the hospital.

However, Dzhokhar managed to escape for some time. To prevent a witness speaking out the truth, the Feds activated 10,000 police to search the escapee. Such unprecedented action may indicate how scary the Feds were to the truth. You also can see due to the scare of truth, they made Dzhokhar unspeakable. Some news said Dzhokhar was shot in the throat and had tongue damage. Some news said his throat was cut by knife.

Anyhow, the Feds need “confession” to justify a framed case. So unspeakable Dzhokhar admitted
"the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan motivated him and his brother to carry out the attack," according to “U.S. officials familiar with the interviews." The sources said that Tsarnaev had "acknowledged his role in planting the explosives near the marathon finish line on April 15."

5. Turning point. The brothers’s parents are in Russia. They revealed the lie of FBI that they knew nothing about Tarmalan before bombing. The parents aggressively accused “set up” plot by FBI. At last, to quite the parents of Dzhokhar, there was a compromise.

Dzhokhar contradicts reports of confession, claims innocence

By Ralph Lopez Jun 2, 2013
Last Friday the AP reported:

"The remaining suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings has recovered enough to walk and assured his parents in a phone conversation that he and his slain brother were innocent, their mother told the Associated Press."

6. Scapegoat in FBI.
Tsarnaev bothers should be dead in Boston bombing plot. Dzhokhar survives which brings a lot of embarrassment for FBI. Some people have to take responsibility.

FBI Agents Killed in Virginia Were Investigating the Boston Bombing
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Two FBI agents died in a “fall” from a helicopter in Virginia this week. Days later it has emerged that these agents were involved in the arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.

Please ignore Katsung47 attempt to hi jack this thread for his own never ending conspiracy lists. Ignore him, as I do.