I don't know what it will take. Your right, that when some gal or guy is working three minimum wage jobs, the system just wears them down. I think there's a good reason cons don't like higher education, free education and healthcare, and minimum wage hikes. They want a permanent pool of undereducated, lower paid workers.
I think all the activist movements could do a better job of fostering solidarity and collective action. Environmental justice is becoming a bigger thing in california, to address the issues related to environmental degradation in disenfranchised communities. They can't just be focusing on the spotted owl, or whatever.
Yeah, a draft might be the only thing to get people of all classes to opposed McCain's war in iraq.
Yeah we are way past the spotted owl. I think that might grow into a very powerful movement, though, I don’t know that it’s in time to really do much about global warning. We will see. The draft, forget about it. The middle class would not only march on Washtington, but they’d burn it down.