no.....he's an idiot.......nothing further to see in his posts.....

no.....he's an idiot.......nothing further to see in his posts.....
only if linguistics is a science........God is defined in the Christian religion as a being with no beginning and no end......does it surprise you we are not shaken by an argument that God must have a beginning......apparently YOU think that is a scientific conclusion (a great source of amusement to the rest of us).......
I thought the answer would be obvious when I started out with the word "no".......did you find that too complicated?.....
Using your Sherlock Holmes quote, how could Genesis be the first when the cuneiform tablets at Ras Shamra and Dilmun are far older?
No fair. Now you are asking him to think!
Fundamentalists and literalists do a lot of damage .. and drive people away from faith in God.
I gotta say that I have many friends and relatives who are "people of faith"...which is to say they suppose there is a GOD...and use that GOD as a source to set a moral compass.
I have no problem with them at all. Most are decent people who are living life as best they can...and most can be counted on when a friend is needed. Same thing goes for the atheists and agnostic friends I have.
But there is something about the Internet that brings out qualities in so-called Christians...that seem to spit in the face of most of the teachings of Jesus. Don't know why that is...but, yeah...there are people who call themselves Christians who do more damage to Christianity than anything non-Christians do in that regard.
because the universe is a material thing and must comply with the laws of science regarding material things......If you god can be something without a "beginning"...why can THE UNIVERSE not be something without a beginning?
Using your Sherlock Holmes quote, how could Genesis be the first when the cuneiform tablets at Ras Shamra and Dilmun are far older?
Fundamentalists and literalists do a lot of damage .. and drive people away from faith in God.
because the universe is a material thing and must comply with the laws of science regarding material things......
You are sure about that, right?
There appears to be nothing actually here. Even Albert Einstein mentioned that reality is an illusion, albeit, a persistent illusion.
I expect the scientists of 1000 years ago will find you just as amusing as scientists today......The "science" of today...1000 years from now...will probably be looked at the way we look at the "science" of 1000 years ago.
/shrugs......atheists are for more literalist than most who believe in God......atheists do no damage to anyone other than themselves........
You are sure about that, right?
There are scientists who disagree. They think everything in this thing we humans call "the universe" is just energy...a type of energy we don't even understand yet.
Molecules are composed of atoms; atoms are composed of sub atomic particles...and what then? Where does it end? What particles can we be sure cannot be halved?
There appears to be nothing actually here. Even Albert Einstein mentioned that reality is an illusion, albeit, a persistent illusion.
And what on Earth makes you suppose we humans have answered all the questions regarding what can or cannot be?
The "science" of today...1000 years from now...will probably be looked at the way we look at the "science" of 1000 years ago.
yes......unlike you I don't have to resort to mere beliefs......I have science at my back.....
sorry, I don't agree with that mystic crap you believe.....I think it is better to speak of how science describes the way the human eye picks up light waves.....
I expect the scientists of 1000 years ago will find you just as amusing as scientists today......
oh that's don't believe you believe do you.....
The Bible was written for Bronze Age people..
MY GUESS: Even some Bronze Age people thought it to be too fanciful; even some Bronze Age people took it to be mythology.