On the impossibility of abiogenesis

So, you admit defeat. I graciously accept your unconditional surrender. Have a nice day.

Hey, no problem.

If you want to think of what I wrote as indicative of defeat...and surrender (unconditional or not)...

...knock yourself out.

Essentially, you are proffering an ontological argument for the existence of a god. NO ontological argument in that direction has ever held water...not even a drop. Ontological arguments require assertions that cannot be established...mostly, but not necessarily, because they are too universal.

Your poorly worded and ambiguous, "Nothing comes from nothing" is an example.

And...I am still waiting for an answer to the question I asked in my #25.
Oh there are more fails here then an argument from authority logical fallacy. The premise of linked document is loaded with strawmen logical fallacies too. Not to mention an attempt to change the ground rules of science to include non natural causation. I don't know if I have the time or energy to go over the linked document and point out all the many blunders. Besides, what would be the point? Would it change the mind of an ID supporter? I doubt it.

Ultimately the single most important fail of the ID crowd is they don't provide any interesting or productive predictions that can be tested empirically. It has no practical use and no theoretical standing. To even debate it is, IMHO, a waste of time. What purpose would it serve other than to demonstrate ID Creationism as an example of a psuedo-science like Astrology, Torsion Field Physics, Non-Materialist Neuroscience or Psychokenisis.

ID is exactly as valid as those "sciences." But like you said, no amount of logic, facts, or teaching is going to change the mind of an IDer.
Well that's the absurd paradox of your argument. Who then created the creator of these intelligent men and where is the objective and empirical evidence for this creator? Good luck with that one. LOL If you can't provide that evidence than what you are talking about is something other than science.

specious argument from a specious source......or to phrase it differently, "God doesn't need a creator you stupid fuck"...........
Your arguments are poorly reasoned and based on logical fallacies, have no empirical data to support them, misrepresent the findings of science, attempt to change the definition of science, have predetermined a conclusion where you've cherry picked arguments to support your predetermined conclusion and do not draw conclusions based on empirical observation, testing and fact. .

that pretty much covers abiogenesis in a nutshell.....
Hey, no problem.

If you want to think of what I wrote as indicative of defeat...and surrender (unconditional or not)...

...knock yourself out.

Essentially, you are proffering an ontological argument for the existence of a god. NO ontological argument in that direction has ever held water...not even a drop. Ontological arguments require assertions that cannot be established...mostly, but not necessarily, because they are too universal.

Your poorly worded and ambiguous, "Nothing comes from nothing" is an example.

And...I am still waiting for an answer to the question I asked in my #25.

No. What I did was provide evidence on how abiogenesis is impossible. No one has even attempted to refute it yet. So you deflect and use childish arguments. And how is the statement "Nothing comes from nothing" ambiguous? It is a scientific fact. Can something come from nothing? The answer is a resounding no. Thus, nothing comes from nothing.
That may be true for all I know..and this is the part you can't deal with...but it isn't science. :)

science says that matter had a beginning and therefore needs a cause.......logically science would lead us to conclude that something non material would not need a beginning or a cause.....
No. What I did was provide evidence on how abiogenesis is impossible.

You have asserted that abiogenesis IS IMPOSSIBLE.

You provided dubious evidence that it is POSSIBLE it is IMPOSSIBLE...which is to say that it is POSSIBLE.

I thank you for that.

No one has even attempted to refute it yet.

Several people have. You simply do not want to acknowledge that we have.

So you deflect and use childish arguments.

I am not deflecting and I am not using childish arguments.

And how is the statement "Nothing comes from nothing" ambiguous?

Think about the statement "There is nothing to fear."

Is that meant to say..."The things you fear are not worth the fear"...or is it meant to be an almost unbearable threat...that the one thing you HAVE TO FEAR...is "nothing."

Nothing comes from nothing is that sort of thing.

You may not be able to do the brain work...and if not, you have my sympathies.

It is a scientific fact.

If you meant it the way I think you meant it...then IT IS NOT A SCIENTIFIC FACT.

It is merely an unsubstantiated assertion on your part.

You do a lot of that.

Can something come from nothing?

I DO NOT KNOW...and neither do you.

Stop assuming we have all the answers. It is close to certain we are not even near to having all the answers.

The answer is a resounding no.

Only to someone being stone-headed...or incapable of logical thought.

The proper answer is: I do not know.

Thus, nothing comes from nothing.

Yeah, assertion #1; assertion #2...and a laughable conclusion.

You are not that good at this. And even people who were very, very good at it...failed.
That may be true for all I know..and this is the part you can't deal with...but it isn't science. :)

science says that matter had a beginning and therefore needs a cause.......logically science would lead us to conclude that something non material would not need a beginning or a cause.....yet atheists still pretend "who created the creator" is a logical question and somehow is a show stopper.......its not, its simply an irrational throw away.......
science says that matter had a beginning and therefore needs a cause.......logically science would lead us to conclude that something non material would not need a beginning or a cause.....yet atheists still pretend "who created the creator" is a logical question and somehow is a show stopper.......its not, its simply an irrational throw away.......

All of your magical thinking is irrational, PMP.
No. What I did was provide evidence on how abiogenesis is impossible. No one has even attempted to refute it yet. So you deflect and use childish arguments. And how is the statement "Nothing comes from nothing" ambiguous? It is a scientific fact. Can something come from nothing? The answer is a resounding no. Thus, nothing comes from nothing.
No you didn't. You made an argument. You provided no evidence. Certainly no empirical evidence.
Big Fucking Bang......
No. That's an explanation for the beginning of the Universe. That's not the same. It's entirely possible that the "Big Bang" is an endless cycle of death and rebirth of the universe over vast times and distances where matter/energy changes form and the law of conservation is kept.