No, it isn't.
If it were there wouldn't have been restrictions such as land ownership on voting rights when the nation was first created. The idea that we all have an equal shot to make it did create the nation, but the idea that the rich should give all they have to equalize things did not.
You can pretend that the rich guys who helped create the nation really wanted to have all their money taken from them by force and given to others, but you would just be pretending.
Another nation supposedly started that way, it doesn't exist anymore.
Damo there reasons were flawed for chosing only landowners. You have to keep in the what society was like at the time to understand their failings.
It was not because thought the landless would steal their stuff it was because they thought the landless had not proved themselves knowledgable enough to have an independent mind. Adams actually thought they would just vote whatever way their landlord told them to vote.